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Ephesians 1 15 23

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Eph 1:15-23

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Page 1: Ephesians 1 15 23

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Changing Our Hearts, Our Habits, and Our Holiness

Chapter 1:15-23

Page 2: Ephesians 1 15 23

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Blessed in the Heavenly Realms Transformation of heart and life, The very authority of God, and Backed by the very power of God.

Blessed with Spiritual Blessings Adoption, Redemption and Forgiveness, Grace, and Wisdom and Understanding.

Chosen Before the world began To be a part of God’s Master plan

Sealed By the power of God Himself – in Person He guarantees our salvation and redemption by His life

Page 3: Ephesians 1 15 23

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Five Major types of Prayer: Repentance, Supplication or Petition, Intercession, Thanksgiving, and Praise or Adoration.

Importance of Prayer (Opinion Poll) To seek God's guidance (27%) To thank God (23%) To be close to God or the divine (19%) To help others (13%) To improve a person's life (9%) Other (4%) Don't know (5%)

Page 4: Ephesians 1 15 23

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Recognizes our unworthiness

Recognizes that God does not have to do anything for us.

It is humbling to be thankful.

True thanksgiving is more than Gratefulness, it is a heartfelt bond

Page 5: Ephesians 1 15 23

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

For Hope Confident Expectation – based on God’s character and

truth – without physical evidence

Eternal Life, but also (Jeremiah 29:11) A plan for your life, A plan to prosper you – spiritually, A plan not to harm you – spiritually, and A plan for a future.

Page 6: Ephesians 1 15 23

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

For Richness Understanding our inheritance

We are heirs and joint heirs with Jesus Christ

Whatever He inherits, we inherit.

Don’t live life as a spiritual pauper – while the riches of Christ Jesus are meant for you.

Page 7: Ephesians 1 15 23

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

For Power The power of God is “incomparably great” God has made Himself – His power – available to you

and I

There is no sin too strong, no habit too big, not even death – because He can raise us from the dead.

No demon, demonic power, nor even Satan himself has the power to overcome anything that God has done for us.

His power is proven – as are His promises – in raising Jesus from the dead

Page 8: Ephesians 1 15 23

Presented by: Tempered Steel Ministries

Paul prays that we understand and that we open our hearts to perceive.

Paul’s prayer of petition for the Ephesians is four fold. That we receive the Spirit wisdom and Revelation and that we have

an attitude that accepts the truth of that wisdom and revelation.

That we open the eyes of our heart to the hope to which He has called us

That we open the eyes of our heart to the riches and richness in Christ Jesus

That we open the eyes of our heart to the power that is on our side