Out’ in the country?: sexuality, ageing and rural isolation Katie Pratt CEO Equality South West

Out in the country - Older lgb people and rural isolation

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‘Out’ in the country?: sexuality, ageing and rural isolation

Katie PrattCEO Equality South West

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The 2010 PP&T survey

Wanted to identify the real issues for LGB and Trans people in the South West of England: Highlight issues specific to ‘sub-groups’ as well as

those common to all

Bring the voices of contributors directly to readers

Assist LGB and Trans ‘equality-proofed’ policy making

Support LGB and Trans groups to influence and challenge local policy-making

Stimulate debate and further research ...

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362 contributors Rural areas/small towns – 45%

Housing tenure: 52% owned; 29% private rented; 6% social rented; 15% no tenure

Relationship status: 34% single (17% civil p’ships)

Income: majority under £25k (largest group £15-20K)

Sexuality: Lesbian 34%; Gay 41%; Bisexual 14%

Age range: 14 – 87 years

Disabilities: 23% self-identified

Race/ethnicity: 21 BME respondents

Religion/belief: 86 identified a religion or belief

Knowledge of LGB rights: 22% - ‘Very little’; 63% did not know where to get rights advice

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Health and well-being

Top health concerns: mental and sexual health

Key health care issues Practitioners’ lack of LGBT


Practitioner prejudice can lead to unnecessary health risks

Health and care issues vary between sub-groups

Ageing – Anxieties around care and support in heterosexist environments

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Equality and Diversity in today’s UK

Equalities in peril post-PP&T survey Small state: cutting/privatising public services and

access to justice

Localism: rule by local majority

‘Cutting Red Tape’/deregulation (reducing protections)

End of ‘identity politics’: Coalition Equality Strategy

Review of Equality Act provisions: reversing advances

‘Restructuring’ the EHRC: threat to independence

NHS reform: post-code lottery in LGB and T provision

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Meanwhile in Ireland ...

Launch of govt sponsored ‘LGBT Diversity’ programme

“Gay people in rural areas suffer isolation and discrimination and feel unable to fully integrate into their communities...

“Service providers - ranging from health to education - currently lack the capacity to respond effectively to the needs of these people, which can result in profound isolation and increased exposure to mental health issues.” (Derek McDonnell, Programme Manager)

(Irish Independent, July 2010)

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Conditions underlying rural isolation

Adverse social, political and cultural climate attitudes, policies, priorities

Scarcity of diversity awareness and advocacy in local councils, schools, communities

Invisibility of LGBT people - no effective challenge to status quo

Direct/indirect ‘low level’ prejudice Lack of information about legal protections Restricted mobility – for non-drivers/lower income

LGB people Lack of access to social/emotional support -

family, friends, LGBT groups

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Adverse social, political and cultural climate

Rural Councils typically Low spending/poorly funded - fewer/underfunded

services New responsibilities (HWBs and public health) Councillors ‘male, pale, stale and straight’ Limited equality and diversity awareness/interest


Orgs facing abolition doing what they can... Front line staff? “Never had a gay person on the ward...” New NHS bodies – Council and GP-run

LGBT groups – few and far between

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Sexual diversity, ageing and a heterosexist world

“The biggest problem I face is assumption of


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Influence and invisibility

PP&T showed LGBT people more likely to vote than the general population

voting behaviour was strongly influenced by candidate’s/party’s attitudes to diversity. But they are mostly ‘invisible’ to the politicians’ eye!

“Most surveys don’t ask me about my sexuality ... so they have no idea and this makes me feel that they simply don't care... the assumption is that everyone is straight and has children.”

... the most isolated and hard to reach are likely to be those most in need of help.”

“I feel happier writing an email (complaint), a computer feels less judgemental.”

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“Worry that I will suffer

from dementia or similar

as I get older and will get

confused about my

identity which will cause

problems with the respect

and dignity that I will

require as a human right.” “Getting old and being 'heterosexualised‘ - that is to say, my age making my lesbianism suddenly invisible.”

“I'm currently

writing a report ...

on Older LGB people

that require care

and from what I've

discovered I'm very


“Old age... the prospect of being banged up in a care home with a bunch of straight old men is not appealing!!”

“The biggest problem I face is assumption of heterosexuality.”

“... it will not be too long before I will need residential/similar care - I do not think the providers are geared up to this.”

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Thank you