Bilbies are little animals and they are cute but they are endangered animals.They are marsupial and nocturnal. The scientific name is Macrotis Lagotis.

Bilby report by Ignacia

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Page 1: Bilby report by Ignacia

Bilbies are little animals and they are cute but they are endangered animals.They are marsupial and nocturnal. The scientific name

is Macrotis Lagotis.

Page 2: Bilby report by Ignacia

They have soft grey fur. They have a long tail and long big ears like a rabbit.

Page 3: Bilby report by Ignacia

They live in Australia in the Gibson and Tanami desert. They live in a burrow. They have small plants for shelter.

Page 4: Bilby report by Ignacia

The bilbies hunt at night they eat seeds,insects and fungi. Bilbies dig with strong front claws.

Image: 'A sweet little bilby. Macrotis lagotis' http://www.flickr.com/photos/41188800@N00/218938662

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Image: 'Die Mykologen - Glückspilze - Lucky Fellows - Fungi Experts' http://www.flickr.com/photos/16230215@N08/6220425549

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Image: 'A sweet little bilby. Macrotis lagotis' http://www.flickr.com/photos/41188800@N00/218938662

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Page 6: Bilby report by Ignacia

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Image: 'A sweet little bilby. Macrotis lagotis' http://www.flickr.com/photos/41188800@N00/218938662

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