Basic Mountain Biking Skills

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Introduction While attending the University of Montana, Laurence Stinson was

part of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America trial team. Mr. Stinson then spent acted as lead counsel for numerous injury cases in Cody, Wyoming. As a medical consultant, Laurence Stinson is responsible for personnel management, company billing and coding, audits, and other related tasks. Away from work duties, one of his many hobbies is mountain biking.

Laurence Stinson has taught mountain biking skills to others and has participated in local trail building in Northern, Wyoming. Mastering a few basic techniques can greatly enhance your mountain biking skills. While riding through corners, up steep rock or up any sharp incline, it is critical to maintain momentum. When climbing, it’s necessary to shift your weight slightly forward to balance weight between the front and rear wheels.

Page 3: Basic Mountain Biking Skills

Mountain Biking By then shifting your weight back as you descend, a rider

decreases the risk of over-the-handlebar (OTB) crash.

Remember to use both of your brakes together. Roughly 80% of braking power comes from the front brake. For long trail downhill biking, it’s best to feather your brakes. By feathering the brakes, a rider will maintain better control of speed and improved stopping performance.

Laurence Stinson is a co-founder of the Stinson Foundation For Safety. The Stinson Foundation For Safety provides helmets and bike camp scholarships at no cost to those in need.