Spirituality booklet 2015

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Naveen Rudolf Rodrigues





S-Simple P-Practice I-Involving R-Reflecting I-Internal Searching/Inward Journeying T-Transcending

It's the Spirit who gives life; the flesh accomplishes nothing. Humans can reproduce only human life,

but the Spiritus Creator gives birth to spiritual life.

When you do a spiritual practice, enter into your closet, and when you have shut your door, pray to

your Father which is in secret; and your Father which sees in secret shall reward you openly as in

the Figure


Spirituality is everyday life. This booklet is for those who want to begin understanding the basic

approach to concept of spirituality and that,habitual practice of spiritual activity leads to

finding meaning related to all dimensions of life. It will enable oneself to identify spiritual

dimension in one’s life and how it’s deeply integrated in our very being (soul). To draw full

profit from it, some aspects have to be practiced habitually to reach your own understanding.

This book will be useful for beginners for the initial understanding of basic concepts of

spirituality. It’s written as an open concept and can be understood differently at different


There is no readymade system of spirituality as it’s a human effort with divine action.



What is Spirituality?

Classification of Spirituality

Who can Spirituality be applied to?

Spiritual Journey –Human choice/Mystery

What are Spiritual Concerns?

Spiritual practice resultsand benefits

Spiritual Activity





First and foremost spirituality is not a science but experience .To understand spirituality is

fascinating and rewarding. It is fascinating because so many of the concepts involved have

implications for both professional and personal behavior and constant growth. It is rewarding

because it places emphasis on wellbeing which is an eternal source of finding meaning to life.

Spirit is the gift of life that human beings possess for the duration of their earthly existence. As

long as the “breath of life” remains in them, human beings are “living souls . Humans become

like Spiritus Creator and live in a human way. Therefore we have two lives in us, a human life

and a spiritual life. We are made up of mind, body and soul which are held together by the

Spirit we chose.

Spiritus Creator, the source and ground of all life confers on his creatures, for we have received,

not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is from Creator; that we might know the things

that were freely given to us of our creator.

The spiritual life is a choice we make in order to find existential meaning by transcending

through habitual spiritual practice. Spirituality is a deep journey; deep in our being what we call

‘soul’, where we understand ourselves with the Spiritus Creator. It is purely a never ending

journey towards perfection till we finally rest in the Spiritus Creator.

Whereas spirituality provides decision makers with a rational means by which to grow and

could be measured through personal performance, attitude and reflections day in and day out.

Many provide the theory, concepts, and tools necessary to make better choices. Thus, the primary purpose of this booklet is to help individuals, healthcare professionals and students

explore the spiritual dimension by better decisions. The text is designed primarily for those moving into the health services or those wanting to find meaning in life.

The major difference between this text and vast available texts is that this text focuses on

factors unique to our own spirit that harbor’s within us for a great journey with the spiritus creator for better meaningful life.

This needs efforts on our part as Socrates said “Know thyself”. Spirituality can be expressed by

various ways by different people, but eventually means whether the existential meaning is

present or disturbed or lost. Spirituality is an essential faith journey for human harmony in our

mortal life to immortality.

How to Use This Book The overriding goal in creating this text was to provide an easy-to-read, content-filled book on

understanding basics of spirituality and exploring the dimension in ourselves and using it for benefits of our soul. The text contains several features designed to assist in learning the

material. First, pay particular attention to the Learning Objectives. These objectives give readers a feel

for the most important topics in each chapter and set learning goals for that chapter. After each section, except the Introduction, one Self-Test Questions are listed. Answers to these questions

are not provided. When you finish practicing section, try to provide reasonable answers to these questions. Your responses do not have to be perfect, but if you are not satisfied with your

answer, reread that section and understand before proceeding.

Structure of the book is designed to make the understanding of Spirituality as easy and efficient as possible.

Learning Objectives

After studying this chapter, readers should be able to

• experience the difference between earthly and spiritual dimension.

• discuss the role of spirituality in healthcare setting or individual life.

• describe the basic spirituality with their advantages and disadvantages.

• discuss the two basic types of SPIRITUALITY and explain why it is important when making decisions.

• explain how the goals of spiritual life benefits us and all, and

• describe, in general terms, the spiritual exercises apply both to individuals and to healthcare professionals.


There is no readymade system of Spirituality.

Defining SPIRIT: may bedefined as an existential invisible force/activity leading always to a definitive growth/change/action with definitive purpose always related.

‘Spiritualitas’- latin: state or nature of being spiritual

Spiritual-To do with the spirit related to breath

Spiritual-related to

Human spirit/soul-intangible

Higher power – Incarnate (Embodied spirit).

- Human spirit- Depths of one’s being where a person decides FOR or AGAINST


- NATURE OF GOD:-Holy/ Perfect/ Selfless love/ Joy/Peace/Faithfulness/Patience.

- ATTITUDE OF THE MIND: Ethical/ Moral/Standards/ Values/ Norms – for the sake of

common good.







Spirituality can be applied to any person who believes

- In the human spirit

-In the divine spirit


-Ethical or moral values

All these brings the dimensions into the lifeof an individual.

Meaning and purpose in life.

Interconnectedness and Harmony with other people or the universe.

A right relationship with God or ultimate.




Mystery often


Spiritual Life-Journey beyond human understanding of life leading to bearing fruit.

Fruits depend on the CHOICE we make through human life or through divine communion.

Self-Check before /after


Fruits of the Spirit check yourself(√)













BENEFITS: Against such things there is no law.





Divine communion

through Transcendence





Virtue Divine Spirituality Secular Spirituality

Existential Meaning Existential Meaning

Eternal Effect Temporal /Eternal Effect

Fruits of Flesh/Spirit Fruits of Divine Spirit


It is the conversation of the intelligence with Spiritus Creator, the green branch of sweetness and the

liberation from evil, the exteriorization of joy and gratefulness.

Spiritual Activity is the elevation of the intelligence to Creator, not in order to learn about Creator but

to discover Creator; not to know about creator but to know creator, to experience Creator in one's

own life.



Human choice made

Any time in life /Any moment/ Anywhere /Any situation

Earthly Way of Life Divine Path (living the divine

in human way)

Either - through self /help seeking/getting helped/mystery


Doing only GOOD


Do Good & Avoid Bad


Avoid Good and Bad

Spiritually DEAD

Human choice made


What is LectioDivina?

Lectiodivina (pronounced "lec-tsee-oh di-vee-nah"), Latin for “sacred reading,” “divine

reading,” or “holy reading,” is a spiritual practice that has been in use for over a

thousand years. It was originally practiced by monks who spent a large portion of their

days praying and reading sacred books. While reading they noticed that at times

individual words, phrases, or verses seemed to leap off of the page with a special

personal importance. Have you had the same experience? These special words or

verses can give a sense of encouragement, comfort, thankfulness, or conviction that

often applies to present situations and can draw us closer to spiritus creator.

Lectiodivina is an intimate way of communicating with the creator. All too often in prayer

and worship, we talk to our Creator but don’t give him a chance to communicate back to

us. Lectiodivina employs creators own words to have a personal conversation with him.

Four Stages

The four traditional stages of lectiodivina are

1.Lectio (reading),

2.meditatio (meditation),

3.oratio (prayer), and

4.contemplatio (contemplation).

The steps were created simply to provide structure and guidance for people who wish

to learn how to perform this practice. Consider how people learn to play a new

instrument. A man who is learning piano must go through the steps of reading the

notes, putting his hands in the right place, pushing down on the keys, listening to the

notes, and then repeating the process. At first, each step seems rigid and awkward, but

over time he learns to perform each of these steps as one fluid process leading to the

actual art of music.


Choosing a Time and Place

set aside the right amount of time in a place where you are able to focus intently. The

amount of time varies between people and spiritual maturity levels. (10min -60 min)

The setting can vary as well. Some people prefer to have background noise or

something to focus on such as a cross or a nature scene. It simply needs to be a place

where you will not be interrupted and can feel relaxed, focused, and comfortable.

What to Read

Choose a passage from any Holy Book. Some like to meditate on lengthy passages

such as a whole chapter or even an entire book. Others choose to reflect on only a few


Use a reading plan what to read each day

Work methodically through the holy passage

Focus on a theme (e.g., love, patience,joy, or various attributes of creator)


A great place to start is to simply sit up straight, rest your hands on your lap, and relax

your body and breathing. Enjoy this moment of silence and choose to temporarily forget

about all the work, duties, and anxieties the day may hold so that you can focus on the

task at hand. Once you feel peaceful and calm, say a brief prayer.

Invite the Spiritus Creator to come and guide you through your experience. Ask him to

make known anything he would like to reveal to you. Calm your mind and heart in a way

that will help prepare you to meet God in the sacred writings.

Stage 1: Lectio (reading):

It is absolutely vital to remember exactly what you are reading. Reading is the first

and foremost part of lectiodivina.

First, read through the entire passage very slowly. Take the time to note every specific

word. Think about the intentionality of the word ordering. Look for repetition, themes,

pictures, and dialogue. Try to picture yourself inside the story. Stay alert for a single

word, phrase, verse, or message that catches your eye, stirs you, moves you or

connects with you emotionally. Reread that significant piece over and over. Repeat it

(some people even say the phrase out loud), lingering over the phrase. The goal is not

only to see the words with your eyes but to feel them with your heart, mind, and soul.

Stage 2: Meditatio (meditation):

Much of this stage is about using your imagination. Think about what the phrase that

stood out to you meant .Picture yourself in the setting and context of the passage. Play

out the scenario in your head. Reflect on how it might apply to your life. Is it relevant to

something that you are going through? Does it bring to mind a struggle that you have

been dealing with? Do certain people come to mind that Creator may want you to reach

out to or reconcile a relationship with? Is there a strong sense of a movement or change

that needs to happen? When you are thinking about a passage ask the Creator to

illuminate that passage so that you can grasp the message in terms of your own life.

Stage 3: Oratio (prayer): The next step is to take all the thoughts, feelings, actions,

fears, convictions, and questions you have meditated on and offer them to the Lord in

prayer. Praise Creator for who he is. If you feel convicted about a poor relationship,

simply apologize, request forgiveness, and ask for guidance on restoring the

relationship. If you feel thankful for something that Creator has done for you, then pour

out those feelings of thanksgiving. If you feel a specific anxiety about something in your

life, present it to the Lord. Simply talk to Creator and tell him what you are feeling, just

like you would with a good friend or family member. It is so important to ask Creator to

help us in the areas in which we need improvement. We are a community of broken

people and cannot do any good on our own.

Stage 4: Contemplatio (contemplation):

This final stageis one of vital importance. The “task” in this stage is to simply be silent

in the presence of Our Creator and feel His tender love and embrace. Just “be” with

the Creator.

At the end of the contemplation stage simply close off your lectiodivina session with a

prayer of thanking the Creator.

Final Thoughts

Lectiodivina is a process that will take some getting used to. Try not to quit if you aren’t

fond of it after your first few attempts. Remember that it is much like learning to play the

piano. At first each step may seem rigid and awkward, but after some practice and

experience you can learn to have life-giving communication with Spiritus Creator.


Sacred Books


Healing: process of touching, soothing and alleviating the dis-ease in the spirit/mind

Health: A scale of measurement of the ease or dis-ease in the spirit, mind, body or Person/a


Health care: Systemisation of the delivery of healthy process to individualised persons/communities.

Faith:-Innate human power/capacity to express /engage “other”

-One experience of relationship with whatever he or she considers divine.

-Personal relationship and/attitude / confidence / devotion or hope.

Belief:To hold Dear.

Religion: “Reli-Gare”-to gather together.

-It ties together, organises the common belief, behaviour and values of particular faith/ tradition/

community of faith.

Moral: Concerning principles of right and wrong.

Virtue: Strength of soul, an inclination to do good.

Prudence: Making the proper choices and decisions.

Justice: Giving everyone their due: to God, neighbor and to oneself.

Fortitude: Fearlessly fulfilling our duties and overcoming every difficulty.

Temperance: Virtue which enables us to check our sensual inclinations in all things.

Mystery: The hidden plan of our Creator for man’s salvation as it unfolds itself.

Faith: Man’s response to God’s invitation to share his life.

Hope: Unshakeable confidence in God.

Charity: God’s way of loving; a communion with God.

Spirituality: How a person is united with God.

Spiritual Direction: Personal relationship between two people in which one assists the other to grow

in the spiritual life.

Soul: the self as enduring and as related to God