Advance Computing Ernesto Quiñones A. Implementation of a Implementation of a Vigenere Encryption Engine Vigenere Encryption Engine for Educational Purposes for Educational Purposes

Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

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Page 1: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

Implementation of a Implementation of a Vigenere Encryption EngineVigenere Encryption Engine

for Educational Purposesfor Educational Purposes

Page 2: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

If he had anything confidential to say, he wrote it in cipher.

 Suetonius, Life of Julius Caesar

Page 3: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

Why was important for Julius Caesar mantain the confidential information … confidential?

He rules the world!!!!!

Page 4: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

● Julius Caesar developed the first complex method to cipher a message.

● XIV century: Blaise de Vigenère improve a cipher method described by Giovan Battista Bellaso, they improve the Julius Cesar's base cipher method.

● This method was considered impossible of broken until the end of XVIII century and at the beginning of XX century.

Page 5: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

● Now the Encryption is a very complex science, many people are using it, but is a very little of people understanding it, and a very very very little group that knows what happens inside a cipher method.

Page 6: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

The purpose of this work, recreate how the Vigenere Code works, following this guidelines:

● The programming language must be easy to understand.

● The final work should be possible to publish as a website.

● The work must propose some improvements to the base method.

Page 7: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

● The programming language selected is PHP.

● For a fast implementation of the website was used a CMS, punctually Drupal.

● Were implemented two improvements:● Add number into the cipher method● Add entropy in the matrices

Page 8: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

How the Vigenere Code (VC) works?● VC is form of

polyalphabetic substitutions.

● Works using a Matrix of characters and a Secret Password.

● The algorithm intersects the original Message with the Secret Password in the Matrix.

Page 9: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

How the Vigenere Code (VC) works?● VC is form of

polyalphabetic substitutions.

● Works using a Matrix of characters and a Secret Password.

● The algorithm intersects the original Message with the Secret Password in the Matrix.

Page 10: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

This is an example of the implementation of the VC using a common matrix (simple matrix).

Page 11: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

PROBLEM: what happened with the numbers?

The number are not encoded, then we have a part of the message that is open to the world after the encoded process.

Page 12: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

The first improvement: add numbers to the matrix.

This improvement creates a cipher message that covers numbers, if they are present in the original message.

Page 13: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

PROBLEM: somebody looks here some problem?

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Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

PROBLEM: somebody looks here some problem?

Page 15: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.


find patterns in an encrypted message is the worst for a cipher message.

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Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.


find patterns in an encrypted message is the worst for a cipher message.

Alan Turing spent a lot of time trying to decrypt the Enigma Machine, built a giant supercomputer for this work, he never could break the code, or did it very late.

Until one day …….

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Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.


find patterns in an encrypted message is the worst for a cipher message.

He and his team discovers that the first phrase in every message was: “Heil Hitler”….. and the code was broken, Germany lost the Second World War.

Page 18: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

How to fix this problem in the Vigenere Code?How to fix this problem in the Vigenere Code?

Adding a Adding a Random Matrix.Random Matrix.

Page 19: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

Is impossible to break the code?

Certainly not, only adds more time to break the code. Doesn't exist an unbreakable code.

Page 20: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

All the work is ready to publish, currently is provided a virtual machine with all the tools to run a website in localhost mode.

Page 21: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

All the work is ready to publish, currently is provided a virtual machine with all the tools to run a website in localhost mode.

Page 22: Vigenere encryption Engine for Educational Purposes

Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

All the work is ready to publish, currently is provided a virtual machine with all the tools to run a website in localhost mode.

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Advance ComputingErnesto Quiñones A.

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