Fruit Bats by William

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  • 1. By: William Fruit bats

2. W hat do Fruit bats eat?

  • Fruit bats eata wide range of nectar, flowers, and both cultivated and native fruits

3. Life

  • An average fruit bat lives at least 5-10 years .
  • Fruit bats live in caves,zoos,mines,old buildings and hollow trees.
  • Megachiroptera or big bats(also called flying foxes or fruit bats) Microchiroptera or little bats.

4. Bat radar

  • The Microchiroptera all have quite small eyes. Although they can see in bright light their eyes are very insensitive at night, so the little bats darting around can hardly seewhere they are going. When they are active the bats produce a steady stream of very short sounds (not radio waves as in real radar) and listen for echoes reflected from nearby objects.

5. Blind as a bat?

  • It is commonly believed that bats are unable to see at all, but this is far from true. Nobat is completely blind,although some can see better than the others.

6. Pictures 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Credits

  • Writing----------me
  • Information---------Google
  • Pictures----------Google