"Productiveness" Francis E. Madojemu Wednesday, January 2, 13


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"Productiveness" Francis E. Madojemu

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Pastor Osho's Thoughts

Sir what i see in this place makes me increasingly believe (I pray I am wrong) we are

preaching an incomplete gospel.

We are not making the right impact.

How can people who generally don't believe in GOD have a better work ethics than us and be

more productive?

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Pastor Osho's Thoughts

Why are we preaching a gospel that is producing generally unproductive people

Sir what i see in this place makes me increasingly believe (I pray I am wrong)

we are preaching an incomplete gospel.

We are not making the right impact.

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Pastor Osho's Thoughts

How can people who generally dont believe in GOD have a better work

ethics than us and be more productive?

Why are we preaching a gospel that is producing generally unproductive


Wednesday, January 2, 13

A Recent Trip!

When I was in Reading, England I could think, and

make significant progress and productivity every single day!

I had some young friends and church members coming all

the way from Wales and London 2hr or so trips and it didn't occur to me to pray or plead the blood of Jesus on

the rail line and wait anxiously on my guests

Wednesday, January 2, 13

A Recent Trip!

On the other hand my friends and family in England prayed & fasted for different things for differently for example

they prayed not to get sued at work ( for example medical doctors) they prayed about racism, meeting deadlines

not missing appointments etc


Wednesday, January 2, 13

Localized Strongholds

The Devils, Demons and forces of Evil in this world

take on the characteristics and

weaknesses localized to frustrate and defeat us.

( Don't they have demons who want to suck blood in the UK )

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Localized Strongholds

Many times we don't realize this because we

don't realize how localized our strongholds are designed to keep us

mediocre and unsuccessful but they bend into our

community lifestyle that we don't notice them or give

them much attention

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Weapons of Our Warfare

2 Corinthians 10:4-6

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5

casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the

obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

Wednesday, January 2, 13

New Wine in New Wine Skin

We need the ability

We need the strength

We need to access the grace to overcome them

Pastor Ghandi once taught us that any prayer

tat we cannot pray outside our country s not valid!

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Everything you need is already been made

God does not create you until he has finished you

You are alive because God completed you, your

assignment and provision.

Before you were born, he formed you, made you

and made provision

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Everything you need is already been made

It's not a coincidence or a mistake you are a


God has the ability to to give me access to the provision He has made for me, be it training, network,connection, access, Favour etc

Wednesday, January 2, 13

The Choice!

Man would always have a choice from the garden of


Man would always choose knowledge over life

We spend a large percentage of our time

on unproductive ventures here in our land!

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Where Do We Spend Our Time




Church Wednesday, January 2, 13

Where Do We Spend Our Time

How much time do we spend with our family

How much time do we spend on income

producing projects

How much time do we spend on improving or developing ourselves

Wednesday, January 2, 13


Pastor Osho's Chinese Engineer vs The European vs

The African

The Chinese and Asian Work Culture

Wednesday, January 2, 13


We Have An Unproductive Culture

5 hours at Weddings etc, experience of Apapa Pastors with

the RCCG system employing Caterers and Gardeners

Wednesday, January 2, 13

How was your week?

How much time did you spend creating wealth in

your future through productive work,


Any day we do not produce is creating for us many days without a

harvest ahead

Wednesday, January 2, 13

God is not mocked

Galatians 6:7-8

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting


Wednesday, January 2, 13

God is not mocked

To sow into a day is not to close a sale but to do a productive service like:

Improving your skills

Preparing for tomorrow

Following up on an enquiry

Starting a new lead

Checking on an old customer

Wednesday, January 2, 13

How much productive work did you do yesterday

How much productive work did

we do?

Either to generate wealth

Develop you.


Wednesday, January 2, 13

Wednesday, January 2, 13


What does scripture say

Proverbs 31:27 ESV

She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the

bread of idleness.

iPad usage during a conference

Wednesday, January 2, 13


2 Thessalonians 3:6-12 ESV

Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you

keep away from any brother who is walking in idleness and not in accord with

the tradition that you received from us.

Wednesday, January 2, 13


2 Thessalonians 3:6-12 ESV

For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us, because we were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone's bread without paying for it, but with toil and

labor we worked night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you.

Wednesday, January 2, 13


2 Thessalonians 3:6-12 ESV

It was not because we do not have that right, but to give you in ourselves an

example to imitate. For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not

eat. ...

Wednesday, January 2, 13

What will happen if we double our productivity

The nation will change

Your life will change

Church will change

Our society will be transformed

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Do I deserve to eat!

2 Thessalonians 3:10

For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If

anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Not just work but Productive Work

Some of us leave our children to attend

funerals and programs

Talking playing

Facebook blackberry, internet twitter etc are

you using them for productive work

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Lets make a commitment to God

Carvings for Warren Grey & Attention to Details

Apple today is successful for attention

to details

Amount of effort put into preparation always

reflects in your presentation

Wednesday, January 2, 13


Skill & Work

Are related

Skill is the ability to do work well

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Righteous Work!

Proverbs 14:34

Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a

reproach to any people.Wednesday, January 2, 13

Righteous Work!

The time for righteous work has come

Righteousness exalts a nation

Righteous Acts its what we do!

People may call you a fool but let God be the Judge

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Quality Work!

Sin is a reproach

Our country is suffering because people are being paid for work they do not


People are making a profit without offering a service

It's sinful acts

Wednesday, January 2, 13

You Are A Nation

You are a nation not just NigeriaThe church is a

nation A business can be

a nationA family is a nation

Wednesday, January 2, 13

You Are A Nation

Isaiah 60:22

A little one shall become a thousand, And a small one a strong nation. I, the Lord, will

hasten it in its time.”Wednesday, January 2, 13

Talk is Cheap

We live two separate lives

Our Christianity need to be practical

Theory's of answered prayers

Our picture of who God is!

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Today you can't hide or lie

You will reap so much if you work productively


It's has to be our culture that we must hand over to the next generation

The country is paying a huge price today

Wednesday, January 2, 13

The Law of Deduction

How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? - Sherlock Holmes

Wednesday, January 2, 13

When you stop blaming others

This is when you discover where the true problems are and you must start

with yourself?

It's not the economy

Wednesday, January 2, 13

When you stop blaming others

It's not the church I go to ( or the church I don't go


It's not the city you live in

It's not your nation

It's not your enemies either

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Your Success is Guaranteed

Because you belong to him

How do I go from here to what God has already

provided for us

Your current location is not your destination

To the Success God has for us

Wednesday, January 2, 13


Who are those I am supposed to be associated with

Who are those I am supposed to eliminate

from my life

What skills should I be developing

Wednesday, January 2, 13


What books am I supposed to be reading today

What am to be learning at this stage of my life

What is the direction for my life

Wednesday, January 2, 13

God Promises

1 Thessalonians 3:10

night and day praying exceedingly that we may see your face and perfect what is

lacking in your faith?Wednesday, January 2, 13

Lord Fix Me

Change me

The things missing

Connect me to those I should be

connected to

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Lord Fix Me

Disconnect me from this I should be

disconnected from,

Release me from covenants of old

Bring me to that place you have desired to

bring me

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Lord Fix Me

Send me help

Send the church help

Send the nation help

Send us help

Wednesday, January 2, 13

The Question:

"Many people will always tell you that

hard work in life leads to success and to


And some Bible texts seem to back up this view, including these:

Wednesday, January 2, 13

The Question:

'Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.' (Prov.


'Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in slave labour.' (Prov.

12:24)Wednesday, January 2, 13

The Question:

'The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully

satisfied.' (Prov. 13:4)

'Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve

before obscure men.' (Prov. 22:29).

Wednesday, January 2, 13

The Question:

'For every successful man who makes a lot of

money, I could show you another ten who work just as hard but who just don't

get the luck or the breaks!'

Does the Book of Proverbs offer us false


Wednesday, January 2, 13

The Question:

When Proverbs 22:29 speaks of the diligent serving "before kings" it is best understood in the

sense that if you find a man or woman who actually serves before a king or a ruler you will never find that such a person is lazy

or somebody who avoids responsibility - he or she will be a diligent

person. Wednesday, January 2, 13

The Question:

But to return to point one, this is obviously not a promise that every hard and diligent worker will get to work before a king

or a major ruler.Wednesday, January 2, 13

The Question:

Maybe God put Ecclesiastes straight after Proverbs in order to 'balance up' the way things

often happen in this life.

If you consider Proverbs, it is true to say that one could get the impression that as long as we all work hard, life cannot fail us, but - as we all know - it often just does not pan out that way.

Wednesday, January 2, 13

The Question:

So to bring us all back to the

reality that life can often seem quite unfair, we

have verses like ,

Wednesday, January 2, 13

The Question:

'I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the

battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or

favour to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all.' (Ecclesiastes 9:11).

Wednesday, January 2, 13

The Truth

Success does not always

follow hard work

But no success without

productive work

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Productiveness by Ayn Rand

The virtue of Productiveness is the recognition of the fact that productive work is the process

by which man’s mind sustains his life, the process that sets man free of the necessity to

adjust himself to his background, as all animals do, and gives him the power to adjust

his background to himself.

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Productiveness by Ayn Rand

Productive work is the road of man’s unlimited achievement and calls upon the

highest attributes of his character: his creative ability, his ambitiousness, his self-

assertiveness, his refusal to bear uncontested disasters, his dedication to the goal of reshaping the earth in the image of

his valuesWednesday, January 2, 13

Productiveness by Ayn Rand

“Productive work” does not mean the unfocused performance of the motions of some job. It means the consciously chosen pursuit of a

productive career, in any line of rational endeavor, great or modest, on any level of ability. It is not the degree of a man’s ability nor the scale of his work that is ethically relevant here, but the fullest

and most purposeful use of his mind.

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Concluding Thoughts

The American tax system allows you t o take funds out o the company tax free to train and

develop themselves

How can I do what I do, better and more efficiently tomorrow

You dress where you re for where you are going!

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Song: He's The Saviour of My Soul

He's the Saviour of My Soul, He's the Saviour of my soul

My Jesus, my Jesus, He's the Saviour of my soul

Wednesday, January 2, 13

Song: He's The Saviour of My Soul

He's the Saviour of my soul, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

He's the Saviour of my soul, He's the Saviour of my soul

Wednesday, January 2, 13