Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

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A brief Seminar provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840. Focuses on the following subjects: -What is baptism? -What happens to those who are baptized? -Why would we baptize babies? -What do I do to get baptized? For Information on Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio please visit: http://www.ImmanuelFindlay.org

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Page 1: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840
Page 2: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Baptism Seminar

Presented by:Immanuel Lutheran Church

2300 Northridge Rd., Findlaywww.immanuelfindlay.com

Page 3: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

What Is Baptism?

Page 4: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Matthew 28:19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...

What Is Baptism?

Page 5: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Matthew 28:18-19All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…

What Is Baptism?

Page 6: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Matthew 28:19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...

What Is Baptism?

Page 7: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Matthew 28:19…in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...

What Is Baptism?

Page 8: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Matthew 28:19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...

What Is Baptism?

Page 9: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Ephesians 5:25-26

…Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word….

What Is Baptism?

Page 10: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Ephesians 5:25-26

…Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word….

What Is Baptism?

Page 11: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Matthew 28:19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...

What Is Baptism?

Page 12: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

What Is Baptism?

“Baptizo” = Greek word, meaning “wash”

Page 13: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

What Is Baptism?

“Baptizo” = Greek word, meaning “wash”

Used for washing hands, plates, couches, etc.

Not only immersion.

Page 14: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

What Is Baptism?

Page 15: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

What Is Baptism?

Page 16: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

What Is Baptism?

Page 17: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

What Is Baptism?

Baptism is applying water in any manner (washing, pouring, sprinkling, immersing) in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Page 18: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

What Happens in Baptism?

Page 19: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins…

Ephesians 2:1

Page 20: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Romans 3:23

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Page 21: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Isaiah 53:6

We all, like sheep, have gone astray…and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Page 22: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Acts 2:38

Repent and be baptized, every one of you…for the forgiveness of your sins.

Page 23: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Galatians 3:27

…all of you who were baptized into Christ have been clothed with Christ.

Page 24: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Galatians 3:26-27

You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have been clothed with Christ.

Page 25: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

ROMANS 6:2-4

We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?

Page 26: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

ROMANS 6:2-4

We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead to the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.

Page 27: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

What Happens in Baptism?

Titus 3:5 God saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit…so that…we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.

1 Peter 3:21 …Baptism now saves you…through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Page 28: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

What Happens in Baptism?

In Baptism, God gives:1. The forgiveness of sins.2. Deliverance from death and the devil.3. Eternal salvation.

Page 29: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Why Baptize Babies?

Page 30: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

John 3:6

Flesh gives birth to flesh….

Page 31: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Psalm 51:5

Surely I was sinful at birth, Sinful from the time my mother conceived me.

Page 32: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

John 3:3-5

Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”

Page 33: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

John 3:3-5

“How can a man be born when he is old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb to be born!”

Page 34: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

John 3:3-5

Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh give birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.”

Page 35: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Titus 3:5

God saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.

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Matthew 18:6

…If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin…

Page 37: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit…. “The baby in my womb leaped for joy.”

Luke 1:41,44

Page 38: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Why Baptize Babies?

Babies are sinners and need the forgiveness God gives in Baptism.

Page 39: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Why Baptize Babies?

Babies are sinners and need the forgiveness God gives in Baptism.Babies can believe in Jesus.

Page 40: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Why Baptize Babies?

Babies are sinners and need the forgiveness God gives in Baptism.Babies can believe in Jesus. Babies are included in Jesus’ command to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them.”

Page 41: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Why Baptize Babies?

Baptism is something God does for us, not something we do for him.

Page 42: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Titus 3:5

God saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.

Page 43: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Ephesians 6:4

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

Page 44: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Why Baptize Babies?

Baptism is something God does for us, not something we do for him.

Page 45: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

What Do I Do to Get Baptized?

Page 46: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Any Christian can baptize—simply use water and Jesus’ words.

What Do I Do to Get Baptized?

Page 47: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Any Christian can baptize—simply use water and Jesus’ words.Normally we have pastors baptize—they are called by a congregation to do this.

What Do I Do to Get Baptized?

Page 48: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Any Christian can baptize—simply use water and Jesus’ words.Normally we have pastors baptize—they are called by a congregation to do this. Having a baptism in a church service allows the congregation to pray for the person being baptized.

What Do I Do to Get Baptized?

Page 49: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Any Christian can baptize—simply use water and Jesus’ words.Normally we have pastors baptize—they are called by a congregation to do this. Having a baptism in a church service allows the congregation to pray for the person being baptized. But a private baptism is just as valid as one in a church service.

What Do I Do to Get Baptized?

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Page 51: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

At Immanuel Lutheran, we provide individual or group classes for those desiring to be baptized, or to have their children baptized.You are also encouraged to attend a full “Bible Information Class,” which overviews all the main teachings of the Bible.

What Do I Do to Get Baptized?

Page 52: Baptism Seminar: Provided by Pastor Bob Krueger of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Findlay, Ohio 45840

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church 2300 Northridge Rd., Findlay, OH

419-422-8209 www.immanuelfindlay.org