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Никита Корчагин - iOS development information

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Page 1: Никита Корчагин - iOS development information

Источники знаний iOS разработчика

Где черпать знания начинающему iOS разработчику и где найти информацию для дальнейшего развития

Page 2: Никита Корчагин - iOS development information


Page 3: Никита Корчагин - iOS development information

CS 193P iPhone Application Development

•Provides by Stanford University

•Video and slides available on iTunes U

•Great way to start developing for iOS


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•Object-Oriented Programming

•Programming Experience (This is an upper-level CS course)

•CS106A&B required, CS107 recommended (more about this later...)

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CS 106A: Programming Methodology•Video available on iTunes U


•Mehran Sahami

•OOP by examples


•Karel the robot


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CS 106B: Programming Abstractions•Video available on iTunes U (2008)

•Julie Zelenski

•Complex data structures, classes and templates, recursion....

•Problem-solving skills



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CS 107:Programming Paradigms

•Video available on iTunes U (2008)

•Jerry Cain

•Lower-level C constructs, memory management, high-level C++ constructs, concurrent programming

•C/C++ & basic Python, JavaScript, and C# syntax


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CS 193P: iPhone Application Programming

•Evan Doll and Alan Cannistraro

•Spring 2009, only iPhone, XCode 3

•SQLite without Core Data

•Address Book Framework

•Unit testing and localization

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CS 193P: iPhone Application Development

•Alan Cannistraro and Josh Shaffer

•Winter 2010, only iPhone, XCode 3

•Introduce Core Data

•Bonjour, NSStream, GameKit, OpenGL ES basics

•Designing for the iPad (Evan Doll)

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CS 193P: Developing Apps iOS•Paul Hegarty

•Fall 2010, iPhone/iPad Universal apps, XCode 3

•Gesture Recognizers, Core Data with UIKit

•Blocks, GCD, animations with blocks

•Accessibility in iOS

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CS 193P: iPad and iPhone App Development

•Paul Hegarty

•Fall 2011, iPhone/iPad , XCode 4, iOS 5

•ARC, Storyboards, Segues

•iCloud, UIManagedDocument

•Automated testing

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Coding Together: Developing Apps for iPhone and iPad

•Paul Hegarty

•Winter 2013, iPhone/iPad , XCode 4, iOS 6

•Attributed Strings, Collection View

•Layout, Autorotation

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Developing iOS 8 Apps with Swift

•Paul Hegarty

•Winter 2014-2015, iPhone/iPad , XCode 6, iOS 8


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iTunes U for iOS

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Start Developing iOS Apps Todayhttps://developer.apple.com/library/ios/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/RoadMapiOS/

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Advanced iPhone Development

•Madison Area Technical College, Dr. Brad Larson

•Spring 2010 and Fall 2010, XCode 3

•Course aims to answer the question: "What next?"

•Core Animation, Core Data, OpenGL ES, multithreading, iPad-specific development

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iOS Development Videos

•Provides by apple developer center

•iPhone Tech Talk World Tour 2009, 2011

•Learn about iOS essentials, techniques and best practices from the experts

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iPhone Development Advanced

•iPhone Tech Talk World Tour 2009

•Not available at developer.apple.com

•16 lectures

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WWDC 2010

•Great lectures by experts from Apple

•iPhone, iPad, Mac OS X (110 videos + Keynote)

• Frameworks, Web development, Developer Tools, Graphic Design, Core OS, Tests...

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WWDC 2011

•iOS, OS X (108 videos + Keynote)

•iOS 5

• Frameworks, Web development, Developer Tools, Graphic Design, Core OS, Tests...

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WWDC 2012

•iOS, OS X

•iOS 6

• Frameworks, Web development, Developer Tools, Graphic Design, Core OS, Tests...

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WWDC 2013

•iOS, OS X

•iOS 7

• Frameworks, Web development, Developer Tools, Graphic Design, Core OS, Tests...

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WWDC 2014

•iOS, OS X

•iOS 8

• Frameworks, Web development, Developer Tools, Graphic Design, Core OS, Tests...

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WWDC 2015

•iOS 9

•watchOS 2

•OS X El Capitan

• Frameworks, Web development, Developer Tools, Graphic Design, Core OS, Tests...

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WWDC 20xx

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Where do we go from here?•Apple documentation

•«Stack overflow»

•Blogs, twitter...

•Discussion forums


•Open Source Code (Github)

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Blogs•Cocoa is my girlfriend

•iDev recipes

•iOS/Web developer's Life in Beta

•Joris Kluivers

•Ole Begemann

•Ray Wenderlich

•Sam Soffes - Thoghts by Sam

•Cocoa Manifest


•Pragmatic Studio

•Cocoa with love


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Links•iOS Frameworks

•iOS Inspires Me

•Cocoa objects


•Cocoa controls


•Swift weekly



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