03 March 4, 2012 Philippians, Chapter 3 Verse 10

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Led by Dr. Greg FrizzellSunday, March 25 & Monday, March 26

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*On Sunday, March 25 ALL ADULTS will meet in Fellowship Hall East. *This will take the place of our Sunday School class on March 25th at 9 am.

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"Praying For Our Jerusalem" Acts 1:8Praying For Our Jerusalem is a prayer effort by which we attempt to go into every home of our church family

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for the sole purpose of praying with the people in that home. It is that simple. No gimmicks, no signing up for something, just to pray.

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Prayer Warriors will visit up to four homes and pray with our church family from April 1-30. Dr. Frank Page will lead a Training Session for all

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enlisted Prayer Warriors TODAY at 4:45 p.m. in Fellowship Hall East. This prayer emphasis will be a life changing  event for each of us individually and

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for our church family.

*Prayer is a double blessing: *It blesses those on the praying end and those on the receiving end.

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If you know someone willing to serve as a Prayer Warrior, who will be going into 4 homes during April 1-30 and pray with our church family, please call Trish Jenkins at

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Thank You for Serving banquet to honor waiters & waitresses at: The South, 627 East Silas Brown Jackson, MS 39201Monday, April 23rd 6-8 pm

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The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, Copyright © Moody Press and John MacArthur, Jr., 1983-2007.

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*Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary

*Barclay's Daily Study Bible (NT)

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*J. Vernon McGee's Thru The Bible

Wiersbe Expository Outlines

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Philippians 3:9b

9b “ the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith”

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*Paul was very religious before he was saved, but his religion could not save him.

*He had to lose his religion in order to find eternal life!

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Three sins a day:3 x 365.25 = 1095.75 sins/yr

(78 – 12 = 66 years life span)

66 years x 1095.75 = 72,319.5

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Paul gladly shed the threadbare robe of his own righteousness and stretched out his empty hands to receive the glorious royal robe of God's righteousness.

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So now we come to:

Philippians 3:10

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10“that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death;” Philippians 3:10

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“that I may know Him”:

personally (intimately)powerfully (resurrection)passionately (sufferings)!

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Philippians 3:10 a

“that I may know Him” (personally) Philippians 3:10 a

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*To know Him personally is more than merely to know a doctrine about Him. *The Holy Spirit brings us not only to redemption, but to the Redeemer Himself.

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To know Him: in Hebrew the verb is ‘yada' and in Greek it is translated by ‘ginoskein’. This verb indicates the most intimate knowledge of another person.

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To know Christ is to know Him with such intimacy that in the end we are as united with Him as we are with those whom we love here on earth.

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That initial saving knowledge of Christ became the basis of Paul's lifelong pursuit of an ever deeper (intimate) knowledge of His Savior. (by sanctification)

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*Paul is no longer going to try to build up legalistic righteousness. *He isn't going to see how religious and pious he can be any more.

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*Since he has changed his bookkeeping system of the past, Paul has also changed his purpose for the present.

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*Like Paul, since we have been saved by faith, we now have: a new motivation, a new life purpose, a new life-style.

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Some people get the impression that being saved by faith means there is no motivation for: 1) godly conduct or for 2) works done in faith.

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*They think that if a person is saved by grace it must mean he just sits around and twiddles his thumbs. *Nothing could be further from the truth.

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Saving faith is a faith that moves us. James 2:1818 …“I will show you my faith by my works.”(faith-works not law-works)

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Paul dissipates any notion that being saved by faith means you can sit in a rocking chair and rock yourself all the way to Heaven.

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Paul exhibits an effort and an energy that is derived from the Holy Spirit, which is far greater than any legalistic effort.

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Under the Law, Saul was so zealous that he was willing to go to Damascus to stamp out the followers of Christ.

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*But now, under the grace-faith system, he will go to the ends of the earth to make followers of Christ and to witness for Him.*Faith produces good fruit!

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*Your faith in Christ is a motivation for you to live for God. *That is the reason Paul went on to live as he did – as should we.

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Motivation - Greg Frizzell said on page 73 of his book: How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life “that in 1981, God led him to begin praying through all nine fruit

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of the Spirit. To this day, I have never found anything that comes close to the power of daily praying these character words for my own spiritual growth.”

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*“that we may know Him” – experientially, personally, intimately. *That’s the aim of the "righteousness" just mentioned in Phil 3:9.

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Some saints give the impression that they have complete knowledge and they only need to polish their halo every morning.

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Yet Paul, the greatest missionary the world has ever seen, said at the end of his life; "My ambition is still to know Christ personally, intimately.”

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*The cry of Paul’s heart was “that I may know Him” (personally, intimately). *Paul also longed to experience the power of Christ’s resurrection.

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Philippians 3:10 b 10 “that I may know Him (personally) and the power of His resurrection” (powerfully)

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*Life pushes us (those who are saved and those who are lost) to our destinations: either to Heaven or to Hell. *A lost soul is never too dead for a resurrection!

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*Paul knew there was no power in the Law. *He also knew there was no power in his flesh to overcome sin or serve God (Rom 7:18).

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18 “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not.” Romans 7:18

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Because he knew Christ and had His righteousness imparted to him, Paul had been given the Holy Spirit. The same spiritual power that raised Jesus from the

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dead now enabled him to accomplish the work God had sent him to do. *The resurrection was and is the greatest display of Christ's power! (Rom 1:16)

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Rising from the dead revealed Christ’ absolute power over both the physical and spiritual realms.

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It is the resurrection power that saved us, a truth Paul affirmed in Romans 6:4-5: 4) "Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death,

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so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.

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5) For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection.” Romans 6:4-5

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*At salvation, we are identified with Christ both in His death and in His resurrection.

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But more than that, it is Christ's resurrection power that sanctifies us to defeat temptation and trials, lead a holy life, and fruitfully proclaim the Gospel.

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*Paul gladly exchanged his impotence for Christ's potency – His resurrection power! *Paul desired to experience its fullness as should we.

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Philippians 3:1010“that I may know Him (personally) and the power of His resurrection (powerfully) and the fellowship of His sufferings,”

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Philippians 3:10 c

“and the fellowship of His sufferings,”(know Him passionately).

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That we may know Him:personallypowerfully andpassionately. Philippians 3:10

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We are conformed to His death at salvation(Rom6:4-5) *But Paul has something more in mind here, a deep partnership and communion with Christ in His suffering.

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When he met Christ, Paul gained a Companion to be with him in his suffering — One Who endured far more intense persecution and suffering than anyone else

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who ever lived, all of it undeserved.

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The deepest moments of spiritual fellowship with the living Christ are at times of intense suffering; suffering drives us to Him.

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"I walked a mile with PleasureShe chattered all the way;And left me none the wiserFor all she had to say.

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I walked a mile with SorrowAnd not a word said she;But oh, the things I learned from herWhen Sorrow walked with me.“ Robert B. Hamilton

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“In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.” Jesus Christ John 16:33

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“God had one Son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering.” 

AugustineWorks and Biography