Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15

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Page 1: Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15
Page 2: Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15

Sacrificial Love(Part 1 of “Let God Change Your Life”)

Page 3: Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15

ESV Romans 8:32He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?

Page 4: Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15

Sacrificial Love(Part 1 of “Let God Change Your Life”)

Page 5: Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15

NIV Romans 5:8, 10But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us… For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!

Page 6: Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15

Sacrificial Love(Part 1 of “Let God Change Your Life”)

Page 7: Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15
Page 8: Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15

Sacrificial Love(Part 1 of “Let God Change Your Life”)

Page 9: Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15

ESV John 15:12This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

Page 10: Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15

Sacrificial Love(Part 1 of “Let God Change Your Life”)

Page 11: Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15

Changed by God’s Unconditional Love:

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Changed by God’s Unconditional Love:

•Know God’s Love Personally

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Page 14: Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15

Sacrificial Love(Part 1 of “Let God Change Your Life”)

Page 15: Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15

Changed by God’s Unconditional Love:

•Know God’s Love Personally

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Changed by God’s Unconditional Love:

•Know God’s Love Personally•Grow in Unconditional Love

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Sacrificial Love(Part 1 of “Let God Change Your Life”)

Page 18: Sacrificial Love - Easter 04 05 15

Changed by God’s Unconditional Love:

•Know God’s Love Personally•Grow in Unconditional Love

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Changed by God’s Unconditional Love:

•Know God’s Love Personally•Grow in Unconditional Love•Show God’s Love to Others

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Sacrificial Love(Part 1 of “Let God Change Your Life”)

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•Do all the three steps: Accept God’s unconditional love of you, fill up your “love bank”, and take a risk on someone.