Name : Dzaki Jabbar Mahdi NIM : 16211144004 Learning Karate Learning karate requires many steps. Some people think that karate is difficult to practice.it is a long process to learn karate. Here are some tips that can help us to practice karate easily. First, we need to have appetency and bravery to learn karate. It is important for beginners to exercise karate everyday. Then, looking for karate clubs that is close to home. The next step is to buy karate-gi and six belts such as white, yellow, green, blue, brown and black at sport store. The best of karate-gi is Tokaido, Adidas and Seishin for kata and kumite. Kata means art and kumite means figthting. After that, starting to jog for every Sunday. Because it can help us to increase our stamina

Learning karate

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Name : Dzaki Jabbar Mahdi

NIM : 16211144004

Learning Karate

Learning karate requires many steps. Some people think that karate is

difficult to practice.it is a long process to learn karate. Here are some tips that can

help us to practice karate easily. First, we need to have appetency and bravery to

learn karate. It is important for beginners to exercise karate everyday. Then,

looking for karate clubs that is close to home. The next step is to buy karate-gi

and six belts such as white, yellow, green, blue, brown and black at sport store.

The best of karate-gi is Tokaido, Adidas and Seishin for kata and kumite. Kata

means art and kumite means figthting. After that, starting to jog for every Sunday.

Because it can help us to increase our stamina and strength. We can warm up by

bicycle without jogging, but actually jogging and cycling can make the body

become stronger like muscle. After that, trying to all techniques of Karate like

kicks, hits, and slashes with coach and partners. We need to target or opponent

before starting. Finally, manage the time to practice karate at club.