True Submission “ Verily, the religion with Allah is Islam…And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.” ( 3:19,85)

True Submission

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True Submission

True Submission Verily, the religion with Allah is IslamAnd whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers. ( 3:19,85)


Islam is not a new religionIt says in the Quran 42:13

He, Allah has ordained for you the same religion of Islam which He ordained for Noah, and that which We have revealed to you Muhammad, and that which We ordained for Abraham, Moses and Jesus saying you should establish religion and make no divisions in it by establishing different sects and denominations.


Sects and Denominations


A Filipino historian commented about Islam and he says: " To understand and appreciate the Muslim Filipinos, it is necessary to know their religion and customs. Their religion is Islam, which means "submission to the will of God. Their God is Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet. It is wrong to call the Islamic religion Mohammedanism because Muhammad never claimed to have founded a new religion. " [pp. 124,125 History of the Republic of the Philippines by : G.F. Zaide and Zonia Pritchard ]


Islam and Muslim

ISLAM an Arabic word which means obedience, submission to the will of God.


What is the meaning of Islam? Islam is an Arabic word and it is drawn from causative form of the simple root of Arabic word SLM, or Salaam meaning peace. These three (3) consonant roots are important in Semitic languages. The causative verbal form thus means, to achieve peace, and its verbal noun in turn, the attainment of peace with God or a commitment, submission (with God) to (live in) peace. Most of the simple and partial translation of the word Islam is submission or surrender to the will of the Almighty God. Islam is to commit our self totally to God, and in complete harmony with the will of God, a complete submission to Allah Alone. The religion of Islam is the complete acceptance of the teaching and guidance of God as revealed to His Last Prophet Muhammad.


Who is a Muslim?

The one who faithfully practices Islam is a true Muslim. A Muslim is one who believes in God regardless of their race, nationality or ethnic background and strives for total reorganization of his life according to Gods revealed guidance and the saying of the Prophet. A Muslim is the one who believes in the Oneness of Allah and he submits to the will of Allah Alone without associating any partners to the creator. The word Muslim is an active participle, which means someone committed to (live) in peace or someone who surrender himself to the will of God. The m or mo- (mu-) or ma- indicates a participial form in Arabic. The Quran says: It is HE who has named you Muslims, both before and in this (revelation)."[22:78]. Any people anywhere in the worlds, who submits himself or herself to the will of the ONE TRUE GOD and follow the teaching of the Qur'an and the last Prophet of God is a Muslim, i.e., one who practices Islam.

The Prophet says:

"There is a tree among trees, leaves of which dont fall and which has the likeness of a Muslim. Tell me what it is? The people started thinking about the trees in the bush. Abdullah said: I thought of a date-tree but I did not say it out of modesty. Then they said: Tell us Oh, Messenger of Allah. He said: That is a date tree."


The Origin of Islamic ReligionThe Quran says:

And who can be better in religion than one who submits himself to Allah; and he is a righteous man, and follows the religion of Abraham in worshipping none but Allah alone. And Allah did take Abraham as an intimate friend. (4:125).


God's Covenant with AbrahamAllah says: Verily, I am going to make you Abraham an Imam, that is a leader for mankind. And Abraham said, and of my offspring. Allah said to Abraham, Covenant of Prophethood includes not the polytheists and wrong doers And this religion of Islam was enjoined by Abraham upon his sons and by Jacob, saying O my sons! Allah has chosen for you the religion, then die not except in the Faith of Islamand indeed, We sent Noah and Abraham, and placed in their offspring Prophethood and Scripture. Moreover, among them, there are some who guided; but many of them are rebellious or disobedient to Allah. (2:125, 132; 57:26).

Abraham and Ishmael


This prophetic declaration and revelation was confirmed by Giulio Basetti-Sani, a Roman Catholic clergy says:

" Islam is a mystery linked with the blessing obtained by Abraham from God for his son Ishmael and Ishmael's progeny. This line of though, derived from the Bible, is the one to take in order to grasp the significance of Islam Islam might well be the Abrahamic mystery of Ishmael.


God blessed Ismael and fulfilled His promised. Richard Wolff says: " According to Scripture the Arabs descended from Abraham through Ishmael. God granted a special blessing to Ishmael because of Abraham." (Israel Act III , Richard Wolff p. 81)


All Prophets are Muslims

" The same religion has he established for you ( Muhammad) as that He enjoined upon Noah that which WE revealed to thee that WE enjoined upon Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, that ye should remain steadfast in religion and make no division therein." [2:136]


Ishmaelite Arabs and IsraelitesWith regard to the covenant with Isaac, Jesus is the fulfillment however the Jews and Israelites received him not and rejected him (John 1:11; Luke 19:41-44; John 19: 12-16). Jesus said unto them: Have you never read in the scriptures: the very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner; this was the Lords doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes? Therefore, I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation producing the fruits of it. (Matthew 21:42-44; compare Genesis 17:20 ;Ishmael is a fruitful nation- RSV)


Allah the God of Abraham & Moses In the book: Understanding Islam, by Thomas W. Lippman, on page s6-7, it says:

Among these pagan deities one commanded a wider loyalty than the others and was known as Allah, which is the Arabic word for god. Cesar Farah, in his book, Islam, calls Allah the paramount deity of Pagan Arabia, recognized from Yemen to the Mediterranean. Enshrined as the principal god of the Kaaba, the pagan pantheon at Mecca, he was accorded a status above the petty gods and idols worshipped by individual tribes and local groups. He was more than equal to other gods, but less unique. That Allah, however, is not the God of Islam. Embracing monotheism, he swept away all the lesser gods and their idols. Worshipping the one God, he taught that the local deity falsely called Allah should be abandoned and that Allah, the one God, the God of the Jews and Christians, should be worshipped.


Abraham is not a Jew or a Christian Jews and Christians, why do you argue about Abraham when the Torah and the Gospel were not sent down until after him? Do you not use your reason? Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a Seeker (after truth), a Muslim; he was no associator ( of others with God) The closest people to Abraham are those who follow him, as well as this Prophet and those who believe. Allah is the Protector of the believers. (3:65,67,68)


The Basic Message of Islamic Religion

Five Pillars of IslamPillars of Islam

Allahs Messenger said, Islam is to bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah , to offer the Salat, pay Zakat, fast during the month of Ramadan and to make Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah) if you are able and have the means to make the journey.


Six Pillars of Faith

The Prophet said, Iman is to believe in Allah, His Angels, His scriptures and Messengers, the Last Day and to believe in the Divine Destiny of all that is good and evil.

Six Pillars of Faith


Five Pillars of IslamShahadaOneness and ProphethoodThe Hadith says: Whoever says la ilaha illa Allah, it will be his salvation someday, no matter what befalls him before that. (Reported by Bayhaqi, see Ahadith Sahih # 1932)Shahada is to pronounce the Tawheed The Prophet said: Make your dying people repeat: There is no other God (or god) except Allah. (Sahih Muslim)Shahada is the Key to ParadiseThe Prophet said: Whose last words in this world are: There is no God (or god) except Allah. He shall enter Paradise. ( Al- Hakim)


Five Pillars of IslamSalat or PrayerPray Five Times a DayPrayer is an appeal we perform to gain God's favor, entreat forgiveness for a misdeed we have committed; express gratitude for a grace bestowed upon us, ward off a possible calamity, and performs a religious duty.It is also a show of need and wants for God by the word and deed. God enjoined prayer on His worshippers to remind them of His commandments, and to help them lessen the hardships and misfortunes they face in everyday life. Also among its objective is the expression of praise to and glorification of God.


Importance of SalahPrayer constitutes one pillar of Islam and is considered the Foundation of Religion. Any Muslim who fails to observe his prayer and has no reasonable excuse is committing a grave offense and a heinous sin. To neglect prayer is to oppress the good qualities in human nature and unjustifiably deny it right to adore and love the right to aspire and ascend the right to excel and goodness and achieve noble aims.


Salah is aThe Prophet said: Between a man and Kufr and Shirk is the abandonment of Salat. (Sahih Muslim)

The Prophet says: The covenant (which distinguished) between us and them is the Salah, so whoever abandoned it become a kafir (disbelievers). (Ibn Majah, Vol. 2 p. 144 # 1079)

The Prophet said, What do you think if one of you had a river running past his door and he bathed in it five times a day, would any dirt remain on him? They said, No dirt would remain on him He said, Likewise is the similitude of the five times daily Salat, Allah obliterates thereby the sins. (Agreed upon)



The meaning of ZakatAnnual Net IncomeIn the Holy Qur'an, the word Zakat has no equivalent in any other language as far as we know. It is not just a form of charity or alms giving or tax or tithe, nor kindness; it is all of these combined and much more. The literal and simple meaning of Zakat is PURITY or PURIFICATION. It purifies the remainder of the Muslims wealth, and his soul. The technical meaning of the word designates that annual amount (2.5%) in kind or coin which a Muslim must distribute among the rightful beneficiaries. It is a humanitarian and socio-political value.


The Effect of Zakat

Zakat purifies the heart of the contributor from selfishness and greed for wealth; as a result, the society will purify and free him from class warfare and suspicion, from ill feeling and distrust, from corruption and disintegration, and from all such evils.Zakah mitigates to a minimum the suffering of the needy and poor members of society. It is most comforting consolation to the less fortunate people.Zakat is a healthy form of internal security against selfish greed and social dissension, against the intrusion and penetration of subversive ideologies. It is an effective instrument in cultivating the spirit of social responsibility on the part of the contributor, and the feeling of security and belonging on the part of the recipient.Zakat is a vivid manifestation of the spiritual and humanitarian spirit of responsive interactions between the individuals and society. It is a sound illustration of the fact that though Islam does not hinder private enterprise or condemn private possession, yet it does not tolerate selfish and greedy capitalism.


Recipient of Zakat

The Holy Qur'an classifies the recipients of Zakah:

The poor Muslims, to relieve their distressThe needy Muslims, to supply them with means whereby they can earn their livelihood.The New Muslim (reverts), to enable them to settle down and meet their unusual needs;The Muslim prisoners of war, to liberate them by payment of ransom money.The Muslim in debt, to free them from their liabilities incurred under pressing necessities.The Muslim employees appointed by a Muslim governor for the collection of Zakat to pay their wages.The Muslim in service of the cause of God by means of research or study or propagation of Islam. This share is to cover their expenses and help them to continue their services.The Muslim wayfarers who are stranded in a foreign land and in need of help.


Way of Distribution

Priority of ZakatZakat is cleansing our soulZakat may be distributed directly to individuals of one or more of the said classes, or to welfare organizations, which look after them.It may also be distributed in a form of scholarship to bright and promising Muslim students and researchers, or in the form of grants to welfare organizations and public institutions that patronize such causes.A disabled or invalid poor Muslim is preferable to one who is able and capable of making earnings. The contributor should use his best judgment in finding the most deserving beneficiaries.The contributor should not seek pride or fame by carrying out this duty. He should make it as covert as possible so that he may not be victimized by hypocrisy or passion for vanity which nullifies all good deeds.


Fasting in the Month of RamadanWhat is As-Siyam?Complete Abstinence from FoodFasting means to abstain "completely" from foods, drinks, intimate intercourse and smoking, before the break of the dawn until sunset, during the entire month of Ramadan, the 9th month of the Islamic Calendar. It is expected that during fasting the Muslim also refrain from all bad deeds and speech as much as possible.


The Month of RamadanMonth of FastingRamadan the 9th month of Islamic Calendar


Fasting is required for Every MuslimFasting the entire month of Ramadan is obligatory on every Muslim who is of sound mind, has reach puberty and is in satisfactory health. It is one of the five pillars of Islam. Anyone who is unable to fast the complete month ( for a valid reason) must make up later in the year any days that were missed, unless one is still unable.


Spiritual meaning of the Islamic Fasting.

It teaches man the principles of sincere love; because when he observes the Fasting, he does it out of deep love for God; and the man who loves God truly is a man who really knows what love is.


Fasting is Pleasing God

It equips man with a creative sense of Hope and an optimistic outlook on life; because when he fasts he is hoping to please God and seeking His grace.


Fasting is devotion to God

It imbues man with a genuine virtue of effective devotion, honest dedication and closeness to God; because when he fasts, he does so for God and for His sake alone.


Fasting cultivates in man a vigilant and sound conscienceBecause the fasting person keeps his past secret as well as in public. In Fasting, especially, there is no mundane authority to check man's behavior or compel him to observe the Fasting. He keeps it to please God and satisfy his own conscience is being faithful in secret and in public.


It indoctrinates man in patience and unselfishness,It indoctrinates man in patience and unselfishness, because when he rests he feels the pains of depravation but endures patiently. Truly this depravation may be only temporary, yet there is no doubt that the experience makes him realize the severe effects of such pains on others. The meaning of this experience in a social and humanitarian sense is that such a person is much quicker than anybody else in sympathizing with his fellow men is and responding to their needs is. That is an eloquent of unselfishness and genuine sympathy.


It is an effective lesson in applied moderation and willpowerIt is an effective lesson in applied moderation and willpower. The person who observes his fasting properly is certainly a man who can discipline his passionate desires and place his self above physical temptations. Such is the man of personality and character, the man of willpower and determination.


Wise Saving and BudgetingIt shows man a new way of wise saving and sound budgeting; because normally when he eats quantities or less meal he spends less money and effort. In addition, this is a spiritual semester of home economics and budgeting.


Training for PatienceIt enables man to master the art of mature adaptability. We can easily understand the point once we realize that fasting makes man change the entire course of his daily life. When he makes the change, he naturally adapts himself to a new system and moves along to satisfy the new rules. This, in long run, develops in him a wise sense of adaptability and self-created power to overcome the unpredictable hardships of life. A man who values constructive adaptability and courage will readily appreciate the effects of fasting in this respect.


Self DisciplineIt grounds man in discipline and healthy survival. When a man observes the regular course of fasting on consecutive days of the month of Ramadan, he is certainly applying himself to a high form of discipline and a superb sense of order. Similarly, when he relieves his stomach and relaxes his digestive system, he is indeed insuring his body, not to mention the soul, against all harms that result from stomach overcharge. In this manner of relaxation he may be sure that his body will survive free from the usual disorder and break, and that his soul will continue to shine purely and peacefully.


Feel the equality and BrotherhoodIt originates in man the real spirit of social belonging of Unity and brotherhood, of equality before God as well as before the law. This spirit is the natural product of that when man fasts; he feels that he is joining the completely Muslim society in observing the same duty in the manner at the same time for the same motives to the same end. No sociologist can say that there has been at any period of history anything comparable to this institution of Islam. People have been crying throughout the ages for acceptable belonging, for unity, for brotherhood, for equality, but how echoes less their voices has been, and how very little success they have meet!


Self ControlIt is a godly prescription for self-reassurance and self-control. When a man fasts in the proper manner, he is in control of himself, exercises full command over his passions, disciplines his desires and resists all evil temptation.


Hajj or PilgrimagePerformance of HajjKaaba in MakkahHajj means directing oneself towards the holy city Makkah to perform the rites of tawaf (circling the Kaabah), Sai (hastening between the mounts of Safa and Marwah), standing at Arafat and the other pilgrimage rites in obedience to Allah and seeking His reward. The performance of Hajj is obligatory, at least once in a lifetime, upon every Muslim, male or female, who is mentally, financially and physically fit.



Sai (hastening between the mounts of Safa and Marwah),


Hajj - Arafat

Standing at Arafat and the other pilgrimage


Some Spiritual Insight of the Annual Pilgrimage (Hajj)

It is the largest annual convention of Faith where Muslims meet to know one another. It is also the greatest regular conference of peace known in the history of mankind.


Universality and BrotherhoodIt is a wholesome demonstration of the universality of Islam and brotherhood and equality of the Muslims. From all walks of life, from all trades and classes, and from every corner of the globe the Muslims assemble at Mecca in response to the call of God. They dress in the same simple, observe the same regulations, utter the same supplications at the same regulations, and utter the same end. There is no royalty of all to God. There is no Aristocracy, but humility and devotion.


A journey to God

It is to confirm the commitment of the Muslims to God and their readiness to forsake the material interests in His service.


Sacred MemoirsIt is to acquaint the pilgrims with the spiritual and historical environment of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), so that they may derive warm inspirations and strengthen their Faith.


Follow the Example of Abraham

It is to commemorate the Divine rituals observed by Abraham (PBUH) and Ishmael (PBUH), who are known to have been the first pilgrims to the first house of God on earth (Ka'abah in Mecca).


A reminder for the Day of JudgmentIt is a reminder of the Grand Assembly on the Day of Judgment when people will stand equal before God, waiting for their Final Destiny, and where no superiority of race or stock can claim. It is also a reminder of the fact that Mecca alone, in the whole existing world, was honored by God in being the center of Monotheism since the time of Abraham (PBUH), and that it will continue to be the center of Islam, the religion of pure monotheism, till the end of time.


Spiritual FulfillmentIn the performance of Hajj it can easily be observed that it is a course of spiritual enrichment and moral rearmament, a course of intensified devotion and disciplinary experience, a course of humanitarian interests and inspiring knowledge-all put together in one single institution of Islam.


The Six Articles of FaithThe Prophet said,

Iman is to believe in Allah, His Angels, His scriptures and Messengers, the Last Day and to believe in the Divine Destiny of all that is good and evil.


Belief in the Oneness of Allah

the Arabic Allah contains a deep religious message because its root meaning and origin is from the verb ta allaha (alaha), which means, to be worshipped. Hence in Arabic Allah means The One and only True God who deserves all worship. The name Allah is a universal identification of the Almighty God,


Who is Allah?Allah, the Exalted, has described Himself in His Scriptures, and by the teaching of His Messengers, as Sublime, Supreme, and Lofty. The believers in Allah believe in and confirm all of Allahs attributes without distorting their meaning, or suspending them and that Allah is above the seven Heavens, above His Throne (Arsh) and He is separate from His creatures. It should be clear in the minds of the true believers that there is nothing to encompass Allah, the Exalted, or is there a place to contain Him.


Allahs AttributesWhoever believes that Allah is above His Throne, separated from His creatures, must also believe in the rest of Allahs attributes, and that the heavens and the earth submit to His will, and that He is the Great Rabb (LORD) of the worlds. Allah does whatever He wills and rules according to His own wishes.


Sole Owner of Divine AttributesThe essential Divine attributes of Allah constitute an integral part of Allahs essence and are not superadded to it. They are accepted literally without drawing any conclusions or similarities to them. To deny them is evident blasphemy and heresy.


Allah-the God of Muslims, Jews and Christians

The God that Muslims worship is the same God that all Prophet that worship. It is unfortunate that some people mistakenly believe that Muslims worship a different God than Jews and Christians, and that Allah is just one of the gods of the Arabs. The enemies of Islam propagated this myth and fallacies because the word Allah is an Arabic name for the Almighty God the Creator. It is the same word for God, which is used by Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians


Allah the God of Abraham & Moses In the book: Understanding Islam, by Thomas W. Lippman, on page s6-7, it says:

Among these pagan deities one commanded a wider loyalty than the others and was known as Allah, which is the Arabic word for god. Cesar Farah, in his book, Islam, calls Allah the paramount deity of Pagan Arabia, recognized from Yemen to the Mediterranean. Enshrined as the principal god of the Kaaba, the pagan pantheon at Mecca, he was accorded a status above the petty gods and idols worshipped by individual tribes and local groups. He was more than equal to other gods, but less unique. That Allah, however, is not the God of Islam. Embracing monotheism, he swept away all the lesser gods and their idols. Worshipping the one God, he taught that the local deity falsely called Allah should be abandoned and that Allah, the one God, the God of the Jews and Christians, should be worshipped.


Monotheistic Panorama


Trinity and AllahHowever,, it should be clarified that although Muslims worship the same God of the Jews and Christians, the concept of Him differs somewhat from the beliefs of other religion. For example is the belief in Trinity because the Quran rejects it and nowhere could we found in the Bible.


Belief in Angels

The Purpose of Belief in Angels

Evidence of life in the hereafterBelief in angels necessitates the belief that man has a spiritual life, and that he has to stimulate it and respond to the motives of good, which God lodged in him. The purpose is to exalt man to higher levels of perfection. That is why Islam made belief in Angels one of the foundations of religion (Quran 2:285)


Angels created from lightWe believe in the existence of angels of Allah and that they are honored servants. They act only by the command of Allah (21:26). The Quran explains that man was created from dust, and the Jinns (demons) from fire; but it gives no hint about the creation of angels. However, the Prophet said: Angels were created from light, and the Jinns from a flame of fire. This shows that angels originate from a fine, transcendental intangible world. Though they are invisible, reason does not deny their existence.


Innate AttributesAllah created them and they worshipped and obeyed Him (21:19). Angels and human being differ in nature. The angels have no power of choice of their own, and obedience is their innate attribute (16:49-50)


Invisible in the EyesAngels are concealed from us, we cannot see them. Allah may show them to some of His servants. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) saw Gabriel in his real shape with six hundred wings that covered the horizons.


Messenger of RevelationWe believe that angels are assigned certain functions. Among the angels is Gabriel who entrusted with revelation. He brings it down from Allah to whomever He wishes among His Prophets and Messengers.( Qur'an 35:1, 16:2)


Duties and FunctionsAmong them is Michael who is charge of rain and plantation. Israfil who is in charge of blowing the Horn at the time of Thunder bolting and Resurrection. The Angel of death, who takes away peoples souls at the time of death. Angel who is the one is in charge of mountain and Malik, the keeper of Hell.


Duties and FunctionsSome angels are in charge of embryos in wombs, others are responsible for protecting the human beings and other angels are busy in recording mens deeds. Two angels for each person. (Quran 50:18). Some angels are in charge of questioning the deeds after he put in his last abode. Two angels shall come to him and ask him about his Lord, His religion and his Prophet. Some angels are in charge of the dwellers of Paradise (Quran 13:24)


Duties and FunctionsSome angels are in charge of the dwellers of Paradise (Quran 13:24)The Prophet (PBUH) told us that seventy thousand angels enter or pray in the Populous House in Heaven every day.Other duties of angels are the strengthening of God's apostle's, supporting them and soothing their distress ( Qur'an 2:87)Angels also console and confort righteous people and bring them good tidings ( 41:30-31)God supports the righteous with angels while fighting so that they may gain victory over their enemies ( Qur'an 8:9-10)


Duties and FunctionsAngels take the lives of the righteous and receive their souls on their death ( Qur'an 16:32,28)Angels entreat forgiveness for righteous people and plead with the Lord to guide them to the Path of Salvation ( Qur'an 40:7-9)God entrusted man to the care of angels who keeps a record of his deeds, on which he is reckoned on the Day of Judgment ( Qur'an 82:10-12; 50:16-18)


Belief in the Revelation or Scriptures

Belief in the Scripture is a basis of faith. These books include all the commandments that God disclosed to His Messengers in order to promulgate them to their nations (2:285)

We believe that Allah revealed Scriptures to His messengers as proof against mankind and guidance for the righteous workers. They purified and taught them wisdom by these Books.We believe that Allah sent down Scriptures with every Messenger. (Quran 57:25)


Known Revealed Scriptures Among these Scriptures, we know are the following:

The Torah which was revealed to Moses (PBUH) It is revealed to the Israelites people (Quran 5:44)The Gospel which Allah revealed to Jesus (PBUH) it is a confirmation of the Torah and a complement to it. (Quran 5:46; 3:50)The Psalms which Allah gave to David (PBUH)Tablets of Abraham (PBUH) and Moses (PBUH) The Quran, which was revealed to His Last and Seal of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). (Quran 2:185)

Sacred Scriptures


What is Al-Quran?

Al-Quran is the primary and fundamental source of our faith. The literal meaning of the Arabic language word QURAN is derived from the root qaraa, which has various meaning, such as read (Surah 17:93), to recite (Surah 75:18; 17:46), et citera. Quran is a verbal noun and hence means the reading, or recitation. This book is not the composition of a man, nor is it the collected thoughts or opinion of wise men through the ages. It is the Words of the Almighty God Allah, the Creator, and the Lord of the universe, available in its original form and preserved intact.


Collection of the QuranHere are the summaries to ensure the collection of the revelation in writing during the lifetime of the Prophet:

Revelations used to be written down even in the very early days of the Prophets call.In Madina, the Prophet had several persons who wrote down revelation when it was revealed.The Prophet himself instructed his scribes as to where the different revealed verses should be placed, and thus determined the order and arrangement.This order and arrangement was well known to the Muslims and strictly observed by them.The Angel Gabriel went through all the revelation with Muhammad (PBUH) each year in Ramadan, and went through it twice in the year the Prophet died.There are numerous reports about the existence of the written Quran- in the form of a book or piece of writing (kitab) during the lifetime of the Prophet.


Belief in the Prophets and Messengers of Allah

The Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) mentioned that the number of Prophet was 124,000 and the number of Messengers was three hundred and in fifteens. In Arabic, the word Nabi (Prophet) is derived from the word naba, which means NEWS ( Quran 78:1-2). The Prophet is called Nabi in Arabic because he is told, i.e., Allah tells him and reveals to him. He tells what Allah commands him and reveals to him (Quran 15:49). In addition, the word Rasool (Messenger) is from the Arabic word Irsal which means directing. If you send a person on a mission then he is your rasool (messenger). The word rasool may also refer to the person who follows the news of the one whom he sent, hence the Messengers are called rusul (singular rasool) because they receive direction from Allah ( Quran 23:44) with the specific messages and are enjoined to convey it and follow it.


All Messengers and Prophets were human beingsAllahs Lordship and Mercy necessitates sending Messengers to His creatures to teach them about their Lord, to guide them to attain perfection, and to guide them to their happiness in this life and the Hereafter. A believer is also under the obligation to trust that what these messengers promulgate is sent down from God, besides the obligation of following the example of the Messengers way of life, obeying their instructions, and refraining from what they interdict. He has to trust that Gods Messengers are supported by a divine providence that is not entrusted to mans mind or human ability. Superior to human knowledge, this fact is, by itself a miracle that gives enough evidence of the Message of Muhammad (PBUH).


All Messengers and Prophets were human beingsSince Allah, the Almighty created the creatures to worship Him (51:56). This required choosing and sending Messengers to teach the servants of Allah the Almighty, how to worship and obey Him; since this is the mission they were created for. The Quran calls on people to have faith in all of Gods messengers (2:136). Likewise, The Quran acknowledges that Allah rejects all those who believe in some messengers and reject others (4: 150-151)


All Messengers and Prophets were human beingsSince reward and punishment are effects dependent upon obedience and disobedience, affecting the soul either purifying it or defiling it, then this necessitates sending Messengers and Prophets. (Quran 4:165)Every nation has its own messengers. Gods rule of mankind necessitated sending to every nation messengers from among its people to lead them to happiness and prosperity. (26:36; 35:24). The Quran mentioned 25 Messengers, and many more mentioned not their names (4:164).


All Messengers and Prophets were human beingsMuhammad (PBUH) is a Messengers sent to all mankind. The message of Muhammad (PBUH) was sent to all mankind, unlike those of the apostles before him who were sent, each to his own people (34:28); 7:158)Muhammad (PBUH) is the seal of the Prophets. Muhammads (PBUH) message was made the last of the long line of message (33:40). The Quran, concludes the epoch of Prophethood, and decides that there shall be no prophet after Muhammad (PBUH), though thousands of years had passed on Gods creation of the universe before Muhammad (PBUH), with prophet succeeding one another.


Belief in the Last Day

Belief in a Final hour bringing the end to this worldly life, and that there will be a Last Day after which there will be no other day, then the second Life comes. The term last Day refers to events of the Hereafter, resurrection day and Day of Judgment, when Allah Almighty will resurrect all the creatures, gather them before Him and call them all to account. Then He will reward the pious with the eternal bliss in Paradise and the evildoers with the disgraceful chastisement in the Fire.


Rational Proofs of Final Hour

Allah has the ability to rejuvenate all creatures after their death, since re-creating them is in no way more difficult than originating them. Reason does not reject the ideas of resurrection and reward. Reason negates only what is impossible, such as the accord of two opposite or two contradictions. However, this is clearly not the case with the idea of resurrection and accountability.Due to Allahs obvious wisdom in the affairs of His creatures, and the competition in every sphere and realm of life, it is unlikely that the creatures would not be resurrect after death, ending the short earthly life to require them for their good and evil deeds.


The blessings and hardships of the earthly life alone testify to the existence of another life in another realm full of justice, good, perfection, bliss all greater and more encompassing. For this life with its bliss and hardship would not resemble that life except as the mere picture of a place resembles a magnificent palace in reality, or the comparison between a luxurious garden and that of a small leaf.

Eternal Bliss


ParadiseThe Prophet said about Heaven, Narrated Abu Hurayrah: "Allahs Messenger said, Allah said, I have prepared for My pious slaves things which have never been seen by an eye, nor heard by an ear, or (even) imagined by a human being. (Sahih Al-Bukhari 4: 467) In another Hadith Abu Hurayrah said, that the Prophet said: Whoever enters Paradise, will enjoy a life of luxury and never feel deprivation, his clothes will never wear out, his youth will never fade. In Paradise there is what no eyes has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and has never crossed the mind of man. ( At-Tabari 20:186; Sahih Muslim 4:2181)The Quran 32:17 says: "No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy as a reward for what they used to do."


Belief in the Divine Destiny and Divine WillQadar and QadaaThe Muslim believes believe in Divine Destiny or fate (Qadar) and Divine Will (Qadaa) of Allah the Almighty. Qadaa or Qadar means Allahs decree, implying His complete final control over the outcome of events, or destiny. We believes in His Wisdom and Will, and that nothing in existence occurs or takes place except after Allahs Knowledge and allocation for it, and that He is Just arrangement of affairs and that His Wisdom complies with His will. The Muslims believed that whatever Allahs wills, will come to pass, and whatever He does not will, will never occur, and that there is neither power nor might except from Allah (54:49; 15:21; 57:2264:11; 17:13; 9:51; 6:59)


Qadar is One of the Secrets of Allah

The best way to satisfied our understanding regarding this matter is to be pleased at what has been said in the Qur'an in the Sunnah, and stop by using analogy and reasons. Whoever is not satisfied with this limitations will be misled, confused and lost because Qadar is one of the secret of Allah which is known only to the All-Knowing, All- Aware. He has put a veil around it and has concealed it from the minds and knowledge of His creation, for reasons that are known only unto Him, so it is not known by any Prophet who was sent or by any angel who close to Allah. Al;lah has withheld knowledge of Qadar from His creation, and has forbidden them to seek to understand it ( Qur'an 21:23)


Qadaa (Divine Will)

Qadaa means decision, decree, and judgment. The root meaning is decision. The verb qadaa yaqdee and the words qadaa and qaadi (judge) are used to refer to matters where decisions and judgment are made. Qadaa implies doing a thing properly, finishing it and concluding the matter.


Qadar /Divine DestinyQadar literally in Arabic means decree, judgment, and ultimate destiny, laws, regulations, the system, functions and operations that had been laid down by Allah in this universe. In technical sense, qadar is a process of "something of which there was prior knowledge, one of the things which were written by the Pen when it wrote down everything that was going to happen for the rest of eternity, when Allah decreed the affairs of all His creation and what would happen before it happened. He knew that these things would happen at certain times were known to Him, and in specific ways, and so things happen in the way that He has decreed." (Qur'an 15:21; 54:49; 36:39;25:2). In another definitions : " Qadar means that Allah brings things into being in a specific manner with regard to its essence and qualities, and in accordance with His prior knowledge and that which has been written by the Pen."


The Benefits of Believing In Qadar

Oneness of AllahTawheed vs DualismIt is a means of clear out Oneself of Shirk. Many people believe or accept that goods come from Allah. and that evil is the creation of others deity. This concept is avoid attributing evil to Allah.. In the Bible, Paul claim that Satan is the God of this world which resulted the down fall of mankind. ( 2 Corinthians 4:4). In the same way, the Zoroastrianism (or Magians) believes that Light was the Creator of Good, and Darkness was the Creator of evil which is called Dualism. Dualism is a belief that there are two gods who competing each other until to the end. Pure Monotheism can be pulls in at except by those who affirm that Allah Alone is the Creator of everything in the universe.


The Benefits of Believing In Qadar

Peace of MindStraight and Right PathHolding fast to the truth even in the times of difficulty. The Quran made it clear that man was created weak, hence shortcoming is always imminent and prone to stray in the right path.. (Quran 70:19-22). Belief in qadar makes a person persist in his adherence to the to the straight path, so that he is not reckless, at times of ease, and does not fall into despair when calamity strikes, for he knows that everything good that happens to him comes from Allah, and is not because of his intelligence or good planning ( Quran 16:53; 28:76-78). And when trials and tribulations befall a person, he knows that this is happening by the decree of Allah, as a test from Him, so he does not panic or despair, rather he seeks the reward of Allah and bears it with patience, and his faith brings contentment and tranquility to the heart of the believer. (Quran 57:22-23; 2:156-157)


The Benefits of Believing In Qadar

Give a Positive motivationRighteousnessThe One who believe in Qadar is always careful (Quran 7:99). Hearts are always turning over and changing, the believers must be always careful lest there come to him something, which will lead him astray, just as he always fears that his final actions may be bad. This does not make lazy and pathetic, rather it motivates him to strives persistently to follow the straight path, to do righteous deeds and to avoid sins and punishable deeds.


The Benefits of Believing In Qadar

Strengthen the HeartCleansing the HeartFacing Difficulties and Dangers with a Strong Heart. When a person believes that everything that happens is decreed, and that provision and life spans are in the hand of Allah, then he can confront difficulties and ordeals with a strong heart and with his head held high. This belief is one of then greatest strength for the righteous in confronting any trials and difficulties.



Disbelief or Al-Kufr in any of the six articles of Faith or Fundamental creed of Islam is fundamentally an unbeliever. Kufr means a covering or concealing. It is the opposite of Iman (Faith). Kufr or infidelity is disbelieving in Allahs Messenger, whether the disbelief is associated with denial or not, rather with doubts, suspicion, aversion, jealousy , arrogance, or following some whims which defers from adhering to the Message.


The Major Disbelief ( Al-Kufr Al-Akbar). Any person who have this form of disbelief is moved out completely from the fold of Islam or an apostate in Islam

a). Kufr At-Takdhih this is disbelieving or denying any of the articles of Islam.(Quran 39: 32) b). Kufr Al-Iba wat-Takabbur ma at-Tasdiq. this is a rejection and arrogance to submit to Allahs commandments after conviction of the whole truth. ( Quran 2:34)c). Kufr Ash-Shakk waz-Zann. this is doubting or lacking of conviction in the six articles of faith. (Quran 18:35-38)d). Kufr al-Irad.- this is turning away from the truth knowingly or deviating from the obvious signs which Allah has revealed. (Quran 46:3)e). Kufr an-Nifaq- this is hypocritical disbelief ( Quran 63:2-3)


The Minor Disbelief Al-Kufr Al-Asghar

This disbelief does not exclude anyone from the religion of Islam. It is called Kufran Nimah- that is ungratefulness for Allahs Blessing a or Favors. ( Quran 16:112)