y Choo Kar Kar 0315363 Hew Sin Qi 0315012 Low Chek Yee 0315266 Cheah Teck Wei 0315215 Chua Jiu Xin 0314025 Mak Mun Choon 0314928 Ngu Xian Loong 0314348 Preston Liew Ru Ping 0313822 Yap Kar Juen 0314025


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Page 1: Christianity

ChristianityChoo Kar Kar 0315363Hew Sin Qi 0315012

Low Chek Yee 0315266Cheah Teck Wei 0315215

Chua Jiu Xin 0314025Mak Mun Choon 0314928Ngu Xian Loong 0314348

Preston Liew Ru Ping 0313822Yap Kar Juen 0314025

Page 2: Christianity


• Christianity is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in canonical gospels and other New Testament writings as well as the Old Testament.•Most Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

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History• It begins with Jesus of Nazerth, a Jew who was

born in a small corner of the Roman Empire.• Little is known of his early life, but around the

age of 30, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and had a vision in which he received the blessing of God.• After this, Jesus began a ministry of teaching,

healing and mirable-working. He spoke of the “ Kingdom of God” , condemned religious hypocrites and interpreted the Mosaic Law in new ways.• He had 12 disciples who followed him and helped

him in this work.

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• Jesus stated publicly that he spoke with the authority of God• This claim angered the religious authorities

in Palestine and they handed Jesus over to the Roman authorities as a revolutionary.• He was tried for heresy, condemned and

put to death by means of crucifixion.• However, three days later, women who

went to anoint his body reported that the tomb was empty and an angel told them Jesus had risen from the dead.• Those believer became known as Christians

because of the word “messiah” translated into Greek is “Khristios”

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CharacteristicFestivals• Christmas• Good Friday• Easter Sunday• Shrove Tuesday and lent

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Practices• Most Christians attend worship services at church on Sundays,

which generally include singing, prater and a sermon.• Most Christians churches have a special ritual for ordination,

designating and a person fit for a leadership position in the church.• At home, most practicing Christians pray regularly and many

read the Bible.

Holy book• The holy book for Christians is called the Bible.

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Main Teaching• The doctrine of the Trinity. Although it does not

explicitly appear in the scriptures, essentially all Christians believe and understand what is meant by the Trinity: that God has been revealed as ONE, but in THREE persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. Each divine person is co-eternal within the Godhead, not having been formed or created. God's existence is not contingent on this world, which was created by God ex nihilo, that is, from nothingness.

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• Jesus Christ, as the second person of the Trinity is truly, fully human and truly, fully divine, and out of the pure love of God, came to the world to reveal the Father, to send the Spirit, and to save men and women from the darkness of sin. He was born of the Virgin Mary, by the power of the Holy Spirit. He suffered death and rose from the dead, and lives today at the right hand of God.

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• God has left the means of salvation through Jesus Christ for his people in this world-- salvation is intended for all through all times, places, and ages. The instrument of salvation is the Church, properly constituted with Christ's own delegated authority (to 'bind and loose'), celebrations of the New Coveneant in Christ (Baptism, Eucharist, and the other sacraments), an unbroken link to the authentic teaching of the apostles and the guarantee and protection of the Holy Spirit to carry out this mission to teach and baptize all nations in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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Concept• A belief in the existence of God.• Christians believe in the Bible is

God’s Book.• Christians believe that God spoke

through His prophets and gave them this Book – the Bible.

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Moral ValuesForgiveness• Christians are expected to forgive other people when they are hurt by them.

The value of Christian forgiveness is special in that it is extended to even the worst offenders, the one who are the most difficult to forgive. The reasons Christians are expected to forgive others is because God has first forgive them, for offenses that have greater eternal consequences than anything a fellow human being could do to them.

Humility• Christians humility begins with the realization that humans are insignificant

corollaries to God, who created them. Therefore, humans can make mistakes and sometimes need correction. The value of humility prepares Christians to accept criticism and learn from it.

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Individualism• Christianity promotes the idea of the absolute value of every individual,

based on each person’s special creation of God. This is very different from a relative value of individuals, which compare individuals to animals or to other people to establish value.

Inclusivity • Christianity is based in part on Old Testament laws from ancient Judaism.

These laws emphasized God’s holiness and showed how humans should act to be respectful to god and His holiness.

Generosity• Generosity is a virtue in many different traditions, each for different reasons.

The Christian value of generosity is manifested in a desire to bless others because of a deep satisfaction in God. Christians want to be generous by giving money to the poor, but also generous in sharing with others satisfaction in Jesus.

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The End

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