By: Isabella Sarmiento & Maria Luisa Cepeda From Guzman Blanco to Ignacio Andrade

Venezuelan History

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By: Isabella Sarmiento & Maria Luisa Cepeda

From Guzman Blanco to

Ignacio Andrade

Page 2: Venezuelan History

Antonio Guzman Blanco

Antonio Guzman Blanco was born in Caracas in the year of 1829

He studied law at the University of Caracas

His political career initiated in the year of 1863

He marched to Caracas on April 27, 1870 naming himself a dictator.

Guzman Blanco died in Paris in 1899

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Guzmancismo (1870-1888)

Relevant Issues:

Guzman Blanco was president during three time periods known as the Septenio (1870-1876), el quinquenio (1879-1884), and Aclamacion (1886-1887).

While he was in office he created an alliance with the elite class and also with the capitalist European countries and the United States.

He developed a central-federalist form of government.

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Guzmancismo (1870-1888)

Relevant Issues:

The government of Guzman Blanco was separated from the Catholic Church: this meant that the Church now only governed within their own religious order.

He was called by many as “El Ilustre Americano”.

Statues and monuments were built in his honor.

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Guzmancismo (1870-1888)Conflicts with the Catholic Church:

The conflicts between the Catholic Church and the government increased when Guzman Blanco came into office.

Civil marriage was established.

Expulsion of the archbishop of Caracas, Silvestre Guevara

Baptizes and marriages that were not registered by the civil authorities were not considered legal.

Guzman Blanco shut down Catholic cemeteries and conventos. He also expropriated temples.

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Guzmancismo (1870-1888)

Conflicts with the Catholic Church:

Decisions taken by Guzman Blanco were rejected by the ecclesiastic authorities such as the arch-bishop from Caracas,Silvestre Guevara.

Guzman Blanco considers the idea

Pope Pio IX sent a new arch-bishop to Venezuela called Jose Antonio Ponte to establish peace with the government.

Jose Antonio Ponte was accepted by Guzman Blanco.

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Guzmancismo (1870-1888)

Public Works:

Guzman Blanco connected the national territory with rail roads, roads, canals, and ports.

The ministry of public works was established.

He also brought the telephone and telegram system to Venezuela.

Guzman Blanco also built El Capitolio Federal, La Plaza Bolivar, El Cementerio General del Sur, El Panteon Nacional, El Teatro Municipal, and El Museo Nacional en Caracas.

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Guzmancismo (1870-1888)


On June 27th, 1870 Guzman Blanco passed the Decree of Public Primary and Mandatory Education. In this Decree it was mandatory for schools to teach moral principles, reading, writing, mathematics, and about the Federal Constitution.

This Decree started the fight against illiteracy.

In the government of Guzman Blanco public and private schools were built.

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Guzmancismo (1870-188)Legislature:

The promulgation of the Constitution of 1874:the vote was secret and direct and there was a presidential period of two years.

The Constitution was reformed to reduce the number of states from 20 to 9. It lasted from 1882 to 1892.

The Federal Council was created in a similar style to the Swiss. It was made up of a Senator and a Deputy for each one of the 9 states, and a Deputy for the Federal District.

The Federal Council also designated the President of the Republic.

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Guzmancismo (1870-1888)Economy:

Guzman Blanco created La Direccion de Estadistica (the statistics organization). It provided statistics of the current socio-economic situation of the country.

A company for public loans was established.

He also made the first census on June of 1873.

The Bolivar was established as the national currency in the Law of Currencies (1871)

70% of the taxes from imports were eliminated. The taxes for internal commerce were eliminated as well.

Guzman Blanco encouraged foreigners to invest in the mining (gold and copper) business in Venezuela.

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Guzmancismo (1870-1888)

Opposition:At the end of the septenio, Guzman Blanco decided to travel to Europe, leaving Francisco Linares Alcantara in power. He promised to continue the politics of Guzman Blanco.

However, Linares Alcantara made an anti-Guzmanato movement where statues in his honor were destroyed.

General Matias Salazar confronted Guzman Blanco. Eventually, he was put to jail and sentenced to death.

In 1874, he faced the armed opposition of his old allies, the generals Jose Ignacio Pulido and Leon Colina, who criticized the constitutional reforms.

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final liberal governments

Rojas Paul (1888-1890)

Unlike Guzman Blanco, Rojas Paul authorized the establishment of faculties of ecclesiastic studies. Many religious buildings were constructed.

In the government of Rojas Paul, there were anti-Guzman movements that caused sacking of the cities.

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final liberal governmentsAndueza Palacio(1890-1892)

Inaugurated the aqueduct in Barquisimeto, the hospital Vargas in Caracas.

The University of Zulia and Carabobo were founded.

He ordered a sculpture in honor of Jose Felix Ribas that is found today in Plaza La victoria.

He excluded the Gumancistas from the government and tried to reform the constitution to change the presidential period from two years to four.

As a result, the Legalist Revolution that was led by Joaquin Crespo broke out, forcing him to leave the country.

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final liberal governmentsJoaquin Crespo(1892-1898)

He was loyal to Guzman Blanco. He was often called the “Heroe del Deber Cumplido”.

He refused to accept the debts from the previous government of Andueza Palacio

He confiscated property of anduecistas.

The Constitution of 1884 established a universal, secret, and direct vote. The presidential period went from two years to four. The federal council was made up of one representative from each state.

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final liberal governments

Joaquin Crespo(1892-1898)

The elections took place on September 1st, 1893 where Joaquin Crespo resulted elected.

The Palacio of Miraflores was built and new boulevards were buolt in Caracas.

There was a loan of 50,000,000 bolivares. This aggravated the economic problems of the country.

There was a conflict between Venezuela and England over the limits of Guayana.

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final liberal governments

Ignacio Andrade (1898-1899)

Ignacio Andrade had to face armed movements led by Jose Manuel Hernandez, Ramon Guerra and Cipriano Castro.

He reestablished the 20 states that the Republic had adopted in 1864, and promulgated the first Law about Foreign Investments.

In 1999, a new campaign led by Castro arrived at Caracas, ending the government of Andrade. Therefore, a new stage in the history of politics of Venezuela started: the stage of the andinos