Life Lesson 3-1C: Make No Excuses

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This is lesson 3 of 3 for the Life Lesson Unit, Make No Excuses. The lesson completes the study of the prophet Jeremiah as the word shows how God chooses those He calls, equips them for the work He has for them, and affirms that work.

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Make No ExcusesMake No Excuses

Rhema Bible StudyLife Lesson 3-1

Jeremiah 1:4-14, 17-19

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Lesson Purpose

• To understand what do I believe about my faith?

• To answer how do I know the will of God?


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Lesson ImpactLesson Impact

• This lesson can help you give up your excuses for not serving God and respond obediently to His call.

• This lesson can help you give up your excuses for not serving God and respond obediently to His call.

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IntroductionMake No Excuses

IntroductionMake No Excuses

1. Are we willing to be used by God?

1. How can we fulfill the purpose for which He made us?

1. Are we willing to be used by God?

1. How can we fulfill the purpose for which He made us?

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Make No ExcusesLesson Titles

Make No ExcusesLesson Titles

1. God Equips

2. God Equips

3. God Affirms

1. God Equips

2. God Equips

3. God Affirms

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God EquipsGod Equips

Topic 1Topic 1

Jeremiah 1:9-10

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

Lesson Scripture: Jeremiah 1:9-10Lesson Scripture: Jeremiah 1:9-10

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9 Then the Lord put forth his hand, and

touched my mouth. And the Lord said

unto me, Behold, I have put my words in

thy mouth

Jeremiah 1:9Jeremiah 1:9

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10 See, I have this day set thee over the

nations and over the kingdoms, to root

out, and to pull down, and to destroy,

and to throw down, to build, and to plant

Jeremiah 1:10Jeremiah 1:10

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

Lesson Scripture: Jeremiah 1:9-10

•What does it say?

Lesson Scripture: Jeremiah 1:9-10

•What does it say?

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

•1 Sam. 3:11

•1 Kings 17:1-2

• Isa. 7:3

• first verses of Ezek.; Hos.; Joel; Jonah; Mic.; Zeph.; Hag.; Zech.; Mal.).

•1 Sam. 3:11

•1 Kings 17:1-2

• Isa. 7:3

• first verses of Ezek.; Hos.; Joel; Jonah; Mic.; Zeph.; Hag.; Zech.; Mal.).

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11 And the Lord said to Samuel, Behold, I

will do a thing in Israel, at which both the

ears of every one that heareth it shall


1 Samuel 3:111 Samuel 3:11

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1 And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the Lord God of

Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my

word. 2 And the word of the Lord came unto him, saying

1 Kings 17:1-21 Kings 17:1-2

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3 Then said the Lord unto Isaiah, Go forth

now to meet Ahaz, thou, and Shearjashub

thy son, at the end of the conduit of the

upper pool in the highway of the fuller's


Isaiah 7:3Isaiah 7:3

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

1. What did God do to equip Jeremiah for his job?

2. Why was the Lord ready to uproot and tear down Judah and the surrounding nations?  

3. In what ways would Jeremiah’s message convey both judgment and hope?

1. What did God do to equip Jeremiah for his job?

2. Why was the Lord ready to uproot and tear down Judah and the surrounding nations?  

3. In what ways would Jeremiah’s message convey both judgment and hope?

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

4. How is the gospel of Jesus is a message of both judgment and hope?

5. How does the Lord equip us today to communicate His message?  

4. How is the gospel of Jesus is a message of both judgment and hope?

5. How does the Lord equip us today to communicate His message?  

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

6. What happens if a congregation would rather have a preacher who brings a pleasing message than one who speaks the words of the Lord?

6. What happens if a congregation would rather have a preacher who brings a pleasing message than one who speaks the words of the Lord?

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

7. What does it take to be a bold witness in a culture that has lost respect for God?

8.  What might we be called to uproot and tear down today?

7. What does it take to be a bold witness in a culture that has lost respect for God?

8.  What might we be called to uproot and tear down today?

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Topic 1Topic 1

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Topic 1

DiscussionTopic 1

Discussion• Summary of Jeremiah

• Chapter 1: Jeremiah’s reluctant call

• 1:2-45: Jeremiah’s life and prophetic messages to his own people during the reigns of Judah’s last 5 kings

• 2:46-51: Jeremiah’s prophecies against other nations

• The fall of Jerusalem and the Temple to Babylon

• Summary of Jeremiah

• Chapter 1: Jeremiah’s reluctant call

• 1:2-45: Jeremiah’s life and prophetic messages to his own people during the reigns of Judah’s last 5 kings

• 2:46-51: Jeremiah’s prophecies against other nations

• The fall of Jerusalem and the Temple to Babylon

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Topic 1Topic 1

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Topic 1

ApplicationTopic 1


• God calls people to serve Him based on His ability, not ours.

• He equips and empowers for the task.

• God calls people to serve Him based on His ability, not ours.

• He equips and empowers for the task.

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Topic 1

ApplicationTopic 1


• What excuses or objections are you currently using to avoid God’s call?

• How will you overcome those excuses and fulfill the role God has planned for you?

• What excuses or objections are you currently using to avoid God’s call?

• How will you overcome those excuses and fulfill the role God has planned for you?

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God EquipsGod Equips

Topic 1Topic 1

Jeremiah 1:9-10

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

Lesson Scripture: Jeremiah 1:9-10Lesson Scripture: Jeremiah 1:9-10

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9 Then the Lord put forth his hand, and

touched my mouth. And the Lord said

unto me, Behold, I have put my words in

thy mouth

Jeremiah 1:9Jeremiah 1:9

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10 See, I have this day set thee over the

nations and over the kingdoms, to root

out, and to pull down, and to destroy,

and to throw down, to build, and to plant

Jeremiah 1:10Jeremiah 1:10

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

Lesson Scripture: Jeremiah 1:9-10

•What does it say?

Lesson Scripture: Jeremiah 1:9-10

•What does it say?

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

• ________________ in the Old Testament era were the ______________ for _____________, the God of Israel, the one true God of the universe.

• ________________ in the Old Testament era were the ______________ for _____________, the God of Israel, the one true God of the universe.

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

• They did not rely on their own _______________or ______________ or _______________when they approached their nation’s kings and people with messages of rebuke for sins or courses of action to set the nation straight.

• They did not rely on their own _______________or ______________ or _______________when they approached their nation’s kings and people with messages of rebuke for sins or courses of action to set the nation straight.

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

•Their messages came directly from ________________Himself. •Their messages came directly from ________________Himself.

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

•1 Sam. 3:11

•1 Kings 17:1-2

• Isa. 7:3

• first verses of Ezek.; Hos.; Joel; Jonah; Mic.; Zeph.; Hag.; Zech.; Mal.).

•1 Sam. 3:11

•1 Kings 17:1-2

• Isa. 7:3

• first verses of Ezek.; Hos.; Joel; Jonah; Mic.; Zeph.; Hag.; Zech.; Mal.).

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11 And the Lord said to Samuel, Behold, I

will do a thing in Israel, at which both the

ears of every one that heareth it shall


1 Samuel 3:111 Samuel 3:11

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1 And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the Lord God of

Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my

word. 2 And the word of the Lord came unto him, saying

1 Kings 17:1-21 Kings 17:1-2

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3 Then said the Lord unto Isaiah, Go forth

now to meet Ahaz, thou, and Shearjashub

thy son, at the end of the conduit of the

upper pool in the highway of the fuller's


Isaiah 7:3Isaiah 7:3

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

1. What did God do to equip Jeremiah for his job?

2. Why was the Lord ready to uproot and tear down Judah and the surrounding nations?  

3. In what ways would Jeremiah’s message convey both judgment and hope?

1. What did God do to equip Jeremiah for his job?

2. Why was the Lord ready to uproot and tear down Judah and the surrounding nations?  

3. In what ways would Jeremiah’s message convey both judgment and hope?

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

4. How is the gospel of Jesus is a message of both judgment and hope?

5. How does the Lord equip us today to communicate His message?  

4. How is the gospel of Jesus is a message of both judgment and hope?

5. How does the Lord equip us today to communicate His message?  

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

6. What happens if a congregation would rather have a preacher who brings a pleasing message than one who speaks the words of the Lord?

6. What happens if a congregation would rather have a preacher who brings a pleasing message than one who speaks the words of the Lord?

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Topic 1

God EquipsTopic 1

God Equips

7. What does it take to be a bold witness in a culture that has lost respect for God?

8.  What might we be called to uproot and tear down today?

7. What does it take to be a bold witness in a culture that has lost respect for God?

8.  What might we be called to uproot and tear down today?

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Topic 1Topic 1

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Topic 1

DiscussionTopic 1

Discussion• Summary of Jeremiah

• Chapter 1: Jeremiah’s reluctant call

• 1:2-45: Jeremiah’s life and prophetic messages to his own people during the reigns of Judah’s last 5 kings

• 2:46-51: Jeremiah’s prophecies against other nations

• The fall of Jerusalem and the Temple to Babylon

• Summary of Jeremiah

• Chapter 1: Jeremiah’s reluctant call

• 1:2-45: Jeremiah’s life and prophetic messages to his own people during the reigns of Judah’s last 5 kings

• 2:46-51: Jeremiah’s prophecies against other nations

• The fall of Jerusalem and the Temple to Babylon

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Topic 1Topic 1

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Topic 1

ApplicationTopic 1


• God calls people to serve Him based on His ability, not ours.

• He equips and empowers for the task.

• God calls people to serve Him based on His ability, not ours.

• He equips and empowers for the task.

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Topic 1

ApplicationTopic 1


• What excuses or objections are you currently using to avoid God’s call?

• How will you overcome those excuses and fulfill the role God has planned for you?

• What excuses or objections are you currently using to avoid God’s call?

• How will you overcome those excuses and fulfill the role God has planned for you?

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