ELP Training Program for ordinators & Volunteers DSWD in partnership PCEC

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iHELP Training Program forCoordinators & Volunteers

DSWDin partnership


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The Kingdomof God

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The Kingdom Presence•The gospels bear witness to the

fact that “Jesus went everywhere preaching the good news of the Kingdom of God” (cf. Matthew 4:23; 9:35).

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The Kingdom Presence• In Jesus’ feeding of the five

thousand, He showed that the Kingdom is a perfecter of creation; the new order of life under Kingdom rule is meant to confront human need in all its dimensions.

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The Kingdom Presence• Jesus rewards those who feed the

hungry, clothe the naked, and visit the imprisoned.

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The Kingdom Presence• James says that those who keep

the Royal Law are those who care for the needs of brothers and sisters in the faith.

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The Kingdom Presence• “Religion that God our Father

accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27).

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The Kingdom Presence• What contrast to a civil religion

which wraps itself in patriotism, and the kingdom of God: to manipulate rather than to

liberate, to enslave rather than to empower, and to enrich oneself rather than

to manifest generosity to all whom it reaches.

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The Kingdom Presence• In Bible history, Babylon is a

political structure, Jerusalem is a kingdom presence.

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The Kingdom Presence• People then, built a

“tower that reaches to the heavens” (Gen. 11:4), but Jerusalem is “built like a city that is closely compacted together” (Psalm 122:3).

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The Kingdom Presence• As such Jerusalem is a redemptive

community actively present in society to initiate and empower spiritual and social change.

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The Kingdom Principle• The church is God’s redeemed

people expressing themselves as God’s active rule on earth. • Rather than erecting cities for

fame and security, the church is actively creating communities of reconciliation, restoration and renewal.

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The Kingdom Principle• The Kingdom of God, therefore, is

not a place. It is active, a happening – it is what God is doing!• It is that place where:

the sick are healed, the sinner is forgiven, the saint is restored.

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The Kingdom Principle• Development is really an

extension of the rule of God in the affairs of men… whenever genuine human development is taking place it is a reflection of God’s own creative and re-creative rule in history.

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The Kingdom Principle• The Kingdom of God is

“God’s active rule leading to man’s salvation and restoration of the created order.”

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How Kingdom building differs from City building!

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Kingdom building City building

Kingdom-builder emphasizes the dignity and worth of the individual person. Magnifies the glory of God.

City-builders magnify the glory of man.

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Kingdom building City building

In the Kingdom, the values are placed upon community responsibility and mutual sharing.

In the city, men hoard and accumulate.

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Kingdom building City building

Kingdom-builder assists the people in managing and controlling their environment.

City-builder attempts to use its power to subjugate and control people.

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Kingdom building City building

God’s Kingdom presence imparts life and hope.

The city of man ends in death and despair.

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As the new Jerusalem descended from heaven, flashing with

consummate beauty, the apostle John heard a load voice from the

throne: (Revelation 21:3-4)

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“Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people. And God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no

more death or mourning, or crying, or pain, For the old order of things

has passed away”

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The Kingdom People• Having ears to hear, the Church

responds. But not only with, “Amen, even so come quickly, Lord Jesus”… • It also responds by allowing itself

to become God’s Kingdom presence in a broken and shattered world.

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The Kingdom People• As we hear and obey, we become

that “city on a hill that cannot be hidden”… the very light of the world.

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Questions to ponderTask for Discussion: Group in 5 persons

1. What resonates your thinking about this development?

2. What adjustments are you now thinking that might be helpful to implement the program in your area?

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iHELP Training Program forCoordinators & Volunteers

DSWDin partnership