COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012 Ministry Team – Finance and Stewardship Attendees – Dave McKinnon, Tom McNally, Kevin Burke Agenda Items Discussed - Review action items from last month Plan to establish planned giving program Discussed finance and Stewardship team will be providing detailed spending vs budget for Q1 results. Determine if changes needed to spending for subsequent quarters. Will need Vestry approval Reviewed 2011 Stewardship campaign results Discussed process for inputting & reporting income date and the need to analyze business risk in a program oriented parish Action Items – Set date to meet on Plan for Planned Giving – John O, 4/10/12 Need to establish plan for 2013 Stewardship campaign – TBD Segment households by giving amounts and target discussion – TBD Assign Finance team to meet with Vestry liaisons – Dave M, 4/2/12 Look at additional members for team – Kevin, 4/15/12 Review ‘Johnny the Bagger’ YouTube – All, 4/15/12

March ministry teams minutes

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Page 1: March ministry teams minutes

COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

Ministry Team – Finance and Stewardship

Attendees – Dave McKinnon, Tom McNally, Kevin Burke

Agenda Items Discussed -

Review action items from last month Plan to establish planned giving program Discussed finance and Stewardship team will be providing detailed spending vs budget for Q1

results. Determine if changes needed to spending for subsequent quarters. Will need Vestry approval

Reviewed 2011 Stewardship campaign results Discussed process for inputting & reporting income date and the need to analyze business risk in

a program oriented parish

Action Items –

Set date to meet on Plan for Planned Giving – John O, 4/10/12 Need to establish plan for 2013 Stewardship campaign – TBD Segment households by giving amounts and target discussion – TBD Assign Finance team to meet with Vestry liaisons – Dave M, 4/2/12 Look at additional members for team – Kevin, 4/15/12 Review ‘Johnny the Bagger’ YouTube – All, 4/15/12

Page 2: March ministry teams minutes

COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

Ministry Team – Buildings and Grounds

Attendees – Jack Spence, Alfred Christensen, and Susie Holmes

Agenda Items Discussed –

1. Both the individual members of the B&G team and the Junior Warden frequently receive input about items to look at, repair, replace, etc. from members of the church. Some of these are verbal and others are via email. I suggest we set up a maintenance email address at nativityonline.org to which parishioners can email such requests. Doing so would ensure we get all requests channeled into one location from which the B&G team and the Junior Warden can pull items to handle. There are no costs associated with an extra email address. Go ahead and get the email address set up - Alfred.

2. In addition to dealing with a very large number of both small and big items, the B&G team needs to identify two to three major items we will focus on this year. The items chosen should in some way or other support the overall mission of the church. Some suggestions are:

A/V equipment upgrade in both Corlett Hall and the worship building. This should be No 1.

Provide a covered walkway that interconnects the three buildings: Worship building, education building and Estill House. This is No 2.

Identify and initiate an alternate entrance to the church property. We currently share an access road with the Korean Church, which is heavily used by the Korean Church for additional parking. The idea is to negotiate an alternate access road from Ray Road along the southern perimeter of the Korean Church property. It would give Church of the Nativity its own entrance from Ray Road (a much improved identity that would not be shared with the Korean Church), and it would allow the Korean Church to formally expand their parking facilities. There are many obstacles to make this vision come through, but we should at least give it a try. This will take much time to sort out and first phase would be to explore the feasibility and cost in order to provide an estimate to the Vestry. No timeline defined so far.

Other suggestions?

3. Follow-up from last month’s minutes and action items:

Should the code on the lock box be replaced (Alfred) – anyone who has a valid purpose who asks is allowed the code, so many people have the codes. We change them annually; in the past it was done by the Senior Warden. Joel and I have already spoken about this and the fact that the annual code change will be in June. All people who need access are supposed to call Jennie, not the wardens, not the vestry, not friends who have it. Nothing to follow up – code will be changed at its usual cycle.

Arrange for move of financial files from left storage room in Corlett Hall to storage room in the education building – (Alfred) - All financial and building files have been moved into the printer room. Having them there is more convenient for Jennie when she needs to access them, and there was empty space in the cabinets. Done.

Decide how to dispose of old empty file cabinets that currently sit in the storage room in the Education building. The options seem to be: sell/donate/trash. Jack has disposed of those file cabinets. The file cabinets have been delivered to Habitat's Re-use store. Done

Disposition/fixing of the Memorial Garden Swing? – (Jack) - The Memorial Garden swing has been strengthened, pressure washed, painted with a preservative and

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COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

reinstalled in its original place. Done

What do we do with the large quantity of A/V equipment in the left storage room in Corlett Hall? - (Alfred) – B&G is right now waiting for mission and requirements input from the Communications team. As soon as we know what the requirements are for A/V equipment in Corlett Hall, the B&G team will have to move forward with selecting and implementing the needed equipment. We may be able to re-use some of the old equipment. Waiting for input from the Communications team before we start this activity. When we know the requirements for A/V in Estill House, we will go through all existing equipment to determine what can be used to meet the new requirements and what may potentially be re-used in other areas of the church or disposed of.

The Vestry would like to see the floor in Corlett Hall stripped and waxed/sealed – (Jack) – Bid of $225.00 from Jan-Pro Cleaning Systems of Raleigh accepted and work is scheduled to take place Monday, March 26th. Planned for March 26th.

Joel and Susie want us to remove some of the bulletin boards in the hall in Estill House – (Alfred) – Most of the old bulletin boards have been removed and placed in one of the left small classrooms in the trailer. The paintings that were stored in that room in the trailer have all been placed on the walls in the entrance hall of Estill House, in the meeting/chapel room and in the parlor in Estill Hall. Input is expected from the Communications team. – (Alfred) - Wait for communications team input. As soon as we have that, we can plan for placing some of the boards in the hallway of the Education Building.

Roof painting of Estill House. Based on recommendations from the B&G team, the Junior Warden has recommended to the Vestry that this activity be dropped. All agree.

Upgrading the light bulb on the pole next to Estill House – (Marc) – Marc has met with representatives from Progress Energy and we have decided to upgrade that one bulb as a starting point. Based on the results we may go forward with upgrading more of the pole bulbs and/or install extra floodlights on the worship building pointing out to the parking lot and out towards the education building. No feedback (Marc wasn’t present at the meeting).

Finishing the playground and moving the existing equipment there, adding another new or donated piece, and purchasing a park style grill to be permanently installed (charcoal grill should be purchased soon to install for spring). Moving most park benches and picnic tables from under the Oak to the playground area, for seating and events. Eagle Scout project (contact RJ to get a contact at the Eagle Scouts) – Alfred –

i. Ian Hawkins is working on the playground project and it is very close to being finished – Ian just has to move the playground equipment to the new area.

ii. Dan Mungal built the arbor over the entrance to the trail and it is finished.iii. Paul Hughes is working on the trail – It is not going to be a ‘stations of the

cross’ trail. He is instead planning to build three benches and a cross out of cedar wood and place them along the trail within mulched areas (we have purchased extra mulch for that purpose already).

4. Pest control – protection has been applied both inside and outside around the doors. A few openings around pipes on the backside of Estill House have been closed up with insulating foam.

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COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

Done – and don’t plan any more. Alfred will look into who ripped out part of the drywall in the electric/mechanical room behind the parlor. It probably should have been repaired by whoever ripped it out.

5. Repair of brick walks down from the parking lot towards the Worship building need to be done. Four bricks have fallen out, and two of those are broken and need to be replaced. Alfred will try to find correct bricks and mortar them in.

6. Input from Megan Douglas on behalf of the Children’s formation team: There may be a problem with heating in the Preschool-Kindergarten class room in the

education building. Reports have it that the room is rather cold even though the heat is on in the education building. Jack to investigate.

Could you please check the nursery and see if it needs painting. We believe that Nina has covered up some bare spots with decals, but we think it could use a new coat of paint. Jack is willing to paint – Alfred to ask Megan what color she wants.

We would like to have coat hooks installed in the Sunday school rooms. They should be installed at a lower level so that the children could hang up their coats/jackets.

i. Some input received on this topic: When the education building was built, it was decided to have the coat hooks in the Sunday school rooms placed up high enough so that a child couldn't run into them and get injured. It seems like we heard about a serious eye injury involving coat hooks at some school in Wake County. Based on this input, we probably do not want to move any down. If some rooms lack coat hooks, we can install new ones in those rooms.

It seems that you are aware of the need for clocks around our campus. We would like clocks in the Sunday school rooms as well as in the nursery. Jack will count rooms and see what clocks that adjust automatically cost (atomic clock).

7. There is a suggestion to place a few solar spot lights around the big Nativity sign out to Ray Road to improve the visibility of it at night. If the B&G team thinks this will help, Stephanie and the Junior Warden will move forward with that idea. Amount of light and stealing them would be a concern – maybe start with two – one for each side. Jack will get two and try them out.

8. Cleaning/replacing the metal Episcopal Church signs. If we need to replace them, we need to order new ones at http://episcopalmarketplace.org/Configure-your-Custom-Sign - but before we do that, we should try to clean them first. Replacing them costs around $240 per sign. Alfred will try to clean them – if that doesn’t help we may order new ones.

9. Gum ball problems on the parking lot. Marc and Alfred have come out two Saturdays to blow gum balls off the parking lot. I don’t think there is much we can do about the problem apart from pruning/removing the trees. The gum balls on the parking lot are a safety issue – someone may step on them, fall and get hurt. There are seven trees – we could start by taking the three next to the parking lot out. Alfred to ask one contractor for an estimate. Jack to ask someone else for an estimate also. We might use Leland Cypress to replace the gum trees – they grow up fast and dense. Are there any neighbor issues we need to consider before making a decision about removing those three trees?

10. About A/V equipment in Corlett Hall – a note from Carl Sigel to consider when we start getting into the details of installing that equipment:

The team has been doing a great job in addressing problems on the campus; however, I just reviewed your action points from the last Ministry meeting. While it is clear that you are aware that we need to improve the A/V equipment in Corlett Hall, I didn't see any mention of plans to deal with the sunlight problem. For years those of us involved with adult education have requested that shades be installed to cut out sunlight during the day, especially the morning. In the winter the light coming in the big window comes down directly on the wall where the screen is located (especially in January). We also need the

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capability to block the light coming in the doors with shades. On many occasions, we have taped paper over the doors to keep the light out.

Ken Tessier and Jesse Lowe have been doing a good job with keeping the A/V equipment operational, but it would be really great if we could expedite the upgrade of the A/V equipment. It is not ideal to have a situation in which the equipment is used by so many different people. When one needs to use the equipment, one never knows whether it will be operational.

I would suggest that we explore having a large flat-screen TV mounted on the wall connected to a DVD player and speakers. There should also be an option to connect to a computer to show a PowerPoint slide show. There are many times when that could be used instead of setting up the projector. It would allow a better arrangement for the chairs also.

11. Fetsco start lawn mowing? Give them a go-ahead. Once a week. Susie will call them Thursday.

12. Anything else?Trailer: table it for now – let’s see what the Ministry teams come up with. $60 per table to replace them. Sofas are $800 wooden tables $300 (same type as in the ED building). Structure Elite looked at taking out one wall (between the two small rooms), repairing carpet, weak spots, cleaning up, replacing the entrance doors, etc. They will give an estimate for the changes.

Action Items –

• Set up a [email protected] email address. – Alfred• Present prioritized B&G focus areas to the Vestry at the next Vestry meeting. - Susie and

Alfred• Stripping, waxing and buffing the floor in Corlett Hall planned for March 26. – Jack• Move some of the bulletin boards into the hall of the Education Building. – Alfred• Find out who ripped out some drywall in the electric/mechanical closet behind the parlor and

arrange for repair. – Alfred• Repair of bricks along steps down from the parking lot to the Worship building. – Alfred• Investigate reported room temperature issue in Preschool-Kindergarten class room. – Jack• Solicit input from Megan about color for the walls in the nursery and repaint it. – Jack• Solicit input from Megan about which rooms in the Education building coat hooks are needed

and install them according to the way existing coat hooks are placed (high enough so children cannot get hurt by running into them). – Alfred

• Look into price for clocks in all Education building rooms. Preferably self-adjusting clocks, but these may be too expensive. - Jack

• Install two solar spotlights; one on each side of the large sign at Ray Road. - Jack.• Attempt to clean the two metal Episcopal Church signs. If cleaning doesn’t work, order

replacement signs and have them installed. – Alfred• Solicit estimates for removing three sweet gum trees next to the parking lot and replant with

Leland Cypress. - Jack and Alfred• Tell Fetsco to start mowing the lawns. – Susie• Request total cost estimate from Fetsco in order to better budget the annual cost of keeping

up the green areas. – Susie• Continue research of what our impervious surface percentage currently is and how much

more impervious surface we can add to our property without violating the county’s restrictions. - Jon

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COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

Ministry Team - Communications

Attendees: Gail Christensen - Team Leader Sarah Bernart Emilie Sigel Karen Ridout Joel Kamya - Vestry Liaison

Items Discussed:

1. Stephanie brought the Team the "final round" of Kreative Promotions' eight new logo options. The group liked two of them more than the others, but requested changes. Stephanie will go back to Kreative

with our requests.

2. Recommendation on hosting solutions for Web site/email - we have been paying $251/year for Web hosting with Verio. After some research, Ben Huckaby recommended that we switch to Bluehost, which will do the same job for $71.40/year. This will require that we migrate the Web site and set up all new email accounts and rules, which must be accomplished by March 21, when our contract with Verio runs


3. Audio/visual systems for Corlett Hall and the nave The Communications Team has been charged with developing the "vision" for what is needed in Corlett Hall and the nave regarding an audio AND visual system. Then the Buildings and Grounds Team will take

this "vision" and make it a reality.

What the Communications Ministry Team requires in an a/v system in Corlett Hall: > It must be sound AND visual, not sound only. > Turnkey: It should be simple and easy to use, since many people with no knowledge of the system will

need to use it without a knowledgeable person on-site to work it. > Robust: It should be able to stand up to use by many people who may not be careful with it. What is on

the screen should be able to be seen in a daylit room. > Flexible: It must work for large groups AND small groups;   The sound must be heard by attendees in the back but not blast the front row of attendees;

  What is shown on the screen must be visible in the back but not pixelate close up. > Recorded: It would be desirable if meetings/presentations could be recorded for our Web site (sound

only, since a camera would require an operator). > Backup:  Some kind of redundancy in case of a failure during the presentation (which has happened) is

desirable, if achievable. > Written instructions: Presenters need to be given instructions before they arrive at Nativity (for example, bring your own laptop, not flash drive, because we do not want to provide a laptop - too easily tampered with, stolen or can have viruses introduced via random flash drives)

Elements of an a/v system the Comms Team suggests for Corlett Hall: > Speakers permanently mounted high on the wall, so they don't need to be dragged out with each use

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and won't blast the front row of attendees (and to avoid tampering). > Three wireless microphones (one for speaker, one for each side of the audience) that can be easily

hooked up to speakers. > DVD player (VHS player probably not necessary, unless we already have one, and then it should be

hooked up and available just in case). > Cart containing all the needed elements for a presentation, which can be rolled out and plugged in and

everything should be ready to go. This would also provide portability to another room if needed. > A remote controller so that presenters do not have to go back to their laptop to move to the next

screen/page. > Screen large enough to project a picture that can be seen from the back of the Hall. > No Nativity-owned laptop - too risky (see above). > A projector that can be easily hooked up to presenter's laptop, robust enough for frequent use, bulb that

is bright enough to project a clear picture in a daylit room. > Recording device(s) for placing on the Web site if possible. > A podium. > TV set for viewing in classrooms. > A flat-screen TV that could be placed in a lockable cabinet behind the projector screen for use with small groups - but expensive, fragile, and if not locked could be easily tampered with or stolen, so maybe not

Elements of an a/v system that Comms Team suggests in the nave: > Earbuds for the hearing-impaired. > Wearable microphone(s) for clergy (which can be turned off by clergy at will) > Speakers to provide sound to the back of the nave. > Speakers to provide sound to the nursery and back hallway. > Recording device(s) for sermons and special events, so that sermons and special events could be put

on the Web site. > A person/persons would probably have to be available to work the equipment in the nave when recording.

4.Bulletin boards Emilie Sigel would like two bulletin boards in the lobby of Estill House for Give-and-Get and Spirituality in the Arts. The Team suggested the SA board now there be converted to the Give-and-Get board, and special events be placed on an easel to be more prominently displayed. We also suggested that Gives

and Gets be supplemented by announcements in Sunday Tidings and on Yahoo egroups.

5. Contacting Teams for information and suggestions A parishioner asked how the congregation can provide feedback on the information the Teams are discussing. The Team suggested funneling all feedback through Jane Heyward, the Ministry Teams coordinator. Of course, any parishioner may contact any Team member to provide feedback, ask questions, etc. Contact information is in the recently published Church Directory. Of course, anyone may

contact Team leaders at any time.

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Action items from February 8, 2012 meeting completed: * Easter banner - printed by eSigns.com, cost $36.94 (includes shipping); to be put up week of March 19 * Church directory - 125 printed and distributed since mid-February, many more downloaded * Kreative Promotions' branding work - gave feedback on first three submissions * Posters about Facebook/Twitter - Ben Huckaby designed, printed in-house, 12 hung March 9, 2012 in

Education Building classrooms, Narthex, Estill House

Action Items (Description, person assigned, due date): 1. Contact users of Corlett Hall a/v equipment for input on needs - Gail - by March 23 2. Inform Buildings and Grounds of our recommendations for a/v systems in Corlett Hall and nave - Gail -

by March 17 3. Banner - affix Easter banner to poles next to roadsign sign - Gail - by March 23 4. Do what is necessary to transition Web hosting to Bluehost - Ben or ?? - by March 21 5. Look for missing earbuds - Gail - by March 23 6. Ask Jane Heyward if she would agree to be the conduit for feedback from congregation to Ministry

Teams - Gail - by March 17 7. Convert Spirituality in the Arts bulletin board to Give-and-Get board, write article for Glad Tidings -

Emilie - by March 16

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COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

Ministry Team – Adult Formation

Attendees –

Karl TerryGeorge Douglas Nancy TerryJesse Lowe

Agenda Items Discussed:

Anglican Bible study going pretty good Better promotion of events needed (FB, Twitter, well written blurbs) Follow up w/Kara re: her study Follow up w/Stephanie on Tuesday evenings Pop theology may be June or July dovetailed with worship Lecto Divine again for summer Approach Deacon David re: sumer teaching opportunity Kanuga Christian Formation week 6.11 to 6/15, need to get this info out Liaisoning with other adult ed committees in diocese Try to get a space in glad tidings Interfaith for fall again

Action Items:

Nancy will do an article on summer ed opportunity – Nancy Next meeting will start getting Lecto Divine teachers – All, next month Get Pop Theology gains this summer – Jesse, next month EFM for fall – David, next month Deacon David maybe for summer series – Jesse, next month Follow up on spring classes – All, next month Ideas on how to liaison diocese wide – All, next month Approach Father George for Fall - ?, next month

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COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

Ministry Team – Children’s Formation

Old Agenda Items Discussed:

Pack ‘n Play in Nursery – not needed at present time

Childcare for Holy Week – Nina will cover Wednesday and Thursday, 6:45 – 8:15, Kristen will cover Friday 6:45 – 8:15 and Easter Sunday 8:45 – 12:45. Judy Garces will cover noon service on Wednesday

Paint nursery, add clocks and hooks in classrooms, check HVAC – Buildings and Grounds is looking into all items. Team would prefer battery operated standard clocks rather than digital/electric clocks.

Email to COTN group – Email sent with 2 responses. Will send information to Glad Tidings to hopefully get a better response.

Sunday School Curriculum – Becky spoke with some of the teachers. Becky will develop questionnaire to gain more information.

New Agenda Items:

Easter Egg Hunt – Lisa and Ashley Avery/Kira and Rich Stewart will handle. There will be 2 hunts – after the 9am service and after the 11am service.

Two weeks ago, the teenagers scheduled for the 3-5 year old class did not show – This is not a consistent problem. Kellam will check with teacher to ensure that there is help before leaving building.

Vacation Bible School – Corey Heyward is interested. She is looking at dates either at the end of June or the end of July. Will have VBS on Friday night, Saturday possibly possibly 9-3 or 4 with perhaps singing at church on Sunday morning. Corey is exploring an Archeology theme. Will request funds from the vestry when we have more information from Corey.

Curriculum – Brief review of books we own. Kellam has contacted other area churches. Will follow up as she has not received responses as of yet. Discussion regarding overall curriculum. Team would like to develop continuity over all age groups and possibly develop an 8 year plan. Ensure that we are teaching Episcopal theology. Team is pleased with current curriculum for PS – age 5 and Grades 3-5. Team feels that curriculum for Grades 1-2 may be a little weak.

Communication – Becky will contact Jennie H. to get list of current SS parents.

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COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

Ministry Team: Youth Education

Members Present:

Jane WeinbergerSally BloomHeather RookMegan Douglas

Agenda Items discussed:

Action Items:

Contact Summerlee Walters about J2A training Fall 2011 for leaders – Jane W, next meeting Contact Summerlee Walters and other parishes about youth requirements/prerequisites for

trips/events – Sally, next meeting Contact Stephanie to discuss leader training as requirement, other leader ideas – Heather, next

meeting Update on J2A/Pilgrim trips – Jane, next meeting

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COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

Ministry Team:  Parish Life

Members present:

Sandy EntrupFran KenneyAilsa TessierSusie HolmesEd Entrup

Items discussed:

Pancake supper review:From all accounts, an outstanding success, including generous donations from attendees. Sandy reported that quantities of some items could be decreased, as there was quite a lot of syrup, butter and sausage left over, and # of volunteers could be fewer. Fran is preparing a book of planning guidelines, to be made available for the next pancake supper organizer. See Action items. FellowshipAnnette Hughes is rotating off as vestry liaison for fellowship; Fran to take over. A fellowship team structure similar to altar guild’s organization is underway – Fran has been contacting those who’ve indicated interest. Much discussion about cookies and the necessity of baking on Sunday mornings, which seems to have turned off some potential participants. The issue of reimbursement (for supplies bought by participants for baking cookies for fellowship) was also discussed. Susie confirmed that reimbursement SHOULD be sought for those supplies, in order to calculate costs for this program. Kitchen/fellowship supply checklist was discussed. See Action Items.

Parish PicnicTo be held at the same location as last year’s picnic, Beaverdam at Falls Lake. This year Nativity will provide the main dish and drinks; attendees will be asked to bring sides and desserts. Date TBD, not to conflict with the MON BBQ, if one is planned. See Action Items.

Parish DinnerDiscussed at length: Purpose for an intergenerational parish dinner separate from the Parish Picnic above, various options for type of dinner, timing so as to gain the most participation, possible activity to accompany the dinner.Resolved: For the sole purpose of fellowship and fun, hold a summer parish dinner – probably subs/chips/drinks/ice cream sundae bar (perhaps homemade ice cream); first week in June or last week in May (after Memorial Day and before school is out); maybe accompanied by a fun Bingo game with some twists – all TBD. Free, but reservations must be made to facilitate planning. Ed suggested issuing special/separate invitations to the latest Nativity newcomers. See Action Items.

Action Items Description Assignee Due DateComplete pancake supper guidelines

Updating with suggested quantities, timelines for preparation, etc.


Next mtg

Create/contact fellowship participants

Forming teams similar to altar guild structure

Fran Ongoing

Create kitchen supply checklist

Set par levels for fellowship supplies and post checklist; promote/announce in GT when

Sandy/Fran 3/18/May GT

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COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

readyGet info from Annette

Prepared cooky dough prices/alternatives

Fran/Annette April

Parish Picnic date Determine date for Parish Picnic – October

Fran/Jennie Next mtg

Parish Dinner date Determine date for Parish Dinner – May/June

Fran/Jennie April

Plan parish dinner Get supplies for game (bingo?); small prizes?; begin promotion once date is set

All Next mtg

Pricing for subs Discuss prices with Jersey Mike’s Ed Next mtgInvitations to Newcomers

Discuss invitations with newcomers group

Ed? ??


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COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

Ministry Team – Newcomers Ministry Team

Attendees - Geyer Longenecker, Ed Entrup, Babs Freeman (vestry rep), Tivey Clark

Agenda Items Discussed –

Newcomer reception – maybe create stations for ministries rather than individual info, 2x/year rather than quarterly? Next one slated for Fall 2012. Spent about $85.

Need to think about our greeting process; table with materials in Narthex/Estill House, prompt/encourage people to go to Fellowship, maybe small table/chair for filling out forms

Need to do annual greeter meeting/training /recruitment Consider a monthly/bimonthly smaller meeting, maybe a Sunday School thing? Many positive comments re: kid’s table and games in room. People want this regularly Would like to see MTs take turns hosting fellowship to increase congregation’s and newcomers’

awareness of different ministries

Long Range Ideas – Christmas 2012 mailing Signage for special events Seeking rentals (increases awareness of Nativity)

Action Items –

1. Look at narthex to plan NC space – Team, next month2. Coordinate with Stephanie re: note and NC package – Geyer, Babs, ASAP3. Educate greeter; group meeting, make announcement in GT – Geyer, group, May4. Coordinate with Adult formation re: monthly Sunday School for NCs – Geyer5. Talk to Parish Life re: utilization of room for children during Fellowship and MTs hosting

Fellowship – Ed, April

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COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

Outreach Ministry Team

MEMBERS PRESENT: Harlan Hagge, Liz Chi, Carl Sigel, Beth Crow, Pete Crow (reporting), Jane Heyward (leading)



Bulletin—Pete (DONE)

Send blurb to Sarah for facebook, twitter (Jane will send Sarah’s email address to Beth/Pete)

Post on Yahoo—Pete

Sunday School—Jane will talk with Jane Weinburger (Beth send PDF to Jane H.)


March 25

8:00 Jane

10:30 Jane, Liz

April 1

8:00 Beth, Pete

10:30 Beth, Pete




Discussion of how to proceed when someone brings forth an idea for an Outreach Project. We concluded that the idea needs to be turned into a proposal to be submitted to the Outreach Team. The proposal needs an advocate willing to take leadership of the project, a team in place of willing supporters (if the project calls for such), a description of the project (presumably including how it relates to the COTN mission statement, its objectives, methods of operation), impact on church facilities (if any), relationship to other leadership teams (if any), and a budget (and presumably method of evaluation). [All these “presumables” are elements I have added in to give people who might have such an idea a more specific sense of what their proposal needs to include than what our informal discussion covered; we probably should formalize perhaps at our next meeting precisely what we do expect such proposals to cover.]

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Carl will speak to Carolyn about her idea related to Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network.

Discussion of how to proceed with budgeting aspects of the Outreach Team’s charge. 1. It is the vestry and Stephanie’s wish that people who wish to give money for specific outreach projects give that money to the general church offering and, if they wish, express their support for a particular project in an accompanying note to the vestry and to the Outreach Team. Therefore all projects become Nativity projects, not just projects of individuals within Nativity. 2. Our normal procedure will be to set a date shortly after the annual theme has been chosen for outreach groups to submit budget requests; presumably we would then allocate a large percentage of the Outreach Budget. 3. Costs for Urban Adventure and Pilgrim trips not included in the Outreach Budget.

Need to verify Outreach Budget $ for this year.

Approved $130 for garden, which fits into all four themes and there is a time issue.

Ask Charles Malone to get budgeting history for outreach (Urban Adventure and Pilgrims are separate budget)—Pete


Send blurb to Sarah for facebook, twitter (Jane will send Sarah’s email address to Beth/Pete)—due within a week or so

Post on Yahoo—Pete—due within a week or so Sunday School—Jane will talk with Jane Weinburger (Beth send PDF to Jane H.) —due within a


March 25

8:00 Jane

10:30 Jane, Liz

April 18:00 Beth, Pete10:30 Beth, Pete

Choir—Harlan Carl will speak to Carolyn about her proposal related to Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network —

due within a week or so Ask Charles to get budgeting history for outreach (Urban Adventure and Pilgrims are separate

budget)—Pete—due within a week or so Communicate to Charles Malone the $130 approved for garden—Jane Heyward—within a week

or so

Page 17: March ministry teams minutes

COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

Ministry Team: Worship

Members Present:Charlie WeylandAnita KerrEvelyn Judson

Agenda Items Discussed: Tuesday evening in Lent – very good response from Charlie Charlie had questions about what was going on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Think about Vigil for next year Extra services – during the summer, try out different formats

o Rite I with pianoo Taize – Evelyno Celtic – Nancy Titus? Anitao New Zealand

CW – Keep Blessing of the Animals St Elizabeth’s – Taize –visit with them after Easter, Evelyn Ask people to bring bulletin back Jesse came in – 4 sessions or 5 sessions? Parish Life – for pizza, Charles would help

Action Items – Ask about sound system – Evelyn, April Anita to start work on Celtic service – Anita, April Evelyn to work on Taize – Evelyn, April Talk to Waltye Look for old prayer books – Charlie Anglican Missal – Evelyn

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COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

Ministry team – Pastoral Care

Attending: Annette Hughes, Randy Smith, David Lynch, Jane Wehland, Stephanie Allen and Gail McNally.

Agenda Items Discussed:

Discussion of what Pastoral Care has been in the past in order to bring Deacon David Lynch up-to-date. Stephanie Allen added Pastoral Care information that she has learned since coming to Nativity.

Stephanie distributed a Matrix of Indicative Pastoral Care Needs and Responses. We discussed and added to the list needs that might and/or do occur in our parish; we also discussed what responses are needed from laity and/or from clergy.

Needs can be logistical, i.e. assistance moving into assisted living; assistance transitioning and helping someone connect to another parish; writing cards and or making phone calls; visiting members of the parish; funerals and receptions following; providing meals to those who need them.

Crisis stuff is immediate and depending on situation will be handled by laity or clergy.

Accountability—keeping up with how needs are being met, updates on situations, when to get clergy involved, re-evaluation of situations, checking in, meetings.

Committee set up? Parish/ Neighborhood Captains, each serving for one month—would need 12 at least—people interested in providing or participating as a monthly neighborhood captain/coordinator pastoral care.

Training Information/Policies/Resources for referral– put together a binder containing all necessary information to be passed on to captains/coordinator.

Action Items:

Jane Wehland will look into creating a card ministry, looking at how it would work and how it would be organized. She will also get a list of shut-ins and those who need visits and will report back at the April meeting.

Stephanie Allen will get a copy of information to be contained in the training/resource binder.

David Lynch will meet with Jennie Herrick to provide information as to how Christ Church approaches Pastoral Care—what works and what doesn’t work for them.

Chuck Till will make an appointment for Annette Hughes and him to meet with the pastor of North Raleigh Presbyterian Church to hear about their pastoral care program—what works and what doesn’t work for them.

Chuck Till will make an appointment for Gail McNally and him to meet with the Pastoral Care person at St. Michaels to hear how their program works.

Gail McNally will make an appointment for Annette Hughes and herself to meet with Susan Coulter at St. Paul’s in Cary to hear about their pastoral care program.

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COTN Ministry Teams Meeting Minutes – March 14, 2012

Gail McNally will begin identifying those who might be interested in the monthly pastoral care captain/coordinator positions and start talking to people about the upcoming program.