The YWAM Team 1995 Family Restoration Service THE McCREA NEWS June 2015 Celebrating 20 Years in Missions! Dear Friends, May 2 1995. Looking out the plane’s window at the lights of a sprawling South American metropolis for the first time, I could have never imagined what lay before me. It all started with ONE, 3 month, short term missions trip. Since then, I (we) have had the privilege of building homes, loving children, training missionaries and being part of sharing the Gospel with some 600,000 people of all ages. "No one who has left home or brothers or... for me and the gospel will fail to receive 100 times... Mark 10:29-30 In the process Patty and I found each other, had 2 wonderful boys and met a large collection of adoptive fathers, mothers, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters and friends who have enriched our lives beyond words or emotion. You are our wealth and our exceedingly great joy. Looking forward to the next 20 years! Factoid Colombia is classed as a "megadiverse" country, ranking as the 2nd most biodiverse country in the world. It has the highest amount of species by area in the world, including the most endemic species of butterflies, the most orchid species, the most amphibian species and more species of bird than all of Europe and North America combined. What happens when you take some men, their kids, put them on a plane and take them out their comfort zone? If they are servants a lot happens, a lot of tears, healing and love. West Edmonton Christian Assembly visited with their first Father/Son Team in March and God did miracles. The team’s goal was to remodel the Sunday School of one of the churches that we work with and paint the interior of the State Boy’s Home, but they experienced so much more! Before picking up a shovel, they had the chance to bring healing to dozens of men and their families in two nights of special meetings. Night 1 was for men only. Entitled “Conversations,” team members were able to talk about the special dynamic & challenges between Fathers and Sons, using their own experiences as the backdrop. The next night the men were invited to return and bring their children with them for a night of reconciliation. Dozens of families were restored and each team member was amazed at how God used them, in spite of their lack of experience!

Celebrating 20 Years of Missions!

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The YWAM Team 1995

Family Restoration Service


June 2015

Celebrating 20 Years in Missions!

Dear Friends,

May 2 1995. Looking out the plane’s window at the lights

of a sprawling South American metropolis for the first time,

I could have never imagined what lay before me.

It all started with ONE, 3 month, short term missions trip.

Since then, I (we) have had the privilege of building homes,

loving children, training missionaries and being part of

sharing the Gospel with some 600,000 people of all ages.

"No one who has left home or brothers or... for me and the

gospel will fail to receive 100 times... Mark 10:29-30

In the process Patty and I found each other, had 2 wonderful

boys and met a large collection of adoptive fathers, mothers,

aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters and friends who have enriched

our lives beyond words or emotion.

You are our wealth and our exceedingly great joy.

Looking forward to the next 20 years!


Colombia is classed as a "megadiverse" country,

ranking as the 2nd most biodiverse country in the

world. It has the highest amount of species by area

in the world, including the most endemic species of

butterflies, the most orchid species, the most

amphibian species and more species of bird than all

of Europe and North America combined.

What happens when you take some men, their kids, put

them on a plane and take them out their comfort zone?

If they are servants a lot happens, a lot of tears, healing and

love. West Edmonton Christian Assembly visited with their

first Father/Son Team in March and God did miracles.

The team’s goal was to remodel the Sunday School of one of

the churches that we work with and paint the interior of the

State Boy’s Home, but they experienced so much more!

Before picking up a shovel, they had the chance to bring

healing to dozens of men and their families in two nights of

special meetings. Night 1 was for men only. Entitled

“Conversations,” team members were able to talk about the

special dynamic & challenges between Fathers and Sons,

using their own experiences as the backdrop.

The next night the men were invited to return and bring their

children with them for a night of reconciliation. Dozens of

families were restored and each team member was amazed at

how God used them, in spite of their lack of experience!

State Boy’s Home

The home in Chiquinquira is a modest facility where 25 boys

from some tough backgrounds are cared for by the state. The

home is large, but has fallen into disrepair. Call us

romantics, but we think that any town with a Christian

church should mean that boys like these are spoiled!

With one part of the team working on the church renovation,

the rest worked on brightening up the home, painting the

interior and just hanging out with and loving the boys.

For Trent McCrea (no relation) and his boys Josh and Zach,

it was a week full of twisting emotions. Painting gave way

to impromptu soccer matches, games and at times getting

painted as much as they were painting! The boys became

their friends and worked alongside them.

Not to be left out of the fun, Pastor Paul and the rest of the

team came over to play and twice sat down with the boys for

supper, one night broasted chicken and the other night pizza

and ice cream - all provided by the team.

The good byes at the end of the week were hard, but the

results of our labour were far beyond what we expected!

By week’s end we had not only painted the inside of the

home, but with an offering taken in the Men’s Ministry

meeting, we were able to contract someone to paint the

outside of the house as well and do other repairs.

The director was so thrilled that HE INVITED US to start

discipleship groups with the boys! Members of the Christian

Crusade Church are now meeting weekly with them, giving

percussion classes, playing games and mentoring!

A short term team and you made this possible!


Æ Darren, Patty, James & Darien ÆÆÆÆ

Just as Jesus had a group of people who sustained Him (Luke 8:1-3), we also depend on God’s provision as

expressed through His children. Please consider partnering with us through your giving.

In Canada: Make your cheque out to the: PAOC. Please include

a note mentioning the ministry of Darren & Patricia McCrea.


2450 Milltower Court

Mississauga, ON

L5N 5Z6

In the USA: Make your cheque out to: “RPEC.” Please enclose

a note mentioning the ministry of Darren & Patricia McCrea.

RPEC International,

27758 Santa Margarita Parkway #186

Mission Viejo, CA. 92691

RPEC is the US office of the Canadian Assemblies of God (PAOC)

International Phone Number (Miami Area Code) - 305 600 2308 E-Mail [email protected]

Credit Card Donations can be made through our website - www.ourlovingfather.com

Colombians Like Ants With Big Butts!

Known as “hormigas culonas” (ants with junk in the

trunk), these insects with big behinds are fried and

sold as salty snacks in parts of Colombia.