MY VISUAL DIARY: By Ashleigh Regina-Oakes 8U

My visual diary

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Page 1: My visual diary


By Ashleigh Regina-Oakes


Page 2: My visual diary


Dear diary, today I travelled to Palestine with my

family. We are running from the warfare in Galilee. I

was so excited when I figured out we are in

Palestine , It has so many great things, such as the

land, the people, the culture, it is all extraordinary.

It is amazing - just look:

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Palestine is a lovely place , they have a lot more

landscape and greenery then most people think. The

geographic region is in Western Asia between the

Mediterranean Sea, the Jordan River, and various

adjoining lands. The region is also known as the

Land of Israel, the Holy Land and has been known by

other names including Canaan, Southern Syria and


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DAY 1. 27CE

Today was my first day in Palestine. We decided to go to the

markets to get some food and fabric for mum to make us some

new clothes. As we were walking through the market I could

smell so much delicious foods like: nice spices, yummy cheese,

thick meat, and all kinds of different amazing foods (which I

love). As we were walking down I happened to stubble across

two men fighting about something. I didn’t quite know what it

was about so I decide to continue walking.

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We continue to look for fabric for me and my two sisters

tunic, then all of the sudden I hear more yelling and

screaming, I start to get scared. This time I see a whole

group of men yelling at each other, we stop to see what was

wrong , and I heard what they were speaking of:

Pharisees: How could you say that the Romans are right;

they are never right and I can’t believe that you want to

follow in what they believe in. How could you betrayed the

whole community?

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Sadducees: How could we, how could you. All we are

trying to do is follow the rules of the romans and you

have to follow the rules of the Jewish system. That

not very smart you know.

Pharisees: We don’t care if it is smart or not we are

just trying to do what the Torah is telling us to do.

And that’s final.

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They started to yell even louder and my baby brother

got scared so we left, to tell you the truth I was

scared as well. Finally mum found some fabric and

food so we left to go to home. My brothers went to

the synagogue while me and my sisters learn from

home. Today we learnt about some of the Jewish law

which was pretty fun but sometime can be a bit

boring .I like learning about Jewish history it make

me think about what it was like before I was born.

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Once my brothers got home we ate dinner. Today we had chicken

with cheese, vegetables and eggs. My mum makes really nice

dinners but right now she is trying to make friends with our new

neighbours. Our new house is a lot different from our old one.

This one has a dirt as a floor, a flat roof and has a shared

courtyard with our next door neighbours which is why my mum

want to make friends with them. After dinner we went to bed. The

day went pretty well , I like Palestine and hope that tomorrow will

go just as well.

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Dear diary, this morning I woke up and mum made my some

breakfast and we were off to pray at the Synagogue. When

we got to the Synagogue there was a huge crowd standing

around . I didn’t know what it was about so me, my brothers

and my sisters tried to push our way through the crowd to

get to the temple. As we get to the middle of the crowd we

saw a little boy standing and preaching to the crowd. As we

walked pass him I accidentally bump into him (opps).

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As soon I bumped him I said sorry and then he said no

need to say sorry I was in your way , you just needed to get

pass. I was so shocked when I heard this, normally boys

his age would not say this. He did look a bit different, he

had longish brown hair with green eyes and the way he

talks makes you calm and happy inside. Once we entered

the temple we prayed for a little while then we decided to

follow the crowd which was following the boy.

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So we keep following him and we notice that the boy was takeng

us to a different synagogue , one we hadn’t been to. It was a lot

bigger then the one we go to, it was also was a lot prettier to be

honest. He sat us down at the temple and spoke to us for a long

time . It was really nice but a bit weird because it was a young

boy not a rabbi. When he finished talking everyone went up and

thanked him for his preaching, we did as well. When we went up

we thanked him and he said no need to thank him, I am just doing

what the Lord God is telling me to do.

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After that we went back home and played with the

neighbourhood kids, it was really fun and they are all

really nice. Then we had dinner . This time we had fish and

vegetable stew , again it was amazing thanks to mum.

Afterward we went to bed, today has been a long day and I

am really tired oh and by the way I found out the boys

name is Jesus . Today was great , but I am tired and I can’t

wait till tomorrow. I am so excited to see what it will bring.

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DAY 1. 28 AD

Dear diary , do you remember back in 27 CE when I

talked about that boy named Jesus, well now he has

become the saviour. Everyone is talking about him

now and everyone is listening to his preaching's and

following him wherever he goes. Today, I heard some

people on the street talking about him and that he is

here in Palestine . I told my husband that I was going

to see him while he went off at work.

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As I was looking , I saw a huge crowd even bigger than the

last time and then I saw him. This time I tried to push

through the crowd but since I was older this time it was a

lot harder. As I got closer to him the crowd stared to move

and I followed them, he took us to the dead sea, he sat us

down and started preaching. It went for a long time but I

didn’t really notice because he just sounded so inspiring

and interesting that I forgot about time.

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After he had finished preaching, everyone got up and

thanked him so I did as well. As I got closer to him I

thanked him. He said how much I have grown , I was so

shocked when I heard that, I can’t believed he

remembered me , as it was so long ago. I thanked him

and then he blessed my pregnant stomach , his blessing

was so amazing that I was memorised with what he said.

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Jesus looks quite a bit different he has longer hair, brown eyes and

a beard which is a bit funny because last time I saw him he had no

beard and green eyes weird. As I went home I kept remembering

what he said during his perching:

New International Version (NIV) Matthew 18:12-14

Jesus: “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders

away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that

wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep

than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in

heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.

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Once I got home I told my husband all about my day and

he was amazed that Jesus blessed our child and that he

still remembered me. Afterward I made dinner tonight we

had fish stew with vegetables just the way my mum would

make and then we went to bed. Today was a extraordinary

day , Jesus blessed my belly and he remembered me and

now I know what life really is about , and I hope that this

baby turns out just like Jesus.

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Writing by Ashleigh Regina-Oakes

Pictures by Ashleigh Regina-Oakes

Directing by Ashleigh Regina-Oakes

*Everything is by me Ashleigh Regina-Oakes