Islamic Quote QUOTES AND SAYINGS Slideshare by Xenia

Quotes and Sayings

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Page 1: Quotes and Sayings


Slideshare by Xenia

Page 2: Quotes and Sayings

• Eat together and not separately, for the blessings is associated with the company. (Ibn Majah).

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• Allah did not promise Days without pain, Laughter without sorrow, Sun without rain. But he did promise: Strength for the day, Comfort for the tears, and light for our ways.

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•Pay attention to Allah and He will pay attention to


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Take your words into account as part of your actions, and do not say anything

unless it is good.

Imam Ali (ra)

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• Do not betray anyone who places his trust in you … even if he betrays you. Imam Ali (ra)

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• Make sure your food is good (halal and bought with halal earnings), and you will be one whose prayers are answered.

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• It is better for a

man to give one dirham

as Sadaqa during

his lifetime than to give a

hundred at the time of

his death.

• (Abu Dawud).

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• It is part of the Sunna that A man should accompany his guest to the door of the house. (Ibn Majah, Baihaqi).

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• When you are in trouble, don’t ever say,

• ”Hey God!, I have big problem” instead say,”

• Hey Problem, I have big GOD!” • and everything will be fine….

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• ISLAM is the University,

• EARTH is the Class Room,

• QURAN is the Syl labus,

• MOHAMMAD (S.A.W) is the Teacher,

• ALLAH is the Examiner, • TRY TO PASS THE


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• Do ordinary 4 Allah • He will do xtra ordinary 4

u,• Do natural 4 Allah He’ll

do supernatural 4 u, Do possible 4 ALLAH He’ll do

impossible 4 u,

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• ALLAH can reach each falling tears. He sees the heart that needs a cheer. He knows the path that`s hard and dear... Don`t ever give up coz He is near....

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• The Shortest Distance between a Problem and it`s Solution is the Distance between your

Knees and the Floor. • The one who Kneels to Allah (Ta`ala) can stand

Up to Anything.....

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• Verily, it is one of

the respects to Allah

to honour an old man

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•Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to

meet him

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• Verily, Allah is mild and is fond of mildness, and He gives to the mild what He

does not give to the harsh.

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• Much silence and a good disposition, there are no two things better than these

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• Allah does not look at your appearance or you possessions; but He looks at your heart and your deeds

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• Serve Allah, as you would if you could see Him; although you can

not see Him, He can see you

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• A true Muslim is thankful to Allah is prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity

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• If you do not feel ashamed of

anything, then you can do whatever you


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• If you put your whole trust in Allah, as you ought, He most certainly will

satisfy your needs, as He satisfies those of the birds. They come out hungry in the morning, but return

full to their nests.

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• The soul is from paradise and only paradise can satisfy it

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• The beautiful word is ALLAH, • Most beautiful song is ADHAAN,

• Best exercise is SALAH,• World perfect book is QURAN,• And You are so lucky if YOU are a


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Slideshare By Xeniahttp://xeniagreekmuslimah.wordpress.com

Islamic Moments- FaceBook Group- Xenia