Spring Term Issue : 4 Sports Newsletter St John’s Senior School Tel: 020 83660035 St. John’s Senior School North Lodge The Ridgeway Enfield Middlesex EN2 8BE Fitness Frenzy Sinc Contents: Pg 1 Fitness frenzy Pg 2 Fixture results Pg 3 Football and netball season overviews Pg 4 Swimming Gala Boxing & rugby PE fact file Pg 5 Fencing Netball trip Pg 6 Cricket Sports per- former of the month Summer clubs Recent reports have ranked our na- tion as the most obese in Europe and therefore we have decided to ensure that St John’s does not form part of these statistics. Our aim is for every pupil to understand that a healthy bal- anced lifestyle helps our everyday life as a young person or adult. Subsequently there has been a frenzy of fitness lessons this term, spe- cifically aimed at pupils in the 2nd up to and including 6th Form. 2nd Form pupils have been participating in circuit training recording their weekly scores on their new fitness record cards. 3rd Form have been focusing on fitness tests and a variety of methods of training. 2nd to 6th Form pupils have also had the opportuni- ty to select fitness as an option for their games afternoons by going to Furzefield gym for a workout using the cardiovascular and weights equipment and the Shokk gym for the under 16s. Most pupils have participated with a smile despite finding the exercises very strenuous. We encourage all pupils to use the Easter break to train for the next cross country event, which will be on Friday 6th May. Hand-eye- co-ordination test. Sit and reach flexibility test. Speed bounce. Fitness circuit training. Furzefield Shokk gym.

St johns prep and senior school sports newsletter spring 2011

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The spring 2011 edition of St Johns Prep and Senior school's Sports newsletter.

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Page 1: St johns prep and senior school sports newsletter spring 2011


Spring Term Issue : 4

Sports Newsletter

St John’s Senior School

Tel: 020 83660035

St. John’s Senior School North Lodge The Ridgeway

Enfield Middlesex EN2 8BE

Fitness Frenzy



Pg 1

Fitness frenzy

Pg 2

Fixture results

Pg 3 Football and

netball season


Pg 4

Swimming Gala

Boxing & rugby

PE fact file

Pg 5


Netball trip

Pg 6


Sports per-

former of the


Summer clubs

Recent reports have ranked our na-

tion as the most obese in Europe and therefore

we have decided to ensure that St John’s does

not form part of these statistics. Our aim is for

every pupil to understand that a healthy bal-

anced lifestyle helps our everyday life as a

young person or adult. Subsequently there has

been a frenzy of fitness lessons this term, spe-

cifically aimed at pupils in the 2nd up to and

including 6th Form. 2nd Form pupils have been

participating in circuit training recording their

weekly scores on their new fitness record

cards. 3rd Form have been focusing on fitness

tests and a variety of methods of training. 2nd

to 6th Form pupils have also had the opportuni-

ty to select fitness as an option for their games

afternoons by going to Furzefield gym for a

workout using the cardiovascular and weights

equipment and the Shokk gym for the under


Most pupils have participated with a smile despite

finding the exercises very strenuous. We encourage all

pupils to use the Easter break to train for the next cross

country event, which will be on Friday 6th May.


co-ordination test.

Sit and reach

flexibility test.

Speed bounce.

Fitness circuit


Furzefield Shokk gym.

Page 2: St johns prep and senior school sports newsletter spring 2011

Sports Newsletter


1st / 2nd Form

St John’s Vs King Alfred’s L 2 - 1

St John’s Vs St Aubyn’s L 5 - 1

St John’s Vs North London International

W 8 - 0 St Aubyn’s 6-a-side tournament (3rd


3rd / 4th Form

St John’s Vs Kings W 4 - 0

St John’s Vs King Alfred's W 2 - 1

St John’s Vs Northbridge W 9 - 1

St John’s Vs Sherradswood W 4 - 1

Seniors (5th/6th Form)

St John’s Vs Kings W 5 - 0

St John’s Vs King Alfred’s W 4 - 1

Fixture results GIRLS NETBALL RESULTS 1st Form St John’s Vs Chace W 13 - 3

St John’s Vs North London International

W 17 - 0

St John’s Vs Chancellors W 9 - 6

St John’s Vs Kings W 13 - 10

St John’s Vs St Anne’s L 5 - 2

St John’s Vs St Anne’s W 9 - 3

2nd Form St John’s Vs St Anne’s W 7 - 2

St John’s Vs Chancellors W 8 - 7

St John’s Vs Southgate W 4 - 2

St John’s Vs Highlands W 13 - 4

3rd Form St John’s Vs Oasis Hadley W 16 - 15

4th Form St John’s Vs North London International

W 19 - 2

St John’s Vs Kings W 13 - 8

St John’s Vs Latymer L 16 - 6

Seniors (5th / 6th Form) St John’s Vs Oasis Hadley W 12 - 8

St John’s Vs St Anne’s L 18 - 15

St John’s Vs Bishops Stopford W 48 - 5


1st / 2nd Form St John’s Vs Bishops Stopford D 0 - 0

St John’s Vs Highlands L 2 - 1

St John’s Vs St Anne’s L 2 - 0

The hockey team have had a difficult season due to hockey

being a new competitive sport at St John’s this year and the

girls all being beginners to hockey. The Enfield Borough

League we are in is a mixture of 1st-3rd Form girls from other

schools with more experience. Due to this we are continuing

hockey training out of season, in the summer term to work on

developing the skills ready for the start of the new season in

September. 18 Southgate

1st/2nd Form hockey team

W = Win for St John’s

D = Draw for St John’s

L = Loss for St John’s

Page 3: St johns prep and senior school sports newsletter spring 2011

Girls Netball

Page 3

Senior team players (pictured left);

Nicole Couzens © Gabrielle Tanner Rochea Dyer

Thi Chan Rebecca Metin Katie Lodge

Ria Ravel Dominique Tanner

Boys Football

4th Form netball team

1st Form netball team

The start of 2011 to the end of football

season has witnessed some outstanding perfor-

mances on the football field. No less than 37 goals

have been scored and a measly 11 goals conceded.

The 1st/2nd Form team have had a tough

season but performed admirably in the 6-a-side

tournament, finishing 3rd and capped the season

off nicely with a 8 - 0 victory over North London

International School.

The 3rd/4th Form team have remained

unbeaten and consequently have won the league.

Recent victories of 4 - 0 and 9 - 1 over Kings and

Northbridge respectively have been the highlights

of the season, showing the fantastic way they have

been playing this year.

The Senior team have also won the

league, recently destroying Kings and Northbridge

5 - 0 and 6 - 0 respectively.

A big congratulations to all three football

teams for their efforts this year!

This year has been extremely busy for girls netball, we have had

five teams all training on a weekly basis and playing competitive fixtures and

friendlies since the start of the season back in September. This term we

have had seventeen fixtures and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Form teams have all

played in the Enfield Borough end of season tournaments. This term the

goal shooters and goal attacks between them have scored an amazing 224

goals to the opponents 114. Over a hundred goals difference! Congratula-

tions and well done on an excellent season to all the girls who have partici-

pated in this year’s netball teams. A special mention goes to the Second

Form team for being unbeaten this year, consequently going through to the

final in the Enfield Borough League and winning by beating Highlands 13 - 4.

Finally, we wish to congratulate the Senior team who have played

to an extremely high standard this year, particularly against Bishops

Stopford with an outstanding win of 48 - 5. The girls have looked very

smart in the new Senior team netball kit. Many of the Senior team players

will be leaving St John’s this year to go into Further Education. Thank you

to all the Senior girls and I hope you continue to keep playing netball.

1st/2nd Form football team

Page 4: St johns prep and senior school sports newsletter spring 2011

1st Form Swimming Gala

Sports Newsletter

PE Fact File Results from fitness

testing can be used to;

Find out their cur-

rent position in

terms of fitness (a

benchmark to work


Indicate strengths

and weaknesses.

Predict future per-



Gain information to

inform the process

of writing a train-

ing/exercise pro-


Be able to monitor

any changes in fit-

ness and measure


Enable you to as-

sess the success of


Motivate the per-

son/help in setting


Boxing & Rugby 3rd and 4th Form have had the opportunity to

participate in boxing at Furzefield Gym. A number of the

boys have developed well and also conditioned in the skills

of sparring after training with Mr. Hodgson. Some of the

boys have also started sparring with each other.

Since September 1st Form pupils have been swimming every Monday morning. At the end

of the swimming unit of work pupils take part in a competitive swimming gala. This year the swim-

ming gala successfully took place at Furzefield swimming pool on Saturday 19th March.


Boys breaststroke Boys backstroke

Gold Brian Liao Gold Brian Liao

Silver Daniel Akinbobola Silver Christopher Vazanias

Bronze Adi Peretz Bronze Nicholas Behrouzi

Alex Jesset

Girls breaststroke Girls backstroke

Gold Georgia Newman Gold Phoebe O’Beirne

Silver Ellis Hobbs Silver Elle Millwood

Bronze Alice Burrett Bronze Alice Burett

Megan Morton

Boys frontcrawl House relay

Gold Christopher Vazanias 1st Toads

Silver Danielle Akinbobola 2nd Water rats

Bronze Alex Jesset 3rd Moles

4th Badgers

Girls frontcrawl

Gold Phoebe O’Beirne Overall gala points

Silver Megan Morton 1st Water rats

Bronze Elle Millwood 2nd Toads

3rd Moles

Boys butterfly 4th Badgers

Gold Brian Liao

Silver Alexander Evans

Throughout the last half term some of

the boys in 1st and 2nd Form have been playing

rugby during their Thursday games afternoon slot.

We have learnt how to pass, tackle, ruck, kick,

Henry Penhaligan & Mr Hodgson.

1st and 2nd Form boys have completed a block of

rugby and are now participating in boxing lessons. The aim

is to hit as well as improve fitness. However the challenge

is to refrain from being hit by your sparring partner during

fitness training. By the end of the block Mr. Hodgson

hopes that some boys will be sparring with each other

under conditioned rules. Mr. Hodgson hopes to introduce

boxing for girls in the summer term.

My favourite part was when we got to

tackle each other, also when we played the games

at the end.

Reported by Harry Clynch (pictured left)

Page 5: St johns prep and senior school sports newsletter spring 2011

Fencing Club

Netball trip

Romantic, dashing, exciting and athletic – at

least that’s what it’s supposed to be. For amateurs like us,

however fencing is simply a sport that keeps you fit and

alert in mind and body; that teaches self-control and disci-

pline, and – crucially – familiarises you with the exhilarat-

ing customs of Renaissance Europe.

Page 5

Some of St John’s netball players and GCSE PE pupils have had the

opportunity to watch a professional Superleague netball match on

the 28th March at Hertfordshire Sports Village. The match was

between Hertfordshire Mavericks and Northern Thunder. The

match included numerous players from the England Netball team

and was featured on Sky Sports. The final result was a win for

Mavericks, 50 goals to Northern Thunders 46 goals. The girls were

lucky enough to go courtside after the game to meet some of the

players, get autographs and photographs.

England netball players Karen

Atkinson and Layla Guscoth

Fencing is a contest in which lightness of touch,

sharpness of vision and speed of action are paramount,

and, even after a calculated attempt to dupe and deceive

your opponent, there remains the mutual respect of all

sportsmen. So, if you are looking for a viable means of

relinquishing the fiery rage that work can so often be-

stow, or simply a way of dueling friends in a controlled

and safe environment, I recommend taking up fencing.

Reported by Harley Wallace

Page 6: St johns prep and senior school sports newsletter spring 2011

Selected tennis players from 1st - 4th Form will be taken out at various prep

times for training.

Sports fixtures will take priority over sports clubs.

Sports clubs (May—July)

NOTICES School cross country

Friday 6th May.

Compulsory event for

1st—5th Form.

The 1st Form cricket

squad are going to

Lord’s Cricket Ground

on 6th June to watch

England Vs Sri Lanka.

The under 13s and

under 15s football team

players will be going to

Wembley in the

summer term.

There will be a girls

1st/2nd Form rounders

team and a 3rd/4th

Form team in the

summer term. Trials

will be held after Easter.

Selected players will

then play competitive

fixtures against other


PE lessons and games

afternoon options next

term (Easter till

summer holidays) are as


1st form

PE—Athletics Games— Horse riding, golf,

athletics, rounders and tennis.

2nd form

PE—Athletics Games— Horse riding, golf,

athletics, rounders and tennis.

3rd form

PE—Athletics Games— Athletics, rounders

and tennis.

4th Form

Games— Athletics, rounders

and tennis.

5th/6th Form

Study leave


This year the 1st Form boys have

showed a huge interest in cricket and have

been training hard since January, preparing

for the fourth coming fixtures in the sum-

mer term. After the Easter break, twelve

boys will be selected to represent the

school in a number of fixtures and as a

reward for all their hard work, they will be

visiting Lord’s Cricket Ground on 6th June

to watch the fourth day’s play between

England and Sri Lanka. Let’s hope the

weather is kind to us.

Sports Performers of the Month

Charlotte Clements Alex Jesset

January March







Mon 1.00PM Sports field Girls round-


1/2/3/4 Miss Foley

Tues 1.00PM Sports hall

/hard court Girls


1/2/3/4 Miss Foley

1.00PM Sports field Boys/girls



1/2/3/4 Mr. Hodgson Mr. Russell

3.30PM Front field Girls hockey 1/2 Miss Foley

3.30PM Off site Boys cricket 1 Mr. Russell

3.30PM Sports hall Girls boxing 2/3

Mr. Hodgson

Wed 1.00PM Sports hall

/hard court Skipping 1/2/3/4 Miss Foley

3.30PM Sports field Boys


1/2/3/4 Mr. Hodgson Mr. Russell

Thurs 1.00PM Sports field Girls


1/2/3/4 Miss Foley

3.30PM Sports hall Fencing 1/2/3/4/5/6 Gabor Hadalin

Fri 1.00PM Sports hall Gymnastics 3 Miss Cullen

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