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a powerpoint presentation of the gymdiva's competitive accomplishments, most from 2007

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Sexy Strong

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Name: Sharon GarrettDOB: 12/22/1977

Location: NCHeight: 5’ 2 ¼”

Weight: offseason 135-140, contest ~112

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NPC Appearances

2005 Mountaineer, Lightweight Open Women, 1st

2006 Elite Muscle Classic, Middleweight Open Women, 1st

2007 NPC Junior Nationals, Lightweight Open Women, 3rd

2007 NPC Team Universe, Lightweight Open Women, 4th

2007 NPC USA’s, Lightweight Open Women, 6th

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Write ups/mentions:

• July/Aug, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec NPC Magazines

• Buff Calendar Girls 2008• MD Forum Babe of the Month (Jan

08)• MD Forum Interview (Oct 07)• Nov WrestleZone Girl of the Month

Finalist• Fit Girls, Vol 1 by John Stutz• profile featured on Andy's Muscle

Goddesses (amg-lite.com)• likeness on a t-shirt for

LeanLadies.com• cover of finals dvd for NPC Junior

Nationals 2007

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Appearances/Write Ups (highlights)

MD Forum Babe of the Month, Jan 08

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Appearances/Write Ups, Cont…


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Appearances/Write Ups, Cont…

• LeanLadies.com T-Shirt• NPC Magazines (July/Aug, Sept/Oct, and

Nov/Dec 2007)

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Appearances/Write Ups, Cont…

• Fit Girls, Vol 1, by John Stutz

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