Professional Sports Hannah Montalban, Carin Wiryani, Landon Crawl, Kyle Takeda, Andrew Daul, and Jason Lybianto

Professional Sports Presentation

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Page 1: Professional Sports Presentation

Professional SportsHannah Montalban, Carin

Wiryani, Landon Crawl, Kyle Takeda, Andrew Daul, and

Jason Lybianto

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Why Professional Sports?

Multi-Billion dollar BusinessAverage Revenue for NFL = $9 Billion

National TV advertising spending

Global Marketplace Entertainment

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We decided to examine:AttitudesIntentionsSocial MediaLoyaltyEndorsements

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Research MethodsIn Depth-Interview

Qualtrics Survey

Data Analysis

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58% Males

42% Females


Ranged from 18-77

Average Age: 32.59

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Demographics Contd.Student/Non-student:

54% Non-Students

46% Students


65% were Employed

35% were Unemployed


Majority of the Respondents were Asian or Caucasian


Predominantly Suburban and Urban

25% in the Same City as their Favorite Team

75% Not in the Same City as their favorite team

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AttitudesLiterature Review:

“Attitudes in sports between teams and their fans were related to the concept of identity, image and reputation” - Jang (2015)

“Identity is where an athlete or sports team conceptualize themselves, in other words, they ask themselves who they are. Image is the visual representation of the athlete or sports team in public. Finally, reputation is how external stakeholders (fans) actually view the athlete or sports team” - (Brown et al, 2006; Walsh et al, 2009)

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Key Findings● Older Sports fans had more favorable attitudes towards

professional sports● Males had more favorable attitudes than females

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Marketers should target older, male sports fans

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Intentions/BehaviorLiterarture Review

Definition : Consumption intentions - in the professional sports setting - include but are not limited to: event attendance, sponsorship support and team merchandise purchases. (Sharpiro, Ridiger, and Trail, 2013)

“Future consumption intentions are caused by past behaviors (i.e. event attendance)” (Kim, 2008)

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Key Findings

Age x Intention to purchase team merchandise

As fans get older, they are more likely to

purchase team merchandise

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Key Findings

Gender x Team Performance as indicator of purchase intentions

Males place more value in a team’s performance when forming purchase intentions than females

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1.Target older male demographics, who have been fans of a team for an extended period

2. Use marketing strategies that capitalize on a team’s success (Example: Warriors)

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LoyaltyLiterature Review:

Definition: “deeply held commitment to rebuy or repatronize a preferred product/service consistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive same-brand or same brand-set purchasing despite situational and marketing influences”(Oliver,1999)

Attitudinal and Behavioral Loyalty (Fournier,1998)

Attitudinal - level of commitment

Behavioral - overt behavior toward specific brand

Loyal spectators are key to sports organization's success

Ex: repeat purchase of tickets, merchandise

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Source Value Standard error t Pr > |t|

What is your age?

0.036 0.008 4.300 < 0.0001

Key Findings:

Age x Loyalty

As you get older, the more loyal you are to your favorite team(s)

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Key Findings:Gender x Loyalty

Source DF Sum of squares Mean squares F Pr > F

Model 1 17.790 17.790 10.646 0.002

Error 97 162.096 1.671

Corrected Total

98 179.886

Category LS means

Groups Column1

Male 5.556 A

Female 4.701 B

Males more loyal to favorite team compared to females

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Recommendations1.Target older male segment

2. Develop ways to appeal to younger demographic and female demographic

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Social MediaLiterature Review:

“The advent of social media has provided a great opportunity for sports organization to establish stable and diversified relationships with the public and their core stakeholders.” - Yuan, W., & Shuhua, Z. (2015)

US sports teams have “surpassed teams in the other leagues in using the internet for sports marketing”

The evolution of the Internet has helped increase the awareness of sports teams’ public image and their audience and fan bases - ioakimidis (2010)

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Key Findings

Older respondents followed less social media accounts, and spent less time using it

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Key Findings

Humorous/Creative Content and Fan Interaction are more important to younger sports fans

More favorable attitudes towards social media accounts → more usage → more attendance and games watched on TV or Online

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Recommendations1.Marketers should target the

younger audience

2.Focus on developing Creative and Interactive posts and events

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Which advertisement makes you want to shop at Under Armour more?

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Key Findings

Impact Endorsers have on Purchase Decisions:

Females are more likely to purchase from a celebrity endorser or star player than males

Males rated Attractiveness, Honesty, Trustworthiness, Knowledge, and Skill more important than Female did

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Marketers should try to select athletes with more favorable characteristics to endorse their brands

Find a good mix between personal qualities and performance Males are more likely to purchase when a specific athlete or team is winning