The Invisible War Deliverance Boot Camp

Deliverance boot camp (part 9)

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The Invisible War

Deliverance Boot Camp

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Introduction• In Job 41, the LORD appears to JOB in a

WHIRLWIND and begins to question him concerning a CREATURE known as “LEVIATHAN” (v. 1). The discussion of LEVIATHAN is longer than any other animal in Job. That fact, coupled with the VICIOUS NATURE of LEVIATHAN, an animal that even ATTACKS MAN (v. 8), makes LEVIATHAN worth study. This BEAST has been variously interpreted as the SEVEN-HEADED sea monster LOTION of Ugaritic mythology, the MARINE DINOSAUR that survived the Flood, similar to a GIANT CROCODILE.

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Introduction• In Greek mythology he was the “GOD of CHAOS”.

Its CORE is MISCOMMUNICATION and its ASSIGNMENT is to BREAK up COVENANTS. The Book of Job reveals that LEVIATHAN is an EVIL SPIRIT represented by the crocodile or a large sea serpent. In Isaiah 27, he is called the “piercing serpent”, the “crooked serpent”, the “dragon” that is in the sea (v. 1). In Job 41:34, he is called “king over all the children of pride”. One of the most DIFFICULT SPIRITS to DEFEAT is the SPIRIT of LEVIATHAN because of his PRIDE; however, the Scripture shows that we can DRAW him OUT and DESTROY him.

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Introduction• The LORD has graciously given us a REVELATION of

LEVIATHAN and his characteristics. We are now able to IDENTIFY him, DRAW him OUT, DISANNUL the COVENANT with him, and receive DELIVERANCE. With the HELP of the LORD, we can BIND him and CAST him OUT. There are five references to LEVIATHAN in the WORD of GOD (Job 3:8; 41:1-34; Psalm 74:14; 104:26; Isaiah 27:1; Ezekiel 29:3-5). The most extensive reference is found in Job 41; it gives the most insight into the CHARACTER and PERSONALITY of the LEVIATHAN SPIRIT, and it provides us with SPIRITUAL STRATEGIES to DEFEAT him.

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The King of Pride• Job 41:34 states LEVIATHAN is the “king over

all the children of pride”. What is PRIDE? It has been defined as a FEELING of DEEP PLEASURE or SATISFACTION in an ACHIEVEMENT, an accomplishment, or in someone else or something else. It can be described as CONCEIT, egotism, VANITY, vainglory. It carries with it a connotation of an INFLATED SENSE of one’s own WORTH or personal status. Using it positively, PRIDE is a DELIGHT or ELATION or a sense of HAPPINESS from some act, accomplishment, possession or relationship (Proverbs 17:6).

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The King of Pride• The Bible reveals that PRIDE is at the ROOT of

all SIN. Note GOD HATES PRIDE because it is a MISPLACED sense of WORTH. God says “I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech” (Proverbs 8:13). Solomon wrote that there are “six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community” (Proverbs 6:16-19).

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The King of Pride• If you look at each one of these SEVEN

THINGS that GOD DETESTS you can see that PRIDE is at the CENTER of each one. PRIDE was the FIRST SIN against GOD; therefore, it is at the ROOT of ALL SIN (Isaiah 14:13-15; Ezekiel 28:17). It was the CAUSE of SATAN’S FALL. “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:14). Using PRIDE, Satan caused ADAM and EVE to SIN AGAINST GOD (Genesis 3:5; 1 John 2:16).

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The King of Pride• The PRIDE of LEVIATHAN is seen in his

SCALES (Job 41:15). His SCALES are so CLOSE one to another that NO AIR can come between them. His PRIDE makes him feel INVINCIBLE. LEVIATHAN is a RULING SPIRIT over many GROUPS of DEMONS and over many RELIGIOUS SPIRITS. Religious PRIDE is a SPIRIT that makes you believe, “They are all going to hell. I know I’m right; they are wrong”.

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The King of Pride• LEVIATHAN’S SCALES represent groups of

DEMONS that LINK together to protect him (Job 41:17). He is a RULING SPIRIT that has numerous demons under his command. They resist separation and join themselves tightly together to hold their victims in bondage. LEVIATHAN is a STRONGMAN whose ARMOR must be STRIPPED. As the KING of PRIDE, LEVIATHAN inflates the EGO and twists GLORY making it VAIN (vainglory) to LURE people into DESTRUCTION (Proverbs 16:18).

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The King of Pride• He uses the TONGUE to cause great

DAMAGE and when ANGER is added tremendous DESTRUCTION follows. Whoever CONTROLS the TONGUE has CONTROL over the PERSON (James 3:1-12). Hence, LEVIATHAN is the KING of PRIDE, controlling the PERSON by CONTROLLING the TONGUE. Knowing who this spirit is and how it operates will enable you to discern when it is working in your life or other’s lives.

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The Fire-Breathing Dragon• There are many stories in ancient lore

concerning FIRE-BREATHING DRAGONS. Job 41:18-21 states when LEVIATHAN “sneezes flash forth light, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the dawn. Out of his mouth go flaming torches; sparks of fire leap forth. Out of his nostrils comes forth smoke, as from a boiling pot and burning rushes. His breath kindles coals, and a flame comes forth from his mouth”. This is a picture of a FIRE-BREATHING DRAGON. This is the NATURE of LEVIATHAN, king of PRIDE.

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The Fire-Breathing Dragon• The reference of LEVIATHAN and FIRE

can be found when JAMES refers to the TONGUE as a LITTLE MEMBER that BOASTS great things (James 3:5). This is an obvious reference to PRIDE manifesting through the TONGUE. James states, “how great a matter a little fire kindles” (v. 5). The TONGUE sets on FIRE the course of nature (v. 6). LEVIATHAN can manifest through the TONGUE in boasting, lying, and cursing.

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The Fire-Breathing Dragon• The SINS of PRIDE are CURSING and LYING

(Psalm 59:12). BOASTING is another MANIFESTATION of PRIDE. To BOAST means to PUFF oneself UP in speech, to speak vaingloriously. ARGUING and DISPUTING is another MANIFESTATION of PRIDE (1 Timothy 6:4). James said that “no man can tame the tongue” (James 3:8). This is due to LEVIATHAN’S INFLUENCE, for he cannot be tamed (Job 41:1-10). It is a MANIFESTATION of PRIDE. Job 41:20 makes reference to a “seething pot or caldron”.

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The Fire-Breathing Dragon• The word “SEETHE” (napah) means to “PUFF UP,

kindle, INFLATE, blow hard”. This denotes “PRIDE”; however, it implies a BOILING or AGITATION. This is a reference to ANGER. Note ANGER accompanies PRIDE. Remember demons operate in groups. When ANGER and PRIDE combine, they “STIR UP” (gara- anger, contend, meddle, strive) “STRIFE” (madon- quarrel, contention, brawling, discord). Proverbs 28:25 says, “He who is of a proud heart stirs up strife”. Those who are easily given to strife, anger, and quarrels are controlled by LEVIATHAN.

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The Fire-Breathing Dragon• From the ABUNDANCE of the HEART the

MOUTH speaks (Matthew 12:34-37). The BREATH of LEVIATHAN kindles a FIRE (Job 41:21). BREATH (nepesh- soul, spirit) represents SPIRIT. FIRE spreads and DESTROYS. People CONTROLLED by LEVIATHAN will do much DAMAGE through their MINDS and MOUTHS. To be DELIVERED from ANGER and PRIDE, we need the COALS from the HEAVENLY ALTAR to PURGE our LIPS and TONGUE (Isaiah 6:7).

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Stubbornness and Hardness of Heart• LEVIATHAN’S STRENGTH is in his NECK (Job

41:22). According to Psalm 18:40, the LORD gives us the NECKS of our ENEMIES. Joshua and Israel demonstrated their enemies’ DEFEAT by putting their FEET on the NECKS of the kings of Canaan (Joshua 10:24). A strong NECK refers to being STUBBORN and REBELLIOUS, manifestations of PRIDE. 1 Samuel 15:23 says, “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry”. STUBBORNNESS will cause a person to REJECT the WORD of the LORD. This was the SIN of SAUL.

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Stubbornness and Hardness of Heart• Israel was often referred to as a “STIFF-NECKED”

people (Exodus 33:3). Stephen called those who RESIST the Holy Ghost “STIFF-NECKED” and “UNCIRCUMCISED in HEART” (Acts 7:51). Refusing to hear, anti-submissiveness, and unteachableness are all tied in with being STIFF-NECKED (Jeremiah 17:23). STUBBORNNESS is a REFUSAL to REPENT and turn from the CROOKED WAY. Note LEVIATHAN is the “CROOKED SERPENT” (Isaiah 27:1). The CROOKED SERPENT confines people to the CROOKED WAY. These are all MANIFESTATIONS of PRIDE and LEVIATHAN.

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Stubbornness and Hardness of Heart• Another characteristic of the LEVIATHAN

SPIRIT is being UNYIELDING and UNBENDING (Job 41:23). To “SUBMIT” (hypeiko) means to YIELD, surrender, RELINQUISH one’s RIGHTS” (Hebrews 13:17). People who are “set in their ways” (unbending and unyielding) (Proverbs 14:14) are being CONTROLLED by LEVIATHAN, who refuses to yield (Job 41:1-10). HARDNESS of HEART is another MANIFESTATION of the SPIRIT of LEVIATHAN (Job 41:24).

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Stubbornness and Hardness of Heart• PHARAOH, who is also referred to as the “GREAT DRAGON” (Ezekiel 29:3-5), HARDENED his HEART and was destroyed in the Red Sea (Exodus 7:13-14,22; 8:15,19,32; 9:7,34-35; 10:1,20,27; 11:10; 14:8). There is a CONNECTION between LEVIATHAN and both PHARAOH and Egypt. The Egyptians both FEARED and WORSHIPPED this great monster.

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Stubbornness and Hardness of Heart• They WORSHIPPED LEVIATHAN as the great SERPENT in their RIVERS that was responsible for their PROSPERITY and COMMERCE. They learned to CONTROL the RIVERS for their purposes (Ezekiel 29:9); this PRIDE became one of Egypt’s greatest SIN and Israel’s SIN as well (2 Kings 18:21,24; Isaiah 30:1-3; 31:1; 36:6,9; Jeremiah 46:25).

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Stubbornness and Hardness of Heart• HARDNESS of HEART prevents people from

walking in OBEDIENCE with God, lacking commitment and faithfulness. People who have problems praying or understanding the WORD of GOD are being ATTACKED or CONTROLLED by LEVIATHAN. Whenever there are SEVERE PROBLEMS with Bible study, spiritual goals, fasting, lethargic worship or anything genuinely spiritual and of the LORD, the LEVIATHAN SPIRIT is operating.

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The Seven Heads• Psalm 74:14 reveals that LEVIATHAN has

MULTIPLE HEADS. Ugaritic mythology says he is a SEVEN-HEADED sea monster. His MULTI-HEADS and PRIDE disclose that he is the spawn of the GREAD RED DRAGON. According to Revelation 12:3, the GREAT RED DRAGON has SEVEN HEADS with a CROWN on each HEAD and TEN HORNS. The SEVEN HEADS with CROWNS represent a DEMONIC THRONE on each of the SEVEN CONTINENTS of the EARTH. According to Revelation 13:1, the ANTICHRISTAL BEAST has SEVEN HEADS and TEN HORNS with a CROWN on each HORN.

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The Seven Heads• Symbolically, the HEAD signifies LEADERSHIP,

order, LAW, direction, GOVERNANCE, authority. The SEVEN HEADS of LEVIATHAN represent the RULE and REIGN of PRIDE on each of the SEVEN CONTINENTS. Each HEAD represents of the SEVEN THINGS that are DETESTABLE to GOD (Proverbs 6:16-19). One head says one thing, another head something else, and each head tries to speak with authority. The result is CONFUSION and DISTRUST. In Greek mythology, LEVIATHAN is the “GOD of CHAOS”.

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The Seven Heads• Each HEAD of LEVIATHAN speaks to a different

person, whispering in ears, convincing each other they are right. He convinces each PERSON that they are RIGHT and others are wrong. In this way, he incites REBELLION and works against UNITY. When UNITY starts to BREAK DOWN in RELATIONSHIPS or COVENANTS, it is ATTACK from LEVIATHAN. This spirit always brings confusion, strife, despair and destruction wherever it goes. Its CORE is MISCOMMUNICATION and its ASSIGNMENT is to BREAK up COVENANTS.

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The Seven Heads• Psalm 74:13-14 also reveals that the LORD has

CRUSHED the HEAD of LEVIATHAN. The HEAD of the SERPENT is the most VULNERABLE part. In DESTROYING the SERPENT, always go for the HEAD. The SERPENT’S HEAD was BRUISED and CRUSHED by the SEED of the woman; His NAME is JESUS (Genesis 3:15; Colossians 2:15). The OBEDIENCE and HUMILITY of JESUS (His submission to death on the cross) is our only VICTORY over LEVIATHAN. It is the only way to CRUSH his HEAD.

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The Seven Heads• The LORD RESISTS the PROUD (James 4:6; 1

Peter 5:5). He will crush anyone who is proud (Isaiah 3:16-26). The LORD will not allow PRIDE to resist and stand against Him and His purposes (Isaiah 2:11; 13:11; Ezekiel 7:24). This was the SIN of LUCIFER and the reason for his fall (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-19). The same thing happened to King Belshazzar “when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride, he was deposed from his royal throne and stripped of his glory” (Daniel 5:20). This is what LEVIATHAN causes people to do.

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The Seven Heads• PRIDE, arrogance, and haughtiness are all

characteristics of LEVIATHAN. Self-exaltation, HARDNESS of HEART, and rebellion are also MANIFESTATIONS of LEVIATHAN. The LORD is giving us a REVELATION concerning LEVIATHAN. He is EXPOSING his PARTS to us (Job 41:12). JESUS exhorted, “when one stronger than he attacks him and overcomes him, he takes away his armor in which he trusted and divides his spoil” (Luke 11:22). LEVIATHAN is a STRONGMAN whose ARMOR must be STRIPPED.

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The Characteristics of Leviathan• In the first seven verses of Job 41 the LORD asks FOURTEEN QUESTIONS concerning LEVIATHAN. Apart from being the KING of PRIDE, these questions reveal his NATURE and CHARACTER of LEVIATHAN.1. He CANNOT be TAMED; hence, he is

dangerous.2. He is a COVENANT BREAKER; he

destroys relationships and breaks up friendships.

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The Characteristics of Leviathan4. He TWISTS the truth. It

misrepresents what has been said, a spirit of deception.

5. You CANNOT REASON with this spirit because he stirs up strife.


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The Characteristics of Leviathan10. He has DESTRUCTIVE

AUTHORITY, negative effect.11. He is UNREPENTIVE.12. He will NOT NEGOTIATE or


wrong sense, strong demonic alliances.

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The Shield of Leviathan• LEVIATHAN’S PRIDE is his SCALES (magen- shield) (Job

41:15). Because he is a RULING SPIRIT, he has a CROWN of PRIDE (Isaiah 28:1), CHAIN of PRIDE (Psalm 73:6), and a ROD of PRIDE (Proverbs 14:3); and he wears a REGAL GARMENT (lebush- vesture, vestment) (Job 41:13). Here is a list of DEMONS that are LINKED together to FORM the SCALES of LEVIATHAN that protect him from attacks. Remember, the LORD has BRUISED and CRUSHED the HEAD of LEVIATHAN. He has given us AUTHORITY over ALL DEMONIC SPIRITS to CAST them OUT (Matthew 10:1,7-8; Mark 16:17-18). So, we have the power in the NAME of JESUS to SEPARATE the SHIELD of LEVIATHAN and CAST OUT the DEMONS joined to protect him and STRIP LEVIATHAN of his SCALES and POWER.

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The Shield of Leviathan• RAHAB- spirit of PRIDE; meaning outrageous,

violent, tumult, fierce, proud, vain, and insolent (Psalm 89:10; Isaiah 51:9).

• BASHAN- spirit of PRIDE; oaks of Bashan (Isaiah 2:12-13) represent loftiness; bulls of Bashan (Psalm 22:12) represent strength and breaking forth in destructive wild spirit; or king of Bashan (Numbers 21:33) an obstinate giant.

• ARBA (Joshua 14:15)- a giant characterized by great strength and stability, seen as the square of a cube; Kirjatharba, city of Arba, which means city of four giants (Judges 1:10).

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The Shield of Leviathan• ANAK (Deuteronomy 9:2)- long-necked

giants representing eccentric PRIDE (Isaiah 3:16-26).

• ISHBIBENOB- a giant dwelling in the prominence or height (2 Samuel 21:16).

• ORION- he is a very proud SPIRIT. The name means the “hunter”. NIMROD was the first person in Scripture known as a great hunter (Genesis 10:8-9).

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The Shield of Leviathan



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The Shield of Leviathan•Defiance•Destruction•Disobedience•Domination•Ego•Fear- afraid•Hard-heartedness•Haughtiness•Independence

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The Shield of Leviathan• Intellectualism •Intolerance•Loftiness•Lying•Manipulation•Mockery•Obstinancy•Perfection•Pompous

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The Shield of Leviathan•Prejudice•Pride of knowledge•Puffed up•Rage•Rebellion•Rejection•Scorn

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The Shield of Leviathan•Self-centeredness•Self-exaltation•Self-importance•Selfishness•Self-promotion•Self-righteousness•Shame•Strife•Stubbornness

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The Shield of Leviathan•Unbending•Unwilling to admit wrong•Unwilling to apologize•Unwilling to change•Unyielding•Vanity•Wrath•Witchcraft

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Conclusion• Since we know that GOD RESISTS the PROUD

and the Bible describes PRIDE as being at the ROOT of all SIN, we should HUMBLE ourselves before God (James 4:10; 1 Peter 5:6). PRIDE can cause us to FALL FLAT on our face. “When pride comes, then comes disgrace” (Proverbs 11:2). “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). JESUS declared “those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted” (Matthew 23:12). FASTING is often necessary in dealing with LEVIATHAN.

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Conclusion• Through FASTING, we HUMBLE the SOUL (Psalm

35:13). FASTING helps break the power of PRIDE in our lives. Remember, LEVIATHAN’S STRENGTH is in his NECK (Job 41:22). The LORD will give us the NECKS of our ENEMIES (Psalm 18:40). The LORD JESUS Christ BRUISED and CRUSHED the HEAD of LEVIATHAN. Ask the LORD to HELP you BREAK his NECK. Remember to strip the scales off LEVIATHAN. His scales are the demons that shield him from attack. Take away his armor and spoil his goods (victims) (Luke 11:22). JESUS is the only hope we have in defeating LEVIATHAN.

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The Invisible War

Deliverance Boot Camp