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The world cup soccer, tourism and problems for desabilitie people

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- One million people with disabilities will be circulating the 12 cities hosting the World Cup Soccer. Our cities in Brazil are prepared; tourism, its infrastructure and superstructure; animation and its complementary structure are in conditions??

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V.1, january 2014 Author: Fernando Zornitta1

In Brazil, as in most South American cities, people with disabilities wereinvisible and cast away from full citizenship for centuries and one of the mainproblems is that the cities, with the uncontrolled growth and thought onlypeople in good condition health, left the legacy of a lack of physicalaccessibility, which sedimented in numerous barriers2 to this segment ofpeople

The increasing migration from rural areas, the uncontrolled growth withoutplanning and slums in cities, are realities that contribute to the generationand proliferation of these barriers .

While advances laws and international agreements, Brazil, host of the WorldCup in 2014, has failed to provide universal accessibility3; meet domestic law4

1 Architect and Urban Planner, Tourism Specialist (WTO-ONU/Roma-IT), Specialist in Leisure andRecreation (ESEF-UFRGS/Porto Alegre - BR ), Accessibility Consultant and Member of the PermanentForum for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities.

2 Artificial barriers found in cities come from the elements of urbanization poorly made, poorly locatedor damaged (example, inadequate or irregular holes, poorly located and flagged poles, irregular paving- among others); street furniture poorly constructed, poorly deployed or damaged (example, bus stops,public phones, park benches - among others); construction in road system (example, for opening roads,sanitation, subways - among others); trade and street and informal services - which usually is located inthe spaces and thoroughfares; trade and regular services (example, by exposure to materials inpavements, the "containers" to sell everything - newsstands and magazines, phone cards, juice andsnacks - including other); events in public places - that normally occur without due concern foruniversal accessibility; afforestation or without planning and management - that generate barriers andirregularities; cars and vehicles - occupying sidewalks and areas unsuitable as parking, the variousmaterials deposited on roads and public spaces - such as building materials, debris, objects, garbage -which has no separation, storage, collection and proper allocation and excluded population - seekinghousing and living on the streets, occupies ponds, squares and streets .

3 To all persons on an equal basis , regardless of their physical condition and health .

4 Especially Brazilian Decree 5296/2004 and NBR9050 of Acessibility.

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nor international treaties5 and all Brazilian cities are without this conditionfull accessibility and restrict the lives of everyone. The most affected aresegments of the elderly, disabled, obese, pregnant women, who go throughmany difficulties to exercise their rights and take advantage of the facilities,equipment, buildings of cities on equal terms .

According to the World Report on Disability WHO/UN and World Bank,2011, the number of PWDs on the planet is more than one billion people -nearly 15 % of the world population - 80 % of those living in developingcountries, but in Brazil is 23.9 % - 45.6 million people have some form ofdisability and of these 38.5 million living in cities and 67.2 % of the elderlyover 65 years. In the northeast, the rate is 26 % of the population, in CearaRegion is 27.7 % - 2,340,000 people, one of the highest rates in the countryand in the city of Fortaleza City is more than 25 % of the whole population;near 700 000 people , according to the sense of the 2010 IBGE6.

The 12 Brazilian cities that will host World Cup Soccer FIFA cared for urbanmobility and opened the paths of these airports to the hotels and to thestadium, but not prepared to offer the minimum conditions for the broadspectrum of cities, regions and that tourism enables creation of forms alsoserve these segments of people .

The centers of trade and services of Brazilian cities are the example of lack ofaccessibility, where barriers7 prevent the free movement and pose danger topassersby. Although this condition may exist in some, the effort to promoteaccessibility and eliminate these barriers, retarded still prevails the culture ofdisrespect, lack of civility and cities, its spaces and buildings remain prioritizedfor normal people without disabilities .

5 Especially the UN Convention on the Law of Persons with Disabilities

6 Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics

7 In the author's study, with bases in 8000 photographic records held in the city of Fortaleza/Brazil,published a text entitled ACCESSIBLE CITY, IN SEARCH OF THE WAYS OF URBANITY AND UNIVERSALRIGHTS and as a result - Segmentation of Barriers - proved the typology of the main barriers found inthis and in all the cities, compared to photographic records obtained also in several other cities.

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It is a cultural issue that needs rooted perennial actions; projects andprograms by the government, society and its institutions for the medium andlong term have our cities under conditions of universal accessibility, good forthe resident and the visitor .

Sports tourism is one among dozens of human motivations that give the startto the tourist activity, and those who visit us to watch the games, walk aboutduring the World Cup host cities and infrastructure will be used and thetourist superstructure, complementary and animation structure and services;much of the internal and external tourism, however people with disabilitiescan not live and interact in the touristic and cultural context of most localitiesand towns in the lack of accessibility.

Tourism is an activity that promotes regional effects, which attracts a specificmotivations and different landscapes, which could bring economic, social andsocio-cultural exchange benefits that tourism provides an opportunity for thevisitor interaction with the inhabitants and also for the region but the vastmajority of cities are not prepared for it and not offer the minimumconditions for such.

Estimates indicate that close to 1 million PWDs will be circulating to watchthe games and see the country, but the vast majority of cities are preventedfrom welcome these segments of people by lack of access conditions, especiallythose with limited mobility and deficiencies. It was not for lack of time toprovide such a condition, since Brazil was chosen for this mega event.

The Brazil forward in its economy and international tourism as receiver, butslow in adapting and promoting a shift from the cultural standards of itspeople, institutions and entrepreneurs, who volunteered for universalaccessibility - on equal terms for all people, regardless of their physicalcondition and health.

The country also receive the Olympic Games in 2016 in Rio de Janeiro; mostprepared city for tourism, but it also abounds in problems of all orders. ForRio, and 4 years of the event, there is still time to make good on the pictureto see and offer universal accessibility, but in the World Cup, sorry fans in the

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elderly, disabled or handicapped, not have more time to offer them thisessential condition for any human being and the comfort, security andindependence of our distinguished visitors, who will face this problem.

The sport, which is not only for peace - as Nelson Mandela said, it can help inthe evolution of mankind and the man and leave important legacies, whilecontributing to the improvement of the physical, environmental and humanhealth conditions, for improved quality of life of communities where it ispracticed and where events occur.

The FIFA World Cup could have been the catalyst accessibility, but completeinsensitivity and failure of municipalities, other governmental agencies and theentire society , will not be . Minimally exist only to support the games.

Complementary infrastructure and animation tourism context; basic andessential to the tourist, as taxi services tailored trade and services, will be invery poor and short of the expectation of the grandeur of the event and thecountry, and did not provide the conditions for a significant proportion ofvisitors.

Lose tourism, lose Brazil, which will prove to the world without the respectthat all people deserve, regardless of their physical and health conditions .

This does not appear on screen during the greatest show on earth: that in thejingoism of the large circus ball and not to displease the promoter - FIFA -and their sponsors, only the good side will be shown and hidden in the dirtunder the carpet .

But who has any problems or physical disabilities and mobility come, see andfeel this reality

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