There is a new health program fromFlorida Hospital called Creation Health. Notice the man standing on the rock facing the sun with his arms raised and legs apart. This is a pose seen throughout Creation Health materials. We’ll see more about it later. But lets first look at some of the sources where Creation Health draws it’s material. 1

Creation health sources

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Sources used by the Creation Health program. The quotations and statements are not those quoted in the Creation Health material, but this shows the kind of sources Creation Health draws from.

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Page 1: Creation health sources

There is a new health program from Florida Hospital called Creation Health. Notice the

man standing on the rock facing the sun with his arms raised and legs apart. This is a pose

seen throughout Creation Health materials. We’ll see more about it later. But lets first look

at some of the sources where Creation Health draws it’s material.


Page 2: Creation health sources

The quotation says, “Siegel believed – and still does – that the power to heal comes from

the human mind through the will, determination, and love.” The book described here is

one that Creation Health quotes from. Also notice the titles on the page, “Bernie’s New

Mantra” and “The Inner Life . . .”


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“The physical, spiritual and psychological benefits which followed led to his desire to make

everyone aware of his or her healing potential. He realized exceptional behavior is what

we are all capable of.”


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A website recommended by Siegel called “Super Consciousness.”


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Here is the website. It has pantheistic and mystical ideas. “The Spiritual Journey” and

“interconnectedness with the whole life” are mystical ideas.


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“So in my life the thoughts and wisdom come from this inner universal wisdom which

creates my dreams and speaks to me at times in images and words. . . The voice speaking

to me said . . .”

“When your mind becomes like the still pond you will hear and see and connect with the

thoughts which can change your life because you are accessing the greater consciousness

and can know the future and communicate with animals and more. . . When your mind is

still you will see and hear what needs to be seen and heard in your life at that moment.”


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“I have had many experiences when I have had a voice speak to me. It happens when I am

taking a walk or exercising and my mind is quiet. Consciousness is non-local but again it

cannot communicate when we are in turmoil. My animal intuitive friend, Amelia Kinkade,

while sitting in Los Angeles, told me where to find a lost cat in Connecticut. She also told

me that I had to quiet my mind in order to be able to communicate with my animals. It is

the same message and it has worked and taught me a great deal.”


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Levin is endorsed by Larry Dossey whom we will study in a moment.

“Only a loving relationship with the Source of being with in the context of the great faith

and wisdom traditions of the world can fully inform and motivate the acts of love, unity,

justice, compassion, kindness, and mercy for all beings that are so desperately required to

counter the toxic influences of the world.” These “faith and wisdom traditions” are nothing

but mysticism.


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This is a favorite site of Jeff Levin. Notice it promotes the author Dan Brown, author of the

Davinci Code.

Promoting Mystical ideas.


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Another of Jeff Levin’s favorite sites.

Reiki is a branch of Jewish mysticism.


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Dossey believes in the power of premonitions.


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Dossey’s mystical leanings. “Dossey explores evidence that this is not the case, that some

aspect of the human psyche is nonlocal, not confined to points in space (such as a body) or

in time (such as the present moment). This evidence further suggests that there is

something about us that is omnipresent, infinite, and eternal, something related in

Western thinking to the concept of a soul and to the idea of the Absolute.” Dossey also

speaks of the “universal mind” and speaks of his discoveries as “supportable truths.”


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Dossey said he was having premonitions and “was scared to talk about his premonitions

because if he dared believe anything he was experiencing was possible – that the future

could be known before it happened . . .”


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Dr. Larry Dossey on the Oprah Winfrey show. Such an endorsement by Oprah should be

troubling, knowing the mystical leanings of Ms. Winfrey.


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The “Something Unknown . . .” movie by Renée Scheltema is a look into the supernatural.

Dr. Dossey recommends this.


Page 16: Creation health sources

Here’s a screenshot from the Creation Health website. Notice the “contemporary

musician” quoted here. Calling Halpern merely a “contemporary musician” is like calling

the devil merely “a contemporary religious leader”. Let’s look at Halpern’s site.


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Notice the “Chakra Suite” and the cover of the CD. Notice the imagery on the cover. Not

anything a Christian should be listening to. Also notice the “Om Zone” CD. Another

indication that Halpern is not of God.

Halpern is also into training your brainwaves. We know that the alpha brainwave pattern is

very important to this spiritualistic form of meditation.


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Emrika Padus is an author quoted by Creation Health. The theosophical society, which

publishes the site Padus is often quoted on, was established by Madam Blavatsky, a

spiritualist. Padus definitely has mystical leanings.


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Creation Health is authored in part by a man named Lynell LaMountain. Lynell is co author

of the book “God Encounters” with Alan Martin and Shayna Bailey. The God Encounters

book and programs promote contemplative prayer, prayer rooms, spiritual formation, etc.

Look what Lynell says on the Advent Source website about one of these God Encounters

weekends. “The meeting may have ended, but worship continued into the night in various

prayers rooms, including an A-framed lodge which had been transformed into a living,

prayer sanctuary, with 10 interactive prayer stations guiding you in your holy encounter

with your Father. Tea lights and scented candles flickered throughout the room, as soft

music added to the warm ambiance. The first thing I saw was a sign, “Take of your shoes

because you are standing on holy ground.” So I did. And then I inhaled – not the proper,

image-conscious breaths I take at religious programs, but deep breaths – filling up on God’s

crisp, energizing presence.”


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Here we have an electronic device that will aid you in entering the alpha brain wave state.

Its called the “emWave system.” Basically it is electronic transcendental meditation. It is

recommended in one of the Creation Health books under the website

www.heartmath.com. Let’s read the blue highlighted area from the manual for this device.

“Many people have personal practices such as meditation, prayer, centering, mindfulness,

breathing techniques, practicing presence and so forth. It is easy for the mind to wander

while doing any type of personal practice. The emWave system can help you increase

coherence with your personal practices, enhancing focus and effectiveness and providing

measurable feedback for you to improve. . . Use the emWave system . . . and get into the

Zone . . .” Notice the “personal practices” mentioned are those involved in spiritual



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Here’s some additional information on the emWave device and how it promotes

“centering,” a form of mystical meditation that is “helpful for accumulating positive energy .

. .” Notice also this site promotes “practicing presence.” These paragraphs are full of new

age language and practices.


Page 22: Creation health sources

Remember this photo on the first slide of the Creation Health website? This pose is

featured throughout the Creation Health program. If it were used only once, I would mark

it down to coincidence. But it is used many times. You will also see it in many other places

both secular and religious. Do you know what it is? Let me show you.


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Courtesy of Google Books, we have an explanation of what this pose is. The goddess

posture is a pose used in wicca and witchcraft to “draw down the moon,” which we know

to be the devil himself. In the description it says, “used to indicate the spirit body double of

the physical body, what one might call the astral body.” In other sources, it is said to be an

indication that the person has been possessed by a demon. Other occult publications say

this pose has variations, but still has the same meaning.

Also notice as a sidelight, the god posture is like that of the Oscar statue given out by

Hollywood to those involved in movies.


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Another consideration is that of Leland Kaiser. Kaiser, his son Kevin and daughter Leann,

are the founders of Kaiser Consulting and Two Worlds Wisdom School. They teach a

mystical message of spiritualism while claiming to be Adventist Christians. Notice their list

of clients, especially the “F” and “G” listings. You can go to kaiser.net/client-list and see the

whole list for yourself. You might be surprised at what organizations you see there. The

Kaiser’s have had extensive connection to the Florida Hospital system which produces

Creation Health.


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