Jibreel the holy spirit

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SIGNIFICANCE OF ANGEL JIBREELThe Angel Jibreel ,or Gabriel, holds a very important place in Islam. Allah described this great Angel in the Qur'an as Ar-Rooh-ul-Qudus, or the holy spirit. He is greatest of all angels who connected Allahs message to mankind. in obedience to the orders of Allah, Jibreel had supported prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and the Muslims every steps of the way. He protected Muhammad (S.A.W) from the pagans of Makkah when they tried to hurt him. He led the angels in securing the migration of the Muslims, the Hijrah, from Makkah to Madinah. He also lead the angels again in helping the muslims in their fights against the pagans in the battles of Badr, Al- khandaq, Hunayn.

According to Aisha (R.A) and others, the Prophet (S.A.W) saw Angel Jibreel in his true form only twice, as it is indicated in the Quran :

The first sighting of Jibreel took place at the cave of Hira , on the occasion of the revelation of the first verses of the Quran, and the second time was during the Al- Miraj in the seventh heaven. Allah said in Surat-un-Najm,

This is not but a revelation revealed, taught by the one mighty in power (Jibreel), who is very strong who appeared in complete manner, on the higher horizonHe saw him another time by the Lote tree of the far boundary. (53: 4-14)


IN THE CAVE OF HIRAAngel Jibreel is mentioned several times in the Holy Quran along with other special angels. Each one of them has a special role Angel Jibreel is known the messenger angel because he was responsible for bringing Allahs words to prophet Muhammed (S.A.W).Jibreel appeared in the cave of Hira to the prophet (S.A.W) while he was meditating. Then Jibreel communicated Allahs first message to him. As you learned in your elementary years, Angel Jibreel commanded Muhammed (S.A.W) to read By saying iqra. the Prophet (S.A.W) replied, I cannot read , as he was illiterate. The angel seized him and again commanded him, Read! The words of the Angel Jibreel to prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) were :

Read in the name of your Lord Who created.

He created man from clot.

Read and your lord is Honorable.

Who taught (to write) with the pen.

Taught man what he knew not.


This was the first revelation prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) received from Allah. He was forty years old. Jibreel continued to communicate Al-Quran to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) over the next twenty three years.

Angel Jibreel would visit Prophet Muhammad to deliver a few ayaat at a time on a continues basis. Every year during the month of Ramadan, Jibreel would review the verses of the Quran that he had delivered that year. In the 11th year after Hijrah, the year that the prophet (S.A.W) passed away , Jibreel reviewed the whole Quran twice with him. The Quran was now complete and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) soon passed away. He was sixty three years old. Jibreel is very well known for other important tasks here on earth.

THE JOURNEY OF AL-ISRA AND AL-MIRAJAnother important task of Angel Jibreel was the journey of al-Isra and Al-miraj.One night prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was sleeping near the Kabah in Makkah when the Angel Jibreel came to him and woke him up. The Angel Jibreel took his arm and led him to the sacred mosque in Makkah. Waiting for him nearby a white creature that looked like a horse. It was called al-Buraq. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and Angel Jibreel rode the Buraq to Jerusalem, within a blink of an eye they were at the old city and were met there by a group of prophets : Adam, Nooh, Ibraheem, Musa, Isa and many others (A.S), Led by the Angel Jibreel.

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) began ascending toward the seven heavens. Throughout the journey up to the Heavens, the prophet was astounded. For the first time he had the opportunity to observe the magnificent unseen world. He saw the beautiful angles, the great prophets and messengers, the sublime heaven and many other amazing wonders. When he arrived there, he communicated with Allah and received divine guidance on prayer for Muslims and other important matters. Lets learn from Rasoolullah (S.A.W) some details of his great journey to heaven with Angel Jibreel.






One of the most famous stories I the Quran is the incident in which angel Jibreel (as) came to Mariyam the mother of Isa (as) to inform her that she would miraculosly give birth to Isa (as). Allah says:

16 1718 19

..And mention Maryam in the Bok when she drew aside from her family to a eastern place ;So she took a veil to screen herself from them; then we sent to her our spirit , And there appeared to her a well made man.She said: Surely I seek refuge from you to the merciful Allah ,if you are one guarding (against evil)

He said: I am only a messenger of your Lord: That I will give you a pure boy

Is ANGEL Jibreel the Holy spirit?

The term Holy Spirit is mentioned in theQuran 4 times. Many are not aware that it is an Islamic term & actually used in the Quran .This term refers to Angel Jibreel who communicates Allahs commands in the world .For eg. Allah says to prophet Muhammed

102 Say, [O Muhammad], "The Pure Spirit has brought it down from your Lord in truth to make firm those who believe and as guidance and good tidings to the Muslims."

And we qave Musa the Book and We sent messenger after him one after another; and We gave Isa , the son of Maryam ,clear signs and supported him with the Holy Spirit .( Surat ul-Baqarah)


Prophet Muhammed sometimes called Angel JibreelAr-ROOH-UL-QUDUS, or the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit In ChristianityThe Holy spirit is a very popular term in christianity. However ,this term has a different meaning than that in Islam. To understand what the Holy Spirit means in christianity , we should first be familiar with the concept of Trinity. According to Websters Dictionary , trinity is :

.... The union of 3 divine (godly) person, the Father, the Son, & The Holy Spirit ,in one divinity (GODHOOD) so that all three are one God as to substance , but three persons.

Based on the definition, God has three different persons:

The Father who is god in Heaven The Son, who is Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit who is the Godly power in the world.

.The concept of the trinity claims the union of 3 divine persons, the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit , in 1 God. The Quran is very clear in rejecting the trinity. It calls for the concept of Tawheed, or theBelief in One True God . As for the son, Islam teaches that Jesus Christ is a great prophet but not God. Also, the Holy Spirit in the Quran refers to the Angel Jibreel . He only executes Gods commands. He is not a god.



The belief in angels is very important in Islam . Its rejection is considered to be kufr, or disbelief . The most important of these angels is Angel Jibreel as he undertook important tasks that tributed to Islam & the Muslim Ummah.

It is quite clear from the above that ALLAH (S.W) and Prophet Muhammed called Angel Jibreel (A.S) by the name, Jibreel ,in some instances , and by the Holy Spirit in other instances.


Holy Spirit is the English Term for the Arabic Ar Rooh-ul- Qudus. The Holy Spirit in the Quran refers to the Angel Gabriel and has nothing to do with trinity . The trinity is absolutely rejected by the strongest language in the Quran

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