a Healthy Christian life “Giving your best to God”

Four Quadrants of a Healthy Christian Life

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2010 Aug 8. VCAC Teens Worship Sermon(http://vcactc.squarespace.com/)Speaker: Bruce Chan

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  • 1.Four Quadrants of a Healthy Christian life
    Giving your best to God

2. Quadrant # 1 Personal relationship
3. Quadrant # 1 Personal relationship
Daily Devotional time Reading the Bible
The record for the smallest copy is held by a Bible measuring 2.8x3.4x1cm (1.1x1.3x0.4in), weighing 11.75g (0.4 ounces) and containing 1,514 pages.
Los Angeles, California. It is 43.5 inches high and 98 inches wide. If the book is closed, the spine is 34 inches thick. It weighs 1,094 lbs and has 8,048 pages.
4. Quadrant # 1 Personal relationship
Daily Devotionscan be done Morning or Night
5. Quadrant # 1 Personal relationship
Scripture Memory
Navigators Topical Memory System
Tom Howse has memorized over
2000 Scripture Verses
6. Quadrant # 1 Personal relationship
Personal prayer time
3x per day - Goal
7. Quadrant #2 Corporate Worship
Also know as Going to Church
8. Quadrant #2 Corporate Worship
Singing praising to the Lord
Public reading of Gods word
Public praying for one another
Titheing 10% of your income
9. Quad #2 Corp. Worship Dos and Donts
Do not talk or socialize during service
Do not fall asleep during service
10. Quadrant #2 Corporate Worship
Do Bring a bible to service
Do listen to what God is telling you and ask yourself how you can apply this into your life.
Do be in an attitude of worship.
11. Quadrant #3 Small Group
Everyone needs to be in a small group/bible study
12. Quadrant #3 Small Group
In a small group you will pray for one another
13. Quadrant #3 Small Group
In a Small group you can be accountable to one another
14. Quadrant #3 Small Group
Jesus was in a small group!
15. Quadrant #4 Area of Service
16. Quadrant #4 Area of Service
Service can be in the church
17. Quadrant #4 Area of Service

  • Lead a small group

18. Get involved in an outreach ministry 19. Get involved in a street ministry 20. Running and Reading program 21. Hospice ministry 22. Prison Ministry 23. Pro-Life Ministry 24. Graphic design 25. Web design 26. Auto mechanics 27. Computer repair 28. Home repair 29. Moving voluteer 30. Driving ministry (picking up people to go to fellowship or church.