א א א אHeed your Call Melekhim Alef 18:37 Hear me, O YHWH (אאאא), hear me, that this people may know that thou [art] YHWH (אאאא) Aluahiym (אאאאא), and [that] thou hast turned their heart back again. Or, have turned their hearts backwards. They might not understand fully at this point, but in retrospect they would have something definite to look back on as an anchor for their trust in YHWH. Aliyahu acted in great confidence, but did not fail to also ask YHWH to act, for the one who said, "Äliyahu was a man like us, but he prayed..." (Ya'aqóv/James) also said, "You do not have because you do not ask." He will also help us accomplish what he commands us to do. YHWH will make resources available to us in creative ways to accomplish his purposes. He will give us the wisdom and the courage to take a stand for truth, the means to provide help for someone in need. We have faith that whatever YHWH commands us to do, he will provide what we need to carry it through.

Bread Crumbs among the Dust

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1. Heed your Call Melekhim Alef 18:37 Hear me, O YHWH (,) hear me, that this people may know that thou [art] YHWH () Aluahiym (,) and [that] thou hast turned their heart back again. Or, have turned their hearts backwards. They might not understand fully at this point, but in retrospect they would have something definite to look back on as an anchor for their trust in YHWH. Aliyahu acted in great confidence, but did not fail to also ask YHWH to act, for the one who said, "liyahu was a man like us, but he prayed..." (Ya'aqv/James) also said, "You do not have because you do not ask." He will also help us accomplish what he commands us to do. YHWH will make resources available to us in creative ways to accomplish his purposes. He will give us the wisdom and the courage to take a stand for truth, the means to provide help for someone in need. We have faith that whatever YHWH commands us to do, he will provide what we need to carry it through. 2. Yochanan 6:44 No man can come to Me, except Ha AVI which hath sent Me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. YHWH ,not people, plays the most active role in salvation When we response to the urging of YHWH's Rakh HaQodesh and hear the Word of YaHuWsHua HaMeshiakh, he delivers the words of his Renewed Covenant, based on the writings of the old covenant YHWH does the urging; But the choice is ours, when we decide whether or not to believe. Thus, no one can believe in YaHuWsHua without YHWH's help. 3. The discovery of our guilt, danger, and remedy, by the teaching of the Rakh HaQodesh, makes us willing and glad to come, and to give up every thing which hinders applying to him for salvation. The Father's will is, that not one of those who were given to the Son, should be rejected or lost by him. No one will come, till Divine grace has subdued, and in part changed his heart; therefore no one who comes will ever be cast out. The gospel finds none willing to be saved in the humbling, Sacred manner, made known therein; but YHWH draws with his word and the Rakh HaQodesh; and our duty is to hear and learn; that is to say, to receive the grace offered, and consent to the promise. None had seen the Father but his beloved Son; 4. Yochanan 6:39 And this is Ha AVI's will which hath sent Me, that of all which he hath given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. And this is the will of him that sent Me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day. 5. When YaHuWsHua then lifted up [his] eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, He saith unto Phlippos: Whence shall we buy lechem, that these may eat? And this he said to prove him: for he himself knew what he would do. Philippos answered him: Two hundred pennyworth of lechem is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little. One of His Talmidim, Andreas, Shimon Kefa's brother, saith unto him, There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many? And YaHuWsHua said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. And YaHuWsHua took the loaves; and having made the Bracha, he distributed to the Talmidim who bimesibba (reclining), ; likewise of the dagim (fishes) as much as they needed. When they were filled, he said unto His Talmidim, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. Therefore they gathered [them] together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten. Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that YaHuWsHua did, said: This is of a truth that Navi that should come into Olam Hazeh. 6. Gather up the fragmentsthe crumbs." YaHuWsHua said, "Gather up the fragmentsthe crumbs." That's us. You might feel "crumb-y," insignificant, or fragmented. But YaHuWsHua says, "The called will understand My message, and none shall be lost." You got to love the YaHuWsHua for speaking the truth in not only telling us how to live, but also saying, "Even when you fail, I've still got you and I'm going to see you through." So, too, YaHuWsHua satisfies our deepest longing O taste and see that YHWH () [is] good: Ashrei (happy) [is] the man [that] trusteth in him. 7. Ahayah Asher Ahayah (I AM THAT I AM): Shemot 3:14 and Aluahiym said unto Moshe Ahayah Asher Ahayah (I AM THAT I AM): and He said: "Thus shalt thou say unto the benai YIshraal, I AM hath sent me unto you." 8. Yochanan18:4 , YaHuWsHua therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye? They answered him, YaHuWsHua ) of Natzareth. YaHuWsHua saith unto them, ANI HU (I AM) And Yehudah also, which betrayed Him, stood with them. As soon then as he had said unto them, ANI HU (I AM) they went backward, and fell to the ground. Then asked he them again, Whom seek ye? And they said, YaHuWsHua of Nazareth. YaHuWsHua ) answered, I have told you that ANI HU (I AM) if therefore ye seek Me, let these go their way: That the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, Of them which thou gavest Me have I lost none. 9. "I am the Bread." Are you hungry today? Is there something gnawing in your soul? Are you dissatisfied? Are you empty? YHWHshua would say to you, 10. "I am the Light." Are you in the dark today? Do you feel like you don't know which way to turn? YHWHshua would say to you, 11. "I am the Door. I will protect you and keep out anything that would harm you." 12. "I am the Door. Do you feel cut off and isolated? YHWHshua would say to you, I will protect you and keep out anything that would harm you. 13. "I am the Vine. Abide in Me. Cling to Me. Find your security in Me." whatever you have need of, YaHuWsHua will be. "I am what?" He asks. "I'm everything." 14. YaHuWsHua will be. "I am what? He asks. "I'm everything." 15. Sin began in the garden of Eden, with Sin came Skin there the curse was pronounced, there the Redeemer was promised; and in a garden that promised Seed entered into conflict with the old serpent. YaHuWsHua was buried also in a garden. Let us, when we walk in our gardens, take occasion from thence to mediate on YaHuWsHua's sufferings in a garden. YaHuWsHua HaMeshiakh, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth and asked, Whom seek ye? When the people would have forced him to a crown, he withdrew, 16. Yochanan 6:15 When YaHuWsHua therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone. but when they came to force him to a Tree he offered himself; for he came into this world to suffer, and went to the other world to reign. He showed plainly what he could have done; when he struck them down he could have struck them dead, but he would not do so. It must have been the effect of Divine power, that the officers and soldiers let the Talmidim go away quietly, after the resistance which had been offered. 17. YHWH'shua set us an example of meekness in sufferings and a pattern of submission to YHWH's will in every thing that concerns us. It is but a cup, a small matter. It is a cup that is given us; sufferings are gifts. It is given us by a Father, who has a father's authority, and does us no wrong; a father's affection, and means us no hurt. From the example of our Saviour we should learn how to receive our lighter afflictions, and to ask ourselves whether we ought to oppose our Father's will, or to distrust his love. We were bound with the cords of our iniquities, with the yoke of our transgressions. YaHuWsHua, being made a sin-offering for us, to free us from those bonds, himself submitted to be bound for us. To his bonds we owe our liberty; thus the Son makes us free. Listen to that voice today 18. Yochanan 6:35 And YaHuWsHua said unto them I am the lechem of life: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst. 19. Yochanan 8:12; Then spake YaHuWsHua again unto them, saying, I am the light of Olam Hazeh: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. 20. Yochanan 10:7 Then said YaHuWsHua unto them again, truely, truely, i say unto you, ANI HU ( I AM) ha sha'ar of the tzon (sheep). 21. Yochanan10:9, ANI HU ha sha'ar by Me if any man enter in, he shall come to Yeshu'at Aluhaynuw, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. 22. Yochanan 10:11, ANI HU (I am) Ro'eh haTov (good shepherd) the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. 23. Yochanan 11:25 YaHuWsHua said unto her, Ani Hu ha tekhiyyah (resurrection), ve ha chayim (life): he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: 24. Yochanan 14:6; ANI ha Derek (way), ha Emet (truth), ve ha Chayim (life): no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. 25. Yochanan 15:1, Ani ha Gafen (vine) amitit (true), and My Avi is the vinedresser. 26. Yochanan15:5 Ani Hu ha Gafen (vine), ye [are] the sarigim (branches): He that abideth in Me, and I in him , the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do nothing. 27. Bread of Life means bread which provides life. YaHuWsHua is mans necessary food. Each day, may YHWH grace you with the simple reminder that He is the Bread, the Manna sent from heaven. Take the time to feed on Him, and you'll find He will satisfy you now and forevermore. 28. SHALOM; SHALOM: YHWH will kneel before you presenting gifts, and he will guard you with a hedge of protection, YHWH will illuminate the wholeness of his being toward you, bringing order, and he will provide you with love, sustenance, and friendship, YHWH will lift up the wholeness of his being and look upon you, and he will set in place all you need to be whole and complete. AMEIN and AMEIN Numbers 6:23-25