Page | 1 INNOVATE UK - COMPETITION OPEN / CLOSE DATES & SUMMARY Energy game changer - (Pages 4 - 5) Competition for technical feasibility study funding Opens: 29 Mar 2016 Registration closes: 04 May 2016 Closes: 11 May 2016 Programme: Launchpad Digital innovation in the sharing economy - (Pages 6 - 8) Opens: 07 Mar 2016 Registration closes: No deadline Closes: 12 Apr 2016 Programme: IC tomorrow New vaccines for global epidemics: development and manufacture (Pages 9-11) Competition for Small Business Research Initiative funding Opens: 29 Feb 2016 Registration closes: 27 Apr 2016 Closes: 04 May 2016 Programme: SBRI Synthetic biology for novel materials - (Pages 12 - 13) Competition for Small Business Research Initiative funding Opens: 21 Jan 2016 Registration closes: No deadline Closes: 14 Apr 2016 Programme: SBRI

TCI Pathway - Innovate UK competition information

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Energy game changer - (Pages 4 - 5)

Competition for technical feasibility study funding

Opens: 29 Mar 2016

Registration closes: 04 May 2016

Closes: 11 May 2016

Programme: Launchpad

Digital innovation in the sharing economy - (Pages 6 - 8)

Opens: 07 Mar 2016

Registration closes: No deadline

Closes: 12 Apr 2016

Programme: IC tomorrow

New vaccines for global epidemics: development and manufacture (Pages 9-11)

Competition for Small Business Research Initiative funding

Opens: 29 Feb 2016

Registration closes: 27 Apr 2016

Closes: 04 May 2016

Programme: SBRI

Synthetic biology for novel materials - (Pages 12 - 13)

Competition for Small Business Research Initiative funding

Opens: 21 Jan 2016

Registration closes: No deadline

Closes: 14 Apr 2016

Programme: SBRI

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Detection and treatment of hearing loss and tinnitus - (Pages 14 - 15)

Competition for Small Business Research Initiative funding

Opens: 21 Jan 2016

Registration closes: No deadline

Closes: 21 Apr 2016

Programme: SBRI

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships- (Pages 16 - 17)

Scheme to help businesses innovate and grow

Opens: 24 Nov 2015

Registration closes: No deadline

Closes: 31 Mar 2017

Programme: Knowledge Transfer Partnership

India–UK collaborative industrial research and development competition:

Clean-tech, affordable healthcare and ICT- (Pages 18 - 19)

Competition for R&D funding

Opens: 09 Nov 2015

Registration closes: 13 Apr 2016

Closes: 20 Apr 2016

Programme: International Programme

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Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) Strategic Research and Technology

Projects- (Pages 20 - 21)

Research and technology projects

Opens: 01 Apr 2013

Registration closes: No deadline

Closes: 31 Mar 2020

Programme: Collaborative research and


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Energy game changer

Status: Open

Key features: Investment of up to £2 million in technical feasibility studies to

encourage new entrants to the energy sector and stimulate the adoption of disruptive


Programme: Launchpad

Award: Up to £2 million

Opens: 29 Mar 2016, 09:00

Registration closes: 04 May 2016, 12:00

Closes: 11 May 2016, 12:00

Support phone number: 0300 321 4357

Registration is required to enter this competition. Please note that registration will

close 1 week before the competition application deadline.

SUMMARY Innovate UK is to invest up to £1.5 million in technical feasibility studies to encourage new entrants to the energy sector and stimulate the adoption of disruptive technologies. Up to a further £500,000 is also available from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) for support of relevant projects.

The aim of this competition is to find innovative solutions to long-standing challenges

faced by the energy sector. Innovate UK believe that game- changing technologies

can solve these problems, either by the development of completely new ideas or

through technology transfer from other sectors. They are therefore seeking

proposals that are led by innovative SMEs, which can provide disruptive solutions to

the challenges that are in the scope of the competition.

In order to encourage novel and radical solutions, projects must be led by an SME

whose main business lies outside the energy sector. They can work alone or

collaboratively with partners of any size from any sector.

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Small businesses could receive up to 70% of their eligible project costs, medium-

sized businesses up to 60% and large business partners up to 50%. It would be

expected that projects last 6 to 12 months and to range in size from total costs of

£25,000 to £100,000, although they may consider projects outside this range.


This competition will fund projects led by SMEs whose main business lies outside

the energy sector.

Applications are particularly encouraged from businesses engaged in, but not limited to:

Innovate UK will also welcome technology transfer proposals from other sectors, such as:

inspection ICT digital sensors virtual reality gaming robotics autonomous systems advanced materials manufacturing

defence aerospace automotive telecommunications forensics medical space creative industries

Innovate UK are looking for radical, innovative and cost-effective ideas that

contribute completely, or in part, to solving any of the following challenges in oil and

gas, nuclear or energy systems.

Taking inspection to the limit

Dealing with data

Engaging in energy

Key dates

Competition opens 29 March 2016

Briefing event 6 April 2016

Registration deadline noon 4 May 2016

Deadline for video submissions noon 11 May 2016

Deadline for invited written proposals noon 7 July 2016

Pitch sessions 5–7 September 2016

Further guidance available includes:

Energy game changer - competition brief

Energy game changer - competition guidance

Information webinar held on 11th December – recording

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Digital innovation in the sharing economy

Status: Open

Key features: Innovate UK is offering 6 businesses up to £30,000 (excluding VAT)

each to encourage innovation in the sharing economy, across the themes of trust,

tourism and travel, opening up new sectors, home improvement, construction, and

data and analytics.

Programme: IC tomorrow

Award: Up to £30,000 for each project

Opens: 07 Mar 2016, 09:00

Registration closes: No deadline

Closes: 12 Apr 2016, 12:00

Support phone number: 0300 321 4357


Innovate UK is offering 6 businesses up to £30,000 (excluding VAT) each to

encourage innovation in the sharing economy, across the themes of trust, tourism

and travel, opening up new sectors, home improvement, construction, and data and


The contest

Through their IC tomorrow programme, Innovate UK are looking for proposals from

companies with innovative digital ideas relevant to the sharing economy. The

companies will not only benefit from funding, but also have the opportunity to

collaborate with commercial partners to accelerate development of their


Innovate UK want to see digital solutions with potential appeal to a wide commercial

market. Successful applicants will be expected to trial their proposed solutions with

their industry partners for at least 3 months.

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The challenges

They are looking for innovative solutions to address one of their 6 contest challenges

within the themes of trust, tourism and travel, opening up new sectors, home

improvement, construction, and data and analytics. The solutions should explore

ways of stimulating growth in digital innovation in the sharing economy.

Challenge 1

Trust in the sharing economy

Partner: Sharing Economy UK

Challenge 2

Next-generation tourism and travel in the sharing economy

Partner: Airbnb

Challenge 3

New sectors for the sharing economy

Partner: Nesta

Challenge 4

Sharing innovation in home improvement

Partner: Kingfisher (owner of brands such as B&Q and Castorama)

Challenge 5

Sustainable construction

Partner: Crossrail

Challenge 6

Data and analytics for sharing economy cities

Partners: Peterborough City Council and Cranfield University

NOTE: Standard guidance rules do not apply to this competition, please refer to

specific guidance.

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Key dates

Contest opens Monday 7 March 2016

Briefing event Wednesday 16 March 2016 – London

Submission deadline noon Tuesday 12 April 2016

Finalists notified Friday 6 May 2016

Practice pitch sessions held in London

Tuesday 10 May 2016 – for all


Monday 16 May 2016 – one-to-one


Tuesday 17 May 2016 – one-to-one


Final panel session Thursday 26 May 2016

Winners announced Friday 3 June 2016

Trials launched spring 2017

Further guidance available includes:

Digital innovation in the sharing economy - competition brief

Digital innovation in the sharing economy - competition guidance

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New vaccines for global epidemics: development and manufacture

Status: Open

Key features: The Department of Health is to invest up to £10 million in two

competition streams in line with the priorities identified by the UK Vaccine Network.

Programme: SBRI

Award: Up to £10 million

Opens: 29 Feb 2016, 00:00

Registration closes: 27 Apr 2016, 12:00

Closes: 04 May 2016, 12:00

Support phone number: 0300 321 4357


The Department of Health is to invest up to £10 million in two competition streams

in line with the priorities identified by the UK Vaccine Network.

This SBRI competition aims to stimulate the development of:

vaccine for priority infectious diseases

vaccine platform technology

manufacturing technologies that would allow for the rapid manufacture of

vaccines in low-income settings

The competition will be in 2 streams.

In stream 1 up to £6 million is available for exploring scientific and technical

feasibility. This stream is mainly aimed at the development of vaccines and vaccine

technology that is still some way from being ready to be used in phase I human

trials. Individual contracts will be for up to £500,000, to be spent within 12 months of

contract award. Depending on the success of projects from this stream, the

Department of Health will consider further major awards to progress product


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In stream 2 up to £4 million is available to projects at a more advanced stage of

development. This stream is mainly aimed at candidate vaccines that are now, or will

soon be, ready for phase I human trials and manufacturing technology that could

potentially be commercially viable in the near future. Individual contracts for this

stream will be for £500,000 to £1 million, to be spent within 18 months of contract

award. Projects with higher or lower costs will also be considered on a case-by-case


The competition is open to all organisations that can demonstrate that their product

or work has a realistic route to market, whether in the short or long term. Successful

organisations will attract a 100% funded development contract.This competition is

wholly funded by Official Development Assistance (ODA). This means that while

work on projects can be carried out in high-income countries, there must be a clear

explanation of how the research/project will benefit those in low-income countries.

The Department of Health recognises that there is no time to lose in the

development of candidate vaccines, vaccine platform technology and vaccine

manufacturing technology to combat priority infectious diseases. As such, there is

particular interest in projects that can begin rapidly and have the potential to spend

significant amounts of the contract award in calendar year 2016.


This competition will support projects seeking to develop vaccines, vaccine platform

technologies and manufacturing technologies that will enable an effective, rapid

response during future outbreaks of the following pathogens: Chikungunya,

Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever, Dengue Virus, Ebola, Hantavirus, Lassa,

Marburg, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Nipah, Plague, Q Fever, Rift Valley

Fever and Zika.

Please note in this competition projects covering the following are not funded:

new agents/technologies not related to the diseases listed above

discovery of wholly new immunisation agents

development of agents for animal disease that cannot demonstrate a clear

impact on human health

Key dates

Competition opens 29 February 2016

Briefing event 11 March 2016

Registration deadline 27 April 2016 noon

Deadline for applications 4 May 2016 noon

Contracts awarded September 2016

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Further guidance available includes:

New vaccines for global epidemics: development and manufacture - competition brief

New vaccines for global epidemics: development and manufacture - invitation to tender

New vaccines for global epidemics: development and manufacture - FAQs New vaccines for global epidemics: development and manufacture -

competition guidance New vaccines for global epidemics: development and manufacture –

11th March webinar recording

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Synthetic biology for novel materials

Status: Open

Key features: This CDE themed competition seeks ambitious concepts to exploit the

power of biological systems to make complex materials and the fundamental tools of

molecular biology to manipulate such systems.

Programme: SBRI

Award: £750,000 of funding is available for this Phase 1 competition. Up to £3

million will also be made available for Phase 2

Opens: 21 Jan 2016, 00:00

Registration closes: No deadline

Closes: 14 Apr 2016, 17:00 (Proposals must be submitted to CDE's online portal.)

Support phone number: 03067 704236


The Ministry of Defence's (MOD) Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE) funds

innovative research that could lead to a cost-effective capability advantage for UK

armed forces and national security.

£750,000 of funding is available for this Phase 1 competition. Up to £3 million will

also be made available for Phase 2. Funding will be considered on a per-project


This CDE themed competition is looking for synthetic biology approaches to produce

novel materials to address defence challenges. Novel materials with enhanced

performance in a variety of applications will enhance defence and security, while

also having civilian, commercial uses.

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This Phase 1 competition seeks proposals for short-term, highly innovative, proof-of-

concept research that bring together multidisciplinary teams of researchers who use

synthetic biology in the design and/or development of next-generation structural and

functional materials.

Proposals that aim to address the technical challenges associated with developing

the following solutions will be of particular interest:

protective applications, such as novel armour solutions

self-healing materials

enhanced resistance to corrosion

novel adhesives.

Further details and call documentation can be accessed via the CDE website

Application Process and supporting downloads

This competition is run by the Centre for Defence Enterprise, which has its own

application process and terms and conditions.

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Detection and treatment of hearing loss and tinnitus

Status: Open

Key features: This CDE themed competition seeks proof of concept research

proposals to develop solutions that monitor, diagnose, treat and restore noise-

induced hearing loss and tinnitus.

Programme: SBRI

Award: Up to £500,000

Opens: 21 Jan 2016, 00:00

Registration closes: No deadline

Closes: 21 Apr 2016, 17:00 (Proposals must be submitted to CDE's online portal.)

Support phone number: 03067 704236


The Ministry of Defence's (MOD) Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE) funds

innovative research that could lead to a cost-effective capability advantage for UK

armed forces and national security.

£500,000 of funding is available for this Phase 1 competition. Up to £500,000 will

also be made available for Phase 2. Funding will be considered on a per-project


The health and wellbeing of armed forces personnel throughout their career is vitally

important; one area of particular concern is the potential for hearing loss and tinnitus;

specifically, noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus.

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Many employees in the UK and worldwide are exposed to potentially harmful noise

levels at work, but in military service it's loud, impulsive noise that's a specific

occupational hazard. Effects can be short term or chronic, resulting in permanent

hearing loss and debilitating tinnitus. It can have adverse consequences for the

individual's operational service and, in some instances, can be life changing.

For MOD, there are significant consequences associated with safety,

communications and degradation of operational forces. MOD has a duty of care to

prevent injury by using protective measures; but also needs to maintain operational

effectiveness when injury does occur by diagnosing and treating as early and as

effectively as possible.

This CDE themed competition has 2 challenges:

Monitor and diagnose: they require proof-of-concept research proposals to

develop technologies to identify those at risk of injury to hearing, diagnose

hearing loss early, and objectively measure tinnitus.

Treat and restore: they require proof-of-concept research proposals to

develop interventions to stop hearing deterioration and/or restore hearing.

Further details and call documentation can be accessed via CDE's website

Application Process and supporting downloads

This competition is run by the Centre for Defence Enterprise, which has its own

application process and terms and conditions.

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Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

Status: Open

Key features: Scheme to help businesses innovate and grow by linking them with a

university and a graduate to work on a specific project.

Programme: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

Award: Varied

Opens: 24 Nov 2015, 15:00

Registration closes: No deadline

Closes: 31 Mar 2017, 15:00

Support phone number: 0300 321 4357


The Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) scheme helps businesses to innovate

and grow. It does this by linking them with a university and a graduate to work on a

specific project.

Each KTP is a three-way partnership between a business, an academic institution

and a graduate. The academic institution employs the recently-qualified graduate

who works at the company. The graduate, known as the ‘associate', brings new skills

and knowledge to the business.

A KTP can last between 12 and 36 months depending on the project and the needs

of the business. It is part-funded by a grant. The amount businesses need to

contribute is different for SMEs and larger companies.

2016 close dates for submission are:

11 May 2016

6 July 2016

7 September 2016

2 November 2016

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Applying for innovation funding

you can apply as a business if you are a company of any size or a not-for-

profit organisation

you can apply as an academic partner if you are a university, college or

research technology organisation

you can apply as an associate if you are a high-calibre recent graduate. You

must have the knowledge and skills to lead an innovative and strategic

business project

KTP for businesses

A KTP is part-funded by a grant. You will need to contribute to the cost of the

supervisor and the salary of the associate. The amount you will need to contribute

depends on the scale and length of the project. It will also depend on the size of your


If you already have a working relationship with a university, you should contact them.

Otherwise, you should get in touch with your local KTP adviser.

They will check the feasibility of your idea and tell you if it is suitable. They can also

help you find the right academic or researcher to work on your project.

KTP for academics

Contact the KTP office at your university to find out how to take part. They will work

with you and the business to scope out the project. They will also help you with your

application to Innovate UK.

KTP for graduates

You should contact the KTP office at your university to find out how to take part. You

can also find adverts for the latest KTP vacancies online and in:

university departments

career offices

recruitment websites

local newspapers

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India–UK collaborative industrial research and development competition: Clean-tech, affordable healthcare and ICT

Status: Open

Key features: Innovate UK and the Government of India are to invest up to £3.4

million in collaborative industrial research and development projects that propose

new commercial solutions to critical challenges impacting the socio-economic growth

and development of India in relation to its clean-tech, healthcare and ICT sectors.

Programme: International Programme

Award: Up to £3.4 million

Opens: 09 Nov 2015, 00:00

Registration closes: 13 Apr 2016, 12:00

Closes: 20 Apr 2016, 12:00

Support phone number: 0300 321 4357


Innovate UK and the Government of India are to invest up to £3.4 million in

collaborative industrial research and development projects that propose new

commercial solutions to critical challenges impacting the socio-economic growth and

development of India in relation to its clean-tech, healthcare and ICT sectors.

The UK investment has been made possible through the Department for Business,

Innovation and Skills-managed Newton Fund.

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The aim of the competition is to bring together companies (small to medium-sized

companies and/or larger businesses), research organisations, academics and other

collaborators from India and the UK for the joint research and development of new

solutions to key socio-economic challenges, in the form of innovative products,

processes or services. The principal market a project must consider is India.

Projects must be collaborative, involving both UK and Indian participants with both a

UK lead partner and an Indian lead partner. On the UK side, the lead partner must

be a business but other businesses or research organisations can collaborate as

partners in the consortium. The lead partner in India must be a business. Academic

institutions, research hospitals, other R&D institutes that are headquartered and

operate in India are encouraged to participate as co-investigators/partners.

We expect to fund mainly industrial research projects. For UK participants, small or

micro businesses could receive up to 70% of their eligible project costs, medium-

sized businesses 60% and large businesses 50%.

We expect total UK project costs to range in size from £350,000 to £450,000, and for

projects to last for up to 24 months.

The UK lead partner must submit an application on behalf of the entire consortium to

Innovate UK. The Indian lead partner must submit an identical application, again on

behalf of all participants, to the Global Innovation & Technology Alliance (GITA).

Key dates

Competition opens 9 November 2015

Deadline for registration noon UK time 13 April 2016

Deadline for applications noon UK time 20 April 2016

Supporting documents & links

India–UK collaborative industrial research and development competition -

competition guidance

Recording of 17 November briefing webinar

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Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) Strategic Research and Technology Projects

Status: Open

Key features: The purpose of the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) funding

programme is to identify industrial research projects in areas aligned with the ATI

strategy. Innovate UK is a delivery partner in this funding programme.

Programme: Collaborative research and development


Opens: 01 Apr 2013, 00:00

Registration closes: No deadline

Closes: 31 Mar 2020, 12:00

Support phone number: 0300 321 4357


The Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) R&D programme is a joint Government

and Industry investment. The programme is coordinated and managed by the

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Innovate UK and ATI working in


ATI ensures that projects are consistent with the technology strategy and

deliver maximum economic potential for the UK, providing strategic advice to

BIS on its part of the investment

BIS is accountable for the final decision regarding investments from

Government, as well as performing value for money assessments when


Innovate UK is the delivery partner for ATI R&D programmes, performing

independent assessment, issuing and managing contracts, and monitoring


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Supporting documents & links Innovate UK competition guidance

Application process

To facilitate smooth passage, prospective applicants are encouraged to discuss their

ideas with ATI as early as possible before developing initial outlines (as part of stage

1) to understand fit, clarify requirements and explore potential for broader

opportunities that both BIS and ATI may be aware of, as well as supporting a long-

term planning.

Contact to discuss a potential project submission can be made in writing

to [email protected] or through established ATI and BIS contacts.


Batch deadlines include:

23 September 2015 12 noon

13 January 2016 12 noon