Unit 27 Task 2 – Coaching Log

Coaching Log Unit 27 task 2 1/2

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Unit 27

Task 2 – Coaching Log

Page 2: Coaching Log Unit 27 task 2 1/2

Athlete Introduction

• Name: Alfie Dunk • Gender: Male • Date of birth:• Age: 18 • Height: 6ft• Weight: 95 kg • BMI: 28%• Sport: Rugby • Position: Flanker • Level: Performance

Page 3: Coaching Log Unit 27 task 2 1/2

Coaching Log – Athlete ObservationDate 16/12/14

Location Room 44

Strengths The video footage I analyzed were 3 games that Alfie had taken part in playing for the U19’s first team at college, I thought that watching 3 of Alfie’s game as opposed to just one would give me a clearer and more in depth analysis of Alfie’s game and I could focus on a specific area for each game I watched for example tackles made, successful turnovers as well as effectiveness at lineout time.

Improvement Areas

I should have spent more time creating an excel document so that I could put Alfie’s scores down on the computer meaning they would be more accurate and from that I could have devised suitable table.

Points for future discussion

If I were to do this again I could ask Alfie to join me during my observation of his footage to see if he agreed with my perceptions of his performance and to give him more confidence that my scoring was correct and going to benefit him.

Possible actions arising

In the future I will video Alfie’s games myself purely focusing the attention on Alfie to give me a clearer analysis of his performance.

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Coaching Log – Athlete Profiling Meeting

Date 16/12/15

Location Long Room

Discussion points

Agreeing and questioning API and ASA myself and Alfie both questioned each other with regards to each trait, when giving his own perception of his individual traits I questioned Alfie as to why this trait was more important than another.

Concerns The meeting was rushed and scores may not have been 100% accurate because of this, results may not be reliable and Alfie may think he is better or worse at a particular trait than he actually is.Some scores were had a large range between my own perception and my athlete’s perception.

Points for future discussion

Making sure the areas for improvement identified would be improved and I made it clear that I would work with Alfie to continue developing his strengths and working on his weaknesses that he outlined.Other points that were discussed were the reasons as to why Alfie felt that a particular trait was more important than another for his sport and his position I asked him to justify his perceived level of importance.

Possible actions arising

Suitable training programme devised to improve areas for improvement.Go through the 20 traits with the athlete with more clarity.Get the athlete to justify why they gave a certain score for a particular trait.

If I was to do this again I would allow more time for the interview for Alfie to get a clearear understanding on the rating scale.

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Coaching Log – Coach Profile MeetingDate 10/12/14Location GymDiscussion points

After contacting Sam I was able to show him the 20 excellence traits marking sheet for Alfie, we both agreed and disagreed on some scores which allowed us to give our own opinions and negotiate our initial scores.

Sam asked me to justify my rating scale. Concerns My scoring compared to Sam’s on some excellence traits, both our perceptions

on Alfie with regards to a few traits were completely different meaning some results may not be 100% reliable.

Points for future discussion

How we could improve the athlete’s specific areas for improvements. for future discussion I would like to ask Sam to give evidence of why he scored Alfie at a particular scoring as well as myself providing evidence for some of Alfie’s score to back up our perceptions.

Possible actions arising

Finding sufficient time and a suitable place to sit down with myself Sam and Alfie to discuss all 3 of our perceptions helping with the triangulation process.Suitable training programme devised with myself Sam and Alfie to improve Alfie’s weaknesses.Speak to more coaches involved with Alfie’s development.Go through each of the 20 traits with more clarity and have a longer discussion about them.