The Humble Truth And The Hole In The Wall

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A short story of how I dealt with an argument with my wife.

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  • 1. The Humble Truth And The Hole In The Wall

2. The humble truth is sometimes hard to admit 3. Several weeks ago I was having a heated discussion with my wife Beth 4. She was pushing all of my buttons and getting me very upset 5. As I left the room in a huff of anger 6. I threw open the door and the knob went through the wall 7. It was nothing big just a small hole in the wall that is usually hidden behind the door 8. After some time of cooling off Iapologizedto Beth for my anger 9. my harsh words and the way I acted 10. I never mentioned the door 11. After all she was pushing my buttons and was just as responsible for the tiny hole as I was 12. So why was it bothering me 13. If anyone would mention the hole I would get agitated and say how Beth had been pushing my buttons 14. The previous paragraph is full BS 15. That's why it would bother me when someone noticed the hole 16. That hole is a manifestation of my guilt 17. It reminds me of how easy it is to look away from the humble truth and focus on something evil 18. Yes Beth did push my buttons knowing how it would upset me 19. but this is not the truth I needed to be looking at 20. The truth is that there was something in me that was causing me to get angry 21. A different person in the same situation would acttotallydifferent than I did 22. If I had been in a different space I would not have acted the same way 23. The humble truth I needed to admit is this 24. I had been selfish 25. self centered 26. fearful and dishonest 27. I was angry 28. I said thing I shouldn't have 29. I yelled and I put a hole in the wall 30. This is the truth that I can deal with 31. This is the truth that leaves me with something to improve 32. This is the truth that God wants me to look at 33. This is the humble truth that will release my guilt 34. Iapologized to Beth again and this time I told her the humble truth that I had been selfish 35. self centered 36. dishonest and acting out of fear 37. I was only thinking of myself and it was my anger that put the hole in the wall 38. Up until that moment I was avoiding my guilt by blaming Beth for my actions 39. In blaming her I was holding my anger and my guilt prisoners in my soul 40. In confessing my sins to God and to Beth I have been freed from this guilt and anger 41. I am no longer held prisoner 42. Any time there is anger there is fear and this fear keeps you bound in chains 43. The honest truth will set you free 44. If you find yourself in a situation were you repeatedly feel the tension 45. look inside yourself 46. seek out what you keep locked away in the dark corners of your mind and soul 47. Free these prisoners and free your self 48. Let them out with the humble truth that releases the chains of bondage 49. Bring the humble truth to light and the truth shall set you free