There’s no charge for FUNCTIONAL awesomeness

There's no charge for (functional) awesomeness

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There’s no charge for

FUNCTIONAL awesomeness


There’s no charge for awesomeness…

… nor attractiveness

Object Oriented Programming

OH-OH programming

OO History1967 Simula1971 Smalltalk1983 C++1985 Eiffel1995 Design Patterns1996 JDK 1.02000 Javascript2002 C# 1.0

Most common language?

OO makes code understandable by encapsulating moving

parts. FP makes code understandable by minimizing moving parts.


Functional Programming

FP is a way of thinking

λ-calculus 1936

Lisp 1958

More memory


What language you wish you had


Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the

semicolon Alan Jay Perlis


Venkat Subramaniam


Bob Martin


Neal Ford


Rich Hickey


Martin Odersky


Scott Wlaschin


Jose Valim



Functions are first class citizens

Functions can be declared anywhere

Can you do that in Java or C#?

Higher order functions

Functions that take other functions as


Or return functions as results

Can you do that in Java or C#?


Chaining operations

Passing the result to the next function

LINQ in C# Streams in Java

public bool FindDragonWarrior(List<string> masters) { var found = false; foreach (var master in masters) { if (master == "Po") { found = true; break; } } return found; }

Remove loopprivate static bool TheNameIsPo(string master) { return master == "Po"; } public bool FindDragonWarrior(List<string> masters) { return masters.Any(TheNameIsPo); }

Local declarationpublic bool FindDragonWarrior(IEnumerable<string> masters) { var nameIsPo = new Func<string, bool>(m => m == "Po"); return masters.Any(nameIsPo); }

Tell a story

Meaning is king

Multiple of 3 or 5public void PrintMultiples(List<int> numbers) { Func<int, bool> isMultiple = n => n % 3 == 0 || n % 5 == 0; numbers .Where(isMultiple) .Select(n => $"({n}) is multiple") .ToList() .ForEach(Console.WriteLine); }

let printMultiples numbers = let isMultiple n = n % 3 = 0 || n % 5 = 0 numbers |> List.filter isMultiple |> List.iter (printf "(%d) Is multiple")


Filter Map Print



Well known functions

Clear meaning

Work with collections

Lists, arrays, dictionaries, sets,


map Converts each

element using a fn

reduce Accumulates

elements applying a fn

filter Selects only the

elements matching

zip Combines two lists

into pairs


Null References The Billion Dollar

Mistake Tony Hoare

NULL lacks meaning

Print First Masterpublic void PrintMasterName(List<Person> people) { var master = villagePeople .FirstOrDefault(p => KFMaster.IsMaster(p.Name)); Console.Write($"The master name is {master.Name}"); }

What’s default?

Short circuit?

Print First Masterpublic void PrintMasterName(List<Person> people) { var master = villagePeople .FirstOrDefault(p => KFMaster.IsMaster(p.Name)); Console.Write($"The master name is {master?.Name}"); }


Better… still need to check

Something or


Maybe type

Java 8 Optional

F# Option type

TryFind first multiplelet printFirstMaster villagePeople = villagePeople |> List.tryFind (getName >> isMaster) |> Option.iter (getName >> printf "The fst master is %s")

Only calls the function if there is something

String option !=


How many times have you parsed an

int and failed?

What about a customer that does

not have a secondary address?


quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] quicksort [] = [] quicksort (p:xs) = (quicksort lesser) ++ [p] ++ (quicksort greater) where lesser = filter (< p) xs greater = filter (>= p) xs


Type inference

See more code

Easy to extract common


Pattern matching

let fizzBuzz number = match number with | i when i % 3 = 0 && i % 5 = 0 -> "FizzBuzz" | i when i % 3 = 0 -> "Fizz" | i when i % 5 = 0 -> "Buzz" | _ -> number.ToString()


Pure functions

Immutable by default

Same input =>

Same out

Replace function with the


No side effects

State introduces time as a variable


Parser combinators

Test data generation and quick check

Railway oriented programming

Monads / Builders


Great match with Agile

No magic pill

Fear to change

More fun

Start somewhere

FP is a way of thinking



Small Library


The Smartest tool for agile project management


[email protected]





Resources• InfoQ - StrangeLoop 2011 Language Panel http://bit.ly/1l2t5d2

• The joy of functional programming http://bit.ly/1LKTjJE

• Functional Programming: What? Why? When? http://bit.ly/1GVZJGN

• Oscon 2013 - Functional Thinking http://bit.ly/1kl2QOd

• F# for fun and profit http://bit.ly/1Pf1RLk

Photo Credit

• Under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/

• Jeremy Keith, Roast beef, http://flic.kr/p/TKUz

• Rob Campbell, Field of daisies, http://flic.kr/p/6QJjU4