Philippians 1:9 I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. NLT

Pure and Blameless

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Philippians 1:9 – I pray

that your love will

overflow more and more,

and that you will keep on

growing in knowledge

and understanding. NLT

Philippians 1:10 – For I

want you to understand

what really matters, so

that you may live pure

and blameless lives until

the day of Christ’s return. NLT

A sense of what

is vital in life.

What is vital in your life?

Does it have eternal value?

To be found pure when

unwrapped and exposed

to the sun’s light.

For the Ermine, purity is

more precious than life.

How precious is purity

to You?

You avoid stumbling over

things that are

put in your way

Discerning & Applying what

is best in the midst of

multiple options

Our culture has a

Desensitizing Effect

upon us.

Do you have DVDs,

magazines or books you

wouldn’t want your family to

know you have?

What do you read when

you are alone?

How much time did you

spend watching TV?

Whatdo you watch on TV

when you are alone?

How much time did you

spend in Prayer and

Reading God’s Word

this past week?

The day of Christ’s return

will be a day of scrutiny &


-------------------------------------2 Cor 5:10 - For we must

all stand before Christ to

be judged. We will each

receive whatever we

deserve for the good or

evil we have done in this

earthly body. NLT

1 Cor 3:10-15 - Because of

God’s grace to me, I have

laid the foundation like an

expert builder. Now others

are building on it. But

whoever is building on this

foundation must be very


11For no one can lay any

foundation other than the

one we already have—

Jesus Christ. 12Anyone who

builds on that foundation

may use a variety of

materials—gold, silver,

jewels, wood, hay, or straw.

13But on the judgment day,

fire will reveal what kind of

work each builder has

done. The fire will show if a

person’s work has any

value. 14If the work

survives, that builder will

receive a reward.

15But if the work is burned

up, the builder will suffer

great loss. The builder

will be saved, but like

someone barely escaping

through a wall of flames. NLT

Until the

Day of Christ’s Return

Pursue a

Pure & Blameless


Does something need to

change in your life to live a

pure and blameless life?

Ask God ---

and expect Him

to respond


to what He shows

you to do.