DIPLOMA PROGRAM februar 2012 Espen Flatin Drogseth Ingjerd V Daae Dring


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DIPLOMA PROGRAMfebruar 2012Espen Flatin DrogsethIngjerd V Daae Dring

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Diploma programEspen Flatin Drogseth + Ingjerd Veronica Daae Dring






How (somehow)


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Henningsvær is a small fishing village in the region of Lofoten. Lofoten is an island region, archi-pelago in the north of Norway, in the county of Nordland. Lofoten consist of five large islands and many small islands. Scattered around in the landscape there are small villages and cities, Hen-ningsvær is one of them, with its approximately 500 inhabitants. Henningsvær belongs to Vågan municipality, where you also find the towns of Kabelvåg and Svolvær. Vågan, placed just outside todays Kabelvåg, was the first town settlement in northern Norway. Cod has been the foundation for the settlement here, and the place is still an active fishing village especially during “Lofot-fiske”, the period from late January till late April. In recent years Hen-ningsvær and Lofoten in general has gained great attention both national and international as a tourist destination. Henningsvær is a place shaped and based much upon its visitors, from earlier times with fisher-men now with both tourists and the people wanting to live here, taking their impressions and influence from other places and fields of work. Today fishermen, artists, seasonal workers and tourists come and make their mark on Henningsvær throughout a year.


How is value related to this notion of shifts and outer influence? How again is Henningsværs place-value for people, locally and internationally kept or challenged? How do its many users and connections challenge a place, like Henningsvær?How is an outsider defined and by whom, on what basis?Relating these questions in how tourism both can give growth, value and recognition, but also how it can overtake a local community, landscape and how fragile the trend of tourism in itself can be.

(the story of) WhereLofoten

For more than 1000 years Lofoten has had its established cod fishing season from late Janu-ary to April. This is when the cod migrates from the Barents Sea to warmer climate in Lofoten to spawn. Even though Lofoten lies within the arctic circle the region experiences one of the largest elevat-ed temperature anomalies in the world, seen relative to its altitude. This is because of the Gulf Stream and the way the islands create a warm sheltered hub.There are mainly three ways in how the large amount of cod is consumed. There is a relative small amount of fish that is eaten as fresh fish. Then there is clipfish, which is preserved with salt, and was previously dried outside, but the production has now been taken indoor. Stockfish is dried fish hung on wooden racks called hjeller. The fish is hung up during winter season and dries up during spring and early summer before its taken down. Fresh fish hung up on the racks are a treat for seagulls, so specially during the first days they have to go guard their catch. They can also put a fishing net over or a white flag to hold the birds away. Over 30 000 fishermen came from trøndelag and along the coast up to Lofoten for the fishing season at its most flourishing times Along with the fishermen came other casual labour that man-aged for serving life ashore. In many ways the life during Lofot-fiske, the fishing season, came to be influenced by that all layers of society got together and that none had authority over others. Hence the saying of that Lofoten during fishing season was like a carneval with great feasts, lots of happenings and with an almost anarchistic spirit. The name of the archipelago derives from the word ló ‘lynx’, and form old Norse fótr wich means ‘foot’. The shape of the archipelagao must have resembled the foot of a lynx.

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O! Seel est du Bonde, som Torsken kan faae,     Han føeder baad› dig og din Kone. Du Torsk maae vel kaldes vor Næring og Brug, Du skaffer fra Bergen saa mangen Tønd› Rug,     Den stakkels Nordfarer til Føde. Barmhiertige Fader oplade din Hand, Velsigne os fattige Folk her i Land     Med dine Velsignelser søde! Skuld› Torsken os feyle, hvad havde vi da, Hvad skulle vi føre til Bergen herfra?     Da seyled› vist Jægterne tomme. Hvad have vi andet , her bygger og boer, End søge vor Føde med Angel og Snor     Og pløie de Bølger hin gromme? Og skulle de HErre forkorte din Hand, At stænge Skrei-Torsken og Fiksen fra Land,     Da lagdes vi hasteligt øede

From Nordlands Trompet by Petter Dass

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Henningsvær is situated at the foot of Mount Vågakaillen, and consists of a group of isles and islets placed as a small cluster in the Vestfjord.From the middle ages the small fishing village had a permanent settlement. They held both animals, grain production in addition to fishing. In 1667 the production of food was at such quantities that the local tax collector required tax for cheese and grain production in Henningsvær. Henningsvær has a central placement almost in the midle of Lofoten. If the ”innsig”, when the masses of cod came to Lofoten, were to come either in east or west Lofoten diddent play any role since Henningsvær had this strategically good position.

Henninsgvær is a fishing village or fiskevær, a type of settlement that lies along the coast of Nor-way, most prevalent in the north of Norway. The settlement was established because of fishing, but would also have farming and animal husbandry. They started often as small house clusters and developed into villages, and later on as some of todays established coastal cities. Trading was an important part of the fiskevær, lots of them were fishermen selling their dried or salted fish to tradesmen from Bergen, who later sold of the fish to tradesmen from Italy, Spain or Portugal.

It was late 1900 century that Henningsvær raised its position as the most important fiskevær in Lofoten, one may even say in the world. It was with vær-owner Jens Hendrik Klæbo Drejer (1811-1882) who was married into Henningsvær, with 19 years old Birgitte Lucie, that Hen-ningsvær grew as the significant fiskevær it has become. In 1842 Drejer took over as væreier in Henningsvær for the sum of 6000 spesidaler. In his time as vær-owner he was engaged in estab-lishing Henningsvær as a village with a small hospital, a lighthouse and a chapel. As a private person Drejer was amongst the richest in Nordland county.

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With Henninsgværs growth Drejer placed the commercial trade for locals and fishermen such as groceries, at Heimøya. The trade and storage for fish he put at Hellandsøya. The spirit trade was placed discrete at Saltværingsholmen. And scattered around in the whole vær he were to place rorbuer, so that the fishermen could come and stay in Henningsvær during the fishing. A rorbu is a traditional type of seasonal house used by fishermen, normally located in a fishing village. The buildings are built on land, but with the one end on poles in the water, so that they could easily access their vessels. A guano factory was established in Henningsvær at the time Drejer was vær-owner. Guano is a term for bird droppings and urine, collected and reused. Guano can be used as manure as an effective fertilizer due to its high levels of phosphorus and nitrogen with its lack of odor. It was also an important source of nitrates for gunpowder. In 1861 the first lines for telegraph were extended to Lofoten, with Drejer in a leading position of the initiators. In 1882 Henningsvær was set in a bit of limbo when Hendrik Drejer died leaving no heir to take over the fishing village. An English trademane bid 260 000 kroner for the whole of Henningsvær, which was a lot of money at the time. Then Henningsvær consisted of 133 rorbuer, seven piers, seven larger buildings they called “stuer”, three fishing houses ´(naust), coal stor-age, house for salting of fish, bakery, a cod liver oil cookery, a forge, several storehouses, post office, and a telegraph central. The locals protested loudly against the Englishmen’s wishes to buying Henningsvær. So the state, on behalf of Nordland country, came in and bought Hennings-vær.

From 1890 Henningsvær and Lofoten suffered from low fish seasons. Also the population de-creased because of the hard conditions in the region. It was not until in 1920 that the cod was back in large amounts and that Henningsvær experienced growth and prosperity once again. In 1922 they got electricity on the islands of Henningsvær and a few years later they were served with water supplies from Austvågøy.

Harbour conditions in Henningsvær were a problem. The open neck of water known as Heimsun-det, provided little shelter against the south-westerly winds and storm. A breakwater was then the solution and the work was begun on the southern end of Heimsundet in1929. Construction work took place only during the light times of the year, and it took five years to complete the work till 1934.

Getting to and from to the small islands were hard and difficult at times. In 1960 a ferry ran twice a day to Kabelvåg and Svolvær, and in 1963 a more frequent ferry was set up between Festvåg and Henninsgvær, which was only a kilometer or so away. In 1993 the bridges was set up to that gave Henningsvær a permanent road link with the rest of Lofoten. In 1990 Henningsvær raised its position as a tourist destination of international significance.

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The built Henningsvær

Henningsvær is situated out in the open sea, with the horizon line of the sea prominent in all directions but towards the north where Vågakallen lies as sheltered the small group of isles. The built Henninsgvær is placed such as to easily access the sea, which has been the reason for settlement here. The buildings closest to the shoreline are for fishing and industrial purposes. Behind them there is a mix of private housing, commercial enterprises, school, church and open land. On the west side of Henningsvær lie the tightest clusters of houses, with an almost urban character.The section that goes through Henningsvær with (private) house, docks, sea, docks, house is significant for the small village. The meeting between the private and the public buildings is care-fully thought of. It serves with a dynamic of an urban settlement. The docks are public and lie between the privately owned fishing and industrial buildings and the shoreline. The sea, which is now formed as a bay with the breakwater, functions almost like a piazza or a town square. The docks function as the pavements. Even though the section along the built settlement of Henningsvær is founded upon a strong and similar character, the visual languages of the build-ings have great variety. There are almost not two buildings that are alike. There is a great mix of height, new and old, roof angles, materials and appearance. Then one may say that is more the differences than the similarities that stand out as the characterics of Henningsvær built environ-ment. In spite of this the village appears as a whole, this could then be because of the way the larger landscape plays in as a unit that surrounds the place.

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Expressions of concepts

TourismThe act of travelling or sightseeing, particularly away from one’s home collectively, the tourists visiting a place or landmark. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people “traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes”.

Value In ethics, value is a property of objects, including physical objects as well as abstract objects (e.g. actions), representing their degree of importance.

GrowthGrowth refers to an increase in some quantity over time. The quantity can be: Physical (e.g., growth in height, growth in an amount of money) Abstract (e.g., a system becoming more com-plex, an organism becoming more mature)

Contrasts difference, dissimilarity, disparity, distinction, contradistinction, divergence, variance, variation, differentiation; contradiction, incongruity, opposition, polarity. Antonymous similarity.

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Who owns the natural landscape - and how do we share it?

Resources: Fish Nature A strategy for preserving and developing

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How do we face a future where tourism has become the main sector on which Lofoten relies?

A study in the potential development of mass-tourism in Lofoten.

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How can the communities of Lofoten develop in a sustainable way?

A way of preserving nature and identity, while facilitating for change and growth.

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How do we redesign and transform to facilitate for seasonal changes?

Planning for variations.

The Place and its identities – What becomes of authenticity when the fishing community disappears?

An ever-changing authenticity.

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Do the seasonal variations in habitation of Henningsvær call for new ways of building?

Building for changing needs.

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How does the climatic changes affect the building methods?

Building for dramatic scenarios.

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How can existing buildings be reused and transformed to facilitate for changing and fluctuating programmes?

Redefining the identity through transformation.

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A research into the region of Lofoten

A study into, and mapping of Henningsvær

A building (or buildings) adapted to, and confronting the needs of Henningsvær.

Methods of investigation: Model Photo and collage Drawing Littterature 1:1 sketching 1:1 action Video Interview Workshop Field study Living in Henningsvær

Materials to Produce: Photo series from Henningsvær harbour Video Texts uncovering Drawings and sketches from landscape + life 1:1 sketches showing potentials for transformation Personal texts depicting life in the community Models, various scales, wood/ soap/ plaster


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Name: Espen Flatin DrogsethEducation: Bergen School of Architecture 2006-2009 Bachelor degree 2010-2012 Master courses Fall ´10 Northern Lines Spring ´11 Eastern Promise Fall ´11 Complex Context

Work experience: Mental health Nurse Aid 2001-2008 Music A & R 2002-2004


Name: Ingjerd Veronica Daae Dring

2000-2003 Videregående/High school, Hedemarken Waldorf School 2003-2004 Folkehøyskole/college at Lofoten Folkehøyskole, course Telemark-skiing/climbing2004-2005 Travelled and worked at organic farms in Asia/Oceania 2005-2006 Årstudium/foundation level of Social Anthropology at University of Bergen2006-2009 Bachelor of Architecture at Bergen School of Architecture (BAS)2009-2010 Worked for Plan and urban office in Hamar municipality. Travelled and worked at organic farms in UK.2010- Exchange program at diploma department at University of East London2011-2012 Master program at Bergen School of Architecture Remote Studio Complex Context2000-2011(summer) worked as a dairymaid on a mountain farm in Trollheimen/Trøndelag in Norway 2006-2011 Worked part-time as a care worker at an antroposophic institution for people with learning difficulties.

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