Understanding the marketplace

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Kingdom SeriesNov 2011By Philip Tan

* Hope of David PropertyFor internal use ONLYUnderstanding the Marketplace

Example Marketplace Spheres

Finding Your Niche or Sphere in the Marketplace

Understanding the Marketplace

NoahAbrahamIsaacJacobGideonKing DavidKing Solomon1st Century ApostlesAdam & EveMarketplace kingsEnd of Age Revelation unfoldGenesis 9Genesis 12Genesis 24Genesis 30,35Judges 72 Samuel 22 Samuel 51 Kings 1Mathew 287 mountainsRevelation 11Genesis 1


Marketplace Structure

Marketplace structure

Understanding the Marketplace

Marketplace Realm

Job Descriptions Expectations Single or multi-assignments

Domain, sphere, areas, subjectsContent (Wisdom, counsel, knowledge , experiences, specialized skills, rare talents) Niche /GenericNiche/Generic Niche/Generic Niche/Generic RolesSeven mountains, pillars, societies, prophecies

Roles Roles Roles


Breaking down walls

Separation between clergy and laity (End of tussle-tension)

New Testament gospel emphases

Hermeneutics within the framework of spiritual discipline

Restriction to reverence of God (God of institution)

Vertically focus (strait jacket definition of religion)

Spiritual leaders lacked of marketplace insight and experiences

Marketplace realm perceived to birth carnal influences

Understanding The Marketplace

Understanding the Marketplace Setbacks to the kingdom of God

Sowing & reaping principle lack of holistic purpose

Financial and resource blessings misapplied

Lack of kingdom impact & transformation detachment of marketplace from church

Undeveloped spiritual gifts & authority for the marketplace sphere

Restraint in the use of spiritual gifts in the workplace

Modern day harvest cannot be fully manifested and collected

Limit Gods expression Limit tangible blessings Restrict gifts expression Lack of reality on Christian living Limit ministry diversification Limit leadership influence Create rituals & routines

The many circumstances in the marketplace provide character development - God shapes us where we spend our time most The many positions in the marketplace provide avenues for gifts manifestation The wealth blessings is derived through sowing in the church & reaping in the marketplace The vastness of the marketplace invites Gods dominion The spread of leadership influence in a greater and wider domain in the marketplaceUnderstanding the Marketplace Church boundaryChurch boundaryChurch boundaryChurch boundaryMarketplace SpaceBreak out & Break Forth

How is God Breaking Down the Walls ?

Limitation of church (institution) ministryThe church needs to break out to gain wealth for kingdom advancementWealth in action Gathering & reconciling parts of the BodyMarketplace ministry will unite suffering parts of the body thru their financial and leadership supportCrises in a troubling world emergence of marketplace kingsThe church thru marketplace ministry needs to be involved in current affairs of the world for God to intervene Kingdom paradigm & mentality Disintegrating mindsetsRestoration of kingdom truth and principles apply in the marketplaceRestoring prosperity Expressing the Love of the Father God wants to prosper His Body through marketplace ministry

Understanding the Marketplace

Distorted perception on the marketplace ministry

Understanding the Marketplace Partial truths, myths, wrong teachings & deceptions

(X)The church should focus on salvation more than anything elseAs we gain new souls we gain new grounds in the marketplace..souls that are save must reveal Gods dominion(X)The world is defiled and not oursthe church should separate away from it until the Lord returnsWe cannot avoid being in the world. Everything belongs to the Lord..Redemption means saving & restoring everything else from the kingdom of darkness(X)Focus on the Lord, everything else will be addedThis is true, but as we focus on him, it is Him who will direct and lead us ..even in the marketplace realm(X)Secularism is full of deceptions and the origin of evilness ..we should not bring in marketplace subject into the churchWe are here as a channel for transformation. The world must be transformed through the church involvement not vice-versa(X)Ministry & spiritual gifts are for souls and souls aloneOld Testament shows Gods people used their supernatural gifts and marketplaceposition to influence decisions and facilitated transformation

Biblical Values & Beliefs Finding its Relevance in the Marketplace

Understanding the Marketplace Can the Cross Finds its Relevance in the Age of Secularism ?

Time Declares marketplace spheres are His and His alone

Time Affirms marketplace reveals His headship and glory too

Time Unfolds the church express in many forms advancing into every sphere

Time consummates the world will see everything belongs to HimCan God convince his sons and daughters of their dominance over the earth?Psalm 24:1 The earth is the LORDs, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; Col 15:17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold togetherMat 16:18 ..upon this rock I will build my church; aand the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.Rev 11:15 The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever.


Understanding the Marketplace Cross Over Truths from Old to New Testament

Old Testament records a major part of Gods involvement based on event-driven with secular-marketplace as its backdropIt reveals creation domination mega blessings specific individuals & their positions & influences

New Testament focuses on the spiritual welfare and condition of man with salvation as its backdropIt focuses Son of God spreading of the gospel purpose & use of ascension & spiritual gifts Christian living in relation to the cross

It is relatively easy to distinguish why the subject of marketplace fades away

Understanding the Marketplace Gathering the Best from Both the Testament-Covenant forMarketplace Breakthrough

Covenant with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua..cuts across the Old and New.. - The promises of great blessings have not stopped before the cross..it is carried across and magnified as a result of Gods grace through Jesus Christ..this includes blessings in the marketplace like the ancient patriarchs

Old Testament truths were used as frame of reference by Jesus indicating its relevance for contemporary applications- The way God works with Old Testament individuals will also apply to those in the marketplace in this New Testament age

The Book of Revelation ties back and concludes the kingdom meaning of both the Old & New Testament- The Book of Revelation sums up what was prophesied and promised by God & the fulfillment at the end of the age by the Lord Jesus Christ & His Church

Salvation the full package

Understanding the Marketplace Understand salvation from the perspective of Godsrichness. Salvation is all inclusive and meant to manifest therichness & inheritance of the Father and His Son

Jesus paid the full price for the richness of God to be brought into reality and manifested on earth (the price include your blessings in the marketplace)

Salvation centers on His great works and us saved throughout eternity. It also means with a redeemed status we have the citizenship rights to inherent and enjoy the richness of His Son which He has given to the church by grace (every richness available in the marketplace is ours to inherent)

Our salvation rights set us apart from the world. God wants to distinguish us from the world that he owns a redeemed people in the world to do great exploits so that His dominion could come on over every sphere of the earth (more exploits are done in the marketplace than anywhere else)

The Values of Marketplace

Understanding the Marketplace The Values of the Marketplace Lies in the Eyes of the Beholder

Marketplace is a metaphor of Gods promise land God is raising and mobilizing us as kings to own up our promise land Marketplace as a place for occupancy God has called us his fellow workers to occupy until He comes

Marketplace as an inheritance for Gods people God has adopted us as His sons and daughters to inherent the richness of Jesus

Marketplace is where the wicked ones are holding up Gods wealth God has called us righteous to take over the wealth of the wicked

Understanding the Marketplace

Marketplace as ends of the earth God has called us to be disciples to provide disciplining even in the marketplace where souls concentrate

Marketplace as a place of investment God desires to call us to be good & faithful servants when we use our gifts in the marketplace to find great returns

Marketplace as an eco-system for Gods economy to operate God has called us laborers to bring in the harvest in the marketplace to Him so that He could bless and multiply our blessings in the marketplace

Understanding the Marketplace

Restoring Biblical Marketplace DefinitionContemporary Biblical

Vision of OrganizationApostolic & prophetic visionBoard of CommitteesGods appointed governmentChief, Head, DirectorGods appointed kingsFunctional headsFive fold ministriesPolicies & ProceduresBiblical values & beliefsOrganization structureProtocol & governanceCommitment Covenant relationshipContractual agreementBoard/Management meetings & updatesWorship, Praise & IntercessionValue creation & serviceMinistry resultsKey performance indicator God standardSkills & talentsMinistry, spiritual & diversified giftsAssignmentSent outNetworking Divine connection & alliancesPromotionInstallationAppointedAnointedRoles & responsibilitiesSphere & authority Quality AssuranceAnointing & unctionService satisfactionSpirit of ExcellenceService uniqueness/differentiationSet apart

StretchingDescribe the purpose & existence of marketplace

What role do you play in the marketplace? Describe

Define your sphere in the marketplace

Has God given you a vision in your sphere in the marketplace? Describe

Describe how you plan to fulfill Gods vision in the marketplace?- Short, medium & long term

How can you help to advance the kingdom through your involvement in the marketplace?