Previously on the Plan of Salvation

God's plan of salvation (Covenant) - Simon Philips SFX PJ RCIA 2015

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Previously on the Plan of Salvation

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God Created Heaven and EarthCreated out of His love. Everything was good.

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God created manAnd breathed life into him.

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God created EveTo complete man and let them participate in the creative

love of God.

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In the Garden of Eden

• Original Holiness

• Original Justice

• Tree of Life

• Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

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God’s Plan of Salvation



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What is a Covenant?

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An act of


An act of


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Covenant is God’s Nature

• The giving of love

• The giving of self

• For the other’s good

• For no demand of return

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Seeking Covenant with God is our Nature

• Interior call to know our Creator

• … know our purpose

• … know our destiny

• Response to our creation in God’s image

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3000 B.C.before

Genesis 6

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In the days of Noah• Men have

forgotten God

• Concupiscence wins

• Man abuses his freedom

• Sin multiplies

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“When the Lord saw how great was the wickedness of man …

His heart was grieved.”

Genesis 6:5

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What would you do?

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What did God do?• God chose mercy

as an expression of love

• Gave 120 years for conversion

• He chose to save the righteous

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The Noahic Covenant

• For all mankind

• A promise of abiding love and mercy

• Never to destroy creation by flood

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The Noahic Covenant

• The sign was a rainbow

• The call was to familial love

• The promise is forever

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Creation CovenantCreation Sin

Noah Chosen

Noahic Covenant (Mercy)


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2100 B.C.before

Genesis 11

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The Tower

of Babel


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The Rise of NationsWAR • GREED • POWER

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2091 B.C.Genesis 12

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The Call of Abram“Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s

house to the land that I will show you.”Genesis 12:1

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Our Father in Faith• Pure, unquestioning


• Total trust in and obedience to God

• The opposite of Adam and Eve

• Model of Christian faith

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The Abrahamic Covenant

• Land

• Descendents

• Source of blessing for the world

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The Abrahamic Covenant

• Circumcision as a sign of the covenant

• A reminder that flesh cannot save and the need to trust in God alone

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The Abrahamic Covenant• Abram becomes


• Sarai becomes Sarah

• Addition of same Hebrew character in their new names.

• Confirmation of God’s promise

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Creation CovenantCreation Sin

Noah chosen

Noahic Covenant (Mercy)

Abraham chosen

Abrahamic Covenant (Strength)


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1898 B.C.Genesis 37

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The Betrayal of Joseph


“Come, and let us kill him and throw him into one of the pits; and we will say,

'A wild beast devoured him.' Then let us see what will become of his

dreams!"Genesis 6:5

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A Web of Deceit• Jacob deceived his father, Isaac, to

steal the blessing rightly belonging to his brother, Esau.

• Jacob (Israel) is deceived by his sons into thinking Joseph is dead.

• Who will pay for their deceit? The tribes of Israel will be enslaved in Egypt.

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1600 B.C.Exodus 1

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Sons of Israel Enslaved“So they appointed taskmasters over them to afflict them with hard

labour. And they built for Pharaoh storage cities, Pithom and Raamses.”

Exodus 1:11

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1446 B.C.Exodus 13

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God Reveals Himself

“I AM WHO AM”Exodus 3:14

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Freed from Slavery• Monumental

gesture of God’s love.

• Assurance of God’s powerful protection.

• Passover memorial of liberation.

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The Golden Calf


“Come, make us a god who will go before us; as for this Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.” Exodus 32:1

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The Mosaic Covenant• The ‘Rule Book of

Love’ • Illuminating the

nature of love:for God and for neighbour

• Reveals God’s love as truth and patience

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The Mosaic Covenant• Sealed with the

sign of sacrificial blood

• The Ark of the Covenant

• The Sabbath

• The Passover

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Creation CovenantCreation Sin

Noah chosen

Noahic Covenant (Mercy)

Abraham chosen

Abrahamic Covenant (Strength)



Moses chosen

Mosaic Covenant


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1043 B.C.1 Samuel 8

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Israel Demands a King

1 Samuel 8:19-20

“Listen to the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them. Just as they have done to me, from the day I brought them up out of Egypt to this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so also they are doing to you. Now then, listen to their voice; only — you shall solemnly warn them, and show them the ways of the king who shall reign over them.”


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1024 B.C.1 Samuel 16

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The Shepherd King

“Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David

from that day forward."1 Samuel 16:13

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The Davidic Covenant• An eternal kingdom

• Dynastic rule

• The Messiah

• The Temple, built by his son, Solomon: the sign of God’s abiding presence and favour.

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Creation CovenantCreation Sin

Noah chosen

Noahic Covenant (Mercy)

Abraham chosen

Abrahamic Covenant (Strength)



Moses chosen

Mosaic Covenant


David chosen

Davidic Covenant (Eternality)

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Election Disloyalty

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Psalm 132 10-18

Think of thy servant David, and do not refuse audience to the king thou hast anointed.

Never will the Lord be false to that inviolable oath he swore to David: I will raise to thy throne heirs of thy own body;

if thy sons hold fast to my covenant, to the decrees which I make known to them, their sons too shall reign on thy throne for ever.

The Lord’s choice has fallen upon Sion, this is the dwelling he longed for:

Here, for ever, is my resting-place, here is my destined home.

Trust me, I will bless her with abundant store, the poor shall have bread to their heart’s content;

I will clothe her priests in the vesture of triumph, cries of rejoicing shall echo among her faithful people.

There the stock of David shall bud, there shall a lamp burn continually for the king I have anointed.

I will cover his enemies with confusion; on his brow the crown I gave shall shine untarnished.

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• What do these covenants tell you about God?

• What is God promising you today?

• What is your response to God’s promise to you?

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Preparations• Find out as much as you can about the following

people we will meet next week:

• Amos

• Jonah

• Hosea

• Isaiah

• Micah

• Jeremiah

• Daniel

• Ezekiel

• Zechariah

• Malachi