Are you ready to grow?

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•One of the greatest questions we can ask

ourselves is, “Am I ready to grow?”

2 Peter 3:18

•Turn around the first 2 words and add an

exclamation mark. “I am ready to grow!”

•How about Are We Ready To Grow?

We Have A Mission! Mt. 28:18-20

• God wants His people to be willing to pick

up the ball and run with it!

• No matter the opposition, the fears, risks…

• You can’t score unless you’re willing to

pick up the ball and run with it!

• Many are afraid to pick up the ball…

Change Challenges

• Our community should not be the same as

it would be if the Mary Street church of

Christ was not here.

– If we want to be a church that makes a

difference we must be willing to throw some

basic ingredients into our lives to make us

that kind of church.

– We should not be the kind of church that

loses a person in 10 days or less.

• If we want to be a church that is not

effective and that loses people we will…

• Make traditions and opinions more

important than people. Mt. 12:1-12;

15:3, 6, 9; Mk. 7:9, 13

– Only churches that are serious about

rescuing the lost and hurting will survive and

make a difference.

• If you want a church that loses people

then water down the gospel. Acts 20:32

– Churches losing numbers because they lose

what they had faith in.

– God’s desire is for us to always buy the Truth

because it’s the only thing that can set us free!

Proverbs 23:23; John 8:32

• A church that loses people is a church

that makes worship a thing to endure

rather than a God honoring, meaningful


• How’s your attitude? Ps. 42:1

• Be friendly… Mt. 7:12

• Do you rejoice and look forward to

worship? Ps. 122:1

• Churches that are losing people are

those that have no vision for the future.

• Where are the visionaries?

• Luke 24:13-ff …They were lacking in

vision. Aren’t we too lacking?

– Trials prepare us for what lies ahead

– Want to be financially comfortable which leads

us away from God… etc. Prov. 29:18

• Churches that lose people are churches

that underestimate the need for prayer!

– They quit talking to God. Eph. 6:18

– We must do these things or die…

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in

everything give thanks; for this is the will of God

in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thes. 5:16-18

• Churches that lose people don’t focus

on the youth! Lk. 18:16

• Statistics show 80% of salvation decisions

are made before age 18.

• Is our goal to reach people and bring them

to a salvation decision? Yes!

• Where should the church focus?

• Churches that lose people are churches

that don’t challenge people to make

decisions. Joshua 24:15

– The push is not to make anyone

uncomfortable that is visiting our services.

– But that is hurting them in the long run.

• Who will tell them of sin and salvation?

– Many are still lost… they’ve never been

challenged to make a decision.

Is There A Decision That You Are

Ready To Make?

•Come to Jesus!

•Hear the truth – 1 Cor. 15:1-4

•Believe it – Heb. 11:6

•Repent – Acts 2:38

•Confess – Acts 8:37

•Be Baptized to be saved – 1 Pet. 3:21