Mike Mazzalongo BibleTalk.tv #2 Submission In Spirit & In Truth The Practice of Worship

The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

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This lesson reviews the spiritual exercise that prepares the Christian for worship as a lifestyle and not simple a regular activity at an appointed time. Watch, listen or download: http://bibletalk.tv/the-practice-of-biblical-worship-submission

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Page 1: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

Mike MazzalongoBibleTalk.tv



In Spirit & In TruthThe Practice of Worship

Page 2: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

In Spirit & In Truth

“Worship”Hebrew: Shachah - to bow down - to prostrate

Greek: Proskunéo - to kiss (forward) - to do reverence - to bow down before

Page 3: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission


“How do we improve our worship services?”

Answer“Learn and practice greater submission to God”

In Spirit & In Truth

Page 4: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

Muslim 5 Pillars of Faith

Pillar 1. ConfessionPillar 2. Alms GivingPillar 3. PrayerPillar 4. FastingPillar 5. Pilgrimage

In Spirit & In Truth

Page 5: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

Sikh’s - 5 K’s

1. Kesh2. Kangha3. Kachh4. Karpa5. Kirpan

In Spirit & In Truth

Page 6: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

Church of Christ’s attempt to improve worship

- Improve singing ability- Improve building- Improve A/V- Improve ministers- Improve methods

In Spirit & In Truth

Page 7: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

“The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit, you will not reject a broken and repentant heart O God.” Ps. 51:12

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted.” Ps. 34:18

“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Mt. 5:3

In Spirit & In Truth

Page 8: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him.”

Romans 12:1

In Spirit & In Truth

Page 9: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

In Spirit & In Truth

Worship Computers




Internet Connection

Language of communicationPraise, RequestConfession, etc.

Submission of one’s will

Page 10: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

Common mistakes II

1. It’s all about the Hardware

Worship Mistakes

Page 11: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

Common mistakes II

1. Hardware

2. It’s all about the Software

Worship Mistakes

Page 12: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

Submission on a daily basis permits one to be in a worship mode

constantly – an idea much superior to the Muslim concept of repetitious

prayer facing east.

In Spirit & In Truth

Page 13: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

The answer to corporate worship problems was to be in submission to God’s will for public worship just as one was in submission to His will for

private/personal devotion.

In Spirit & In Truth

Page 14: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

In Spirit & In Truth

Because of submission to God’s will which is the true practice of worship...

1. Woman submitted to cultural & eternal norms.

2. Men submitted to orderly process in the assembly.

3. Men & women submitted to one another in love.

Page 15: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

In Spirit & In Truth

Avoid the Extremes

Focus on Rituals Invent new Rituals

Page 16: The Practice of Biblical Worship: Submission

“...we become broken bread and poured out wine.”

My utmost for His HighestOswald Chambers

In Spirit & In Truth