Developing a Coaching System Support Network CJ Lee Coaching Development Manager Sport Hampshire & IOW

Coaching System Support Network Presentation 1338

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Presentation on the work of Coaching System Support Networks and the engagement process with NGBs at a local level.

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Developing a Coaching System Support Network

CJ Lee Coaching Development Manager

Sport Hampshire & IOW

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Developing a World Class Coaching System

•Governing Body Centric

•Variance in capacity and capability

•Need for local generic coaching systems

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The UK Coaching Framework

Sports coaching is central to developing, sustaining and increasing participation in sport. It drives better performances and increased success as well as supporting key social and economic objectives throughout the UK

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A Framework for Action

The UK Coaching Framework provides the reference point for developing a system to take coaching in the UK towards being a world-leading system by 2016

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Delivering the System!•The UK Coaching Framework will ensure both development and delivery of the coaching system is relevant across the UK, taking into account policies, strategies and priorities of Home Country Sports Councils

•Governing bodies of sport will play the lead role in sport-specific delivery

•Coaching Development Managers will lead the development of complementary coaching systems at a local level, flexible enough to support the needs of 46 governing bodies of sport

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Key Resource Pillars

Four key pillars have been identified to underpin the building of the coaching system:

1.Capacity for the deployment and employment of coaches

2.Capacity of governing bodies of sport and other relevant organisations to design, deliver and quality-assure inclusive coaching and coach education systems on a local, regional, national and UK-wide basis

3.Education and Continuous Professional Development of coaches

4.Capacity and alignment of funding, policy and other complementary support agencies

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Figure 1: Coaching Within the Sporting Landscape

School Sport High PerformanceSport

Community Sport


Up to 46 Governing Bodies of sport Working at a

National, regional and local level

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UK Coaching Framework links with Sport England’s Outcomes of GROW, SUSTAIN and EXCEL

UK CoachingFramework

1. CoachingSystem

2. Front-LineCoaching

3. Support forCoaches

4. ProfessionallyRegulatedVocation

5. Research andDevelopment






IncreasedParticipation(1m by 2012)

ParticipationSatisfaction &Reducing Drop-off at age16-18 in 5 sports

Talent Pathwaysin 25 sports




Governing body

plans and delivery

(x 31-46)

Coaching System Support Network

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The UK Coaching Framework


•Create a cohesive, ethical, inclusive and valued coaching system, where skilled coaches support children, players and athletes at all stages of their development in sport

Strategic Action Areas

•The UK Coaching System

•Frontline Coaching

•Support for Coaches

•A professionally regulated vocation

•Research and development

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The UK Coaching Framework - Results

•Enhance the quality of coaching at all stages

•Provide active, skilled and qualified coaches to meet demand

This will lead to:

•Sustained and increased participation in sport

•Improved performance

Underpinned by coaching as a professionally regulated vocation

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Building the system through 3 Phases

•Building the Foundations (2006-2008)

•Delivering the Goals (2006-2012)

•Transforming the system (2006-2016)

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Building the Foundations


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The UK Coaching Framework – Sport Specific!

•Developing sport specific coaching systems

•Articulating the sport specific coaching models

•Defining the system

•Developing the underpinning principles

•Detailing the key components

•Devising the strategy for Home Country implementation

•Initiating discussion in order to understand the required delivery system that needs to be in place at a local level to deliver the need of the coaches within the sports

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Sport Specific Coaching Systems

Participant Development Models

Coach Development Models


Types of Coaches Required

Coaching Workforce Development Planning (England)

Numbers and Location of


Qualify Employ/Deploy

Manage Develop Retain Regulate

Research and DevelopmentContinuous


Coaching System


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Delivering the Goals


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Developing Complementary Coaching Systems

What is a Coaching System Support Network?

Coaching System Support Networks are defined as a grouping of agencies within each of the Home Countries that are formally committed to supporting Governing Bodies in the development of world leading coaching systems, using the UK Coaching Framework as a key point of reference

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A Grouping of Agencies…

Who are these agencies?

•Nationally – Sport England; SkillsActive; NSA; YST; UKCCE (HE/FE); sports coach UK

•Regionally – SkillsActive; NSA; YST; HE; FE; sports coach UK

•Sub Regionally – PDMs; SSPs; CSPs; LAs; LDAs; Clubs; FESCOs; HE; Private Coaching Providers; Coaching Agencies

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sports coach













Coaching System Support Network

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A Grouping of Agencies…

What are the roles and responsibilities of these agencies in the development and implementation of a Coaching System Support Network?

What are the ongoing roles and responsibilities of these agencies within an effective Coaching System Support Network?

What are the benefits for these agencies to be involved in with an effective Coaching System Support Network?

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Four Key Principles

•All work on the 4 Key pillars should be needs lead

•Need is jointly agreed, with sport specific participant and coach development models providing a core reference point

•Resources and programmes are aligned to meet the identified need for the period 2009-2013 (Delivering the Goals)

•Common monitoring, Key Performance Indicators and compliance processes are agreed

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Who will make this work?

•Sport England funding 49 new posts to support the work of the NGBs in relation to coaching

•Part of an extended offer for coaching

•Based and employed within the CSPs to ensure ownership of the system at a local level

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•Manage the development of a local Coaching System Support Network in response to the requirements of local, regional and national partners

The role of the Coaching Development Manager

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Initial Priorities for the Coaching Development

Manager1. An initial 'gap analysis' of coaching across the local area. Where are the strengths and weaknesses of the local coaching infrastructure in relation to the 12 Specific Actions of the UK Coaching Framework? Therefore, where are the initial development priorities?

2. Education of the key partners in relation to the CSSN and what it will achieve. This is essential for ensuring buy in and ownership of the system across all key partners. This could then initiate the formation of local coaching groups.

3. Establishment of an effective mechanism that truly allows the identification of coaching need across the local area, that can be linked up to identified National need from governing bodies.

4. A collation of all available funding for coaches and coaching across the local area, with an understanding of the criteria involved in each 'pot'. This can then be linked to the information on Regional and National funding pots.

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What will success look like?

•What does a successful Coaching System Support Network look like?

•How do we measure it’s success?

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Measuring Success

•A clearly defined mechanism in place that is timed to allow the identification of need at a local level and tie that into regional and national need (A sound workforce planning process)

•The provision of a high quality and appropriately qualified coaching workforce, available to work with the identified participants

•A mechanism in place that allows for all the resources within coaching at a local level to be allocated to the appropriate coaches

•Up to date information on the local coaching workforce available to all key partners

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Frontline Coaching Programmes



Sport Unlimited Step into


Future Jobs Fund

Minimum Standards for Deployment

Identification of need

Access to Qualifications


Needs led blended learning



Sustainable Funding

Employment Mechanisms



Support for


Profile and Recognition

UK Coaching Framework Vision


Frontline Coaching

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•Minimum Standards for Deployment

•Access to Qualifications

•Need identification (Workforce Planning)

•Identifying coaches

•Recruitment /Retention

•Sustainable funding

•Provision of needs led CPD

•Employment Mechanisms

Frontline Coaching -System Essentials

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Using Frontline Coaching Programmes to Build the System

•Provision of appropriately skilled and available workforce

•Increase Profile and Recognition of Coaching

•Shift from programme focussed to outcome focussed

•Rationalisation and alignment of funding pots

•Joined up timelines

•Whole system engagement

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NGB Engagement

•The Coaching System Support Network must be set up to meet the needs of the National Governing Bodies

•There needs to be a process in place that allows National Governing Bodies to identify and articulate what they need from the system at a local level

•The system must be flexible to meet the needs of 46 sports

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