PhpUnit over Symfony 2 www.innobyte.com PhpUnit docs: http://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/ PhpUnit tutorial: https://jtreminio.com/2013/03/unit-testing- tutorial-introduction-to-phpunit/

Php unit

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PhpUnit over Symfony 2


PhpUnit docs: http://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/PhpUnit tutorial:


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Summary1. Install

2. Running tests

3. Symfony 2 Unit Testing structure

4. Simple tests (UnitTesting)

5. Controller tests (Functional Tests)

1. Client

2. Crawler

6. Code coverage

7. Assertions

8. Annotations

9. Example

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1. wget https://phar.phpunit.de/phpunit.phar

2. chmod +x phpunit.phar

3. mv phpunit.phar /usr/local/bin/phpunit

4. pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de

5. pear remote-list -c phpunit

6. pear install phpunit/PHP_CodeCoverage

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Running tests1. phpunit.xml:

1. On Symfony 2, you must have app/phpunit.xml or app/phpunit.xml.dist. The second one comes with the default Symfony 2 install and is more then enough.

2. You can find more about this on phpunit manual: http://phpunit.de/manual/3.7/en/appendixes.configuration.html

2. Console:

1. Default: phpunit -c app

2. With code coverage: phpunit -c app –coverage-html /path/to/save

3. Running on an individual file: phpunit -c app src/Vendor/Bundle/Tests/MyTest.php

4. Run just some tests: phpunit -c app –filter=myMethodName src/Vendor/Bundle/Tests/MyTest.php

5. More about what parameters accept phpunit you can find on: http://phpunit.de/manual/3.7/en/textui.html

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Symfony 2 Unit Testing structure1. Each bundle contains or must contains the folder Tests in which you can add all

the unit test files and classes.

2. In the Tests folder, as a best practice, you must create the same folder structure as in the bundle root folder. As an example, if you have folder Entity in the root of the bundle, you must have Tests/Entity. Each folder from the test must contains a file (class) for each class we need to test, by adding the suffix Test, as an example, if you have the class Users which is places in Entity/Users.php, you must create class UsersTest in Tests/Entity/UsersTest.php.

3. Each method from a testing class must have the prefix test. For example, if you have to test the method getUsername, create the method testGetUsername. If you must have more than one test method, which handle the testing of the same method, you can add as a suffix and index or a scope, as an example testGetUsername1, testGetUsername2, … or something like testGetUsernameException.

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Simple tests (UnitTesting)

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Controller tests (Functional Tests)

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1. $client = static::createClient();

2. Util methods:

3. request: simulate a request on a provided route

4. insulate: allow you to run the test in a separated process

5. click: simulate the click on a link

6. submit: allow you to submit a form

7. back: navigate on the previous request

8. forward: navigate on a forward request, if exists

9. reload: reload the current request

10. restart: clear all cookies and history

Controller tests (Functional Tests) - Client11. getHistory: provide the history of the requests

12. getCookieJar: provide all the cookies of the test

13. getRequest: the HttpKernel request instance

14. getInternalRequest: the BrowserKit request instance

14. getResponse: the HttpKernel response instance

15. getInternalResponse: the BrowserKit response instance

16. getCrawler: get the Crawler object of Symfony 2 unit testing

17. getContainer: get the container of the Symfony 2

18. getKernel: get the Kernel of the Symfony 2c

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1. A Crawler instance is returned each time you make a request with the Client. It allows you to traverse HTML documents, select nodes, find links and forms.

2. Like jQuery, the Crawler has methods to traverse the DOM of an HTML/XML document. For example, the following finds all input[type=submit] elements, selects the last one on the page, and then selects its immediate parent element.

3. More about the Crawler you can find: http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/testing.html#the-crawler

Controller tests (Functional Tests) - Crawler

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phpunit -c app –coverage-html /path/to/save

Code coverage (1)

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Code coverage (2)

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1. A test method can cover one or more methods, to provide the methods which are tested by the test method, you can add the annotation @covers {Class}::{Method}. Add one annotation for each method which is testes by your test method.

2. If a test method does not cover any method, you can add the annotation @coversNothing.

3. If you wish to have part of code which are ignored by the code coverage, you can include those part between comments like:

➢ // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart➢ // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

4. If you have a full method, or class, which must be ignored by the code coverage, you can add the annotation @codeCoverageIgnore, in the doc block. This is useful for constructors which just assign parameters values to class properties.

Code coverage (3)

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1. assertTrue($condition): Reports an error if $condition is FALSE.

2. assertFalse($condition): Reports an error if $condition is TRUE.

3. assertNull(variable): Reports an error if $variable is not NULL.

4. assertEmpty(actual): Reports an error if $actual is not empty.

5. assertCount($expectedCount, $haystack): Reports an error if the number of elements in $haystack is not $expectedCount.

6. More asserts you can find on: http://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/appendixes.assertions.html


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1. @dataProvider {provider method name} offer you the posibility to have multiple parameters on a test method. You can test a method on different scenarios using this annotation. Data provider requires another public method which must return an array with all the scenarios. Be carefull, if your test method requires more than one parameters, the result of the data provider method must be an array of arrays.

2. @depends {method name} allow a test method to be executed only if the test on which is depend was successfully.

3. @expectedException {exception class} expects to the test method to throw an exception.

4. @expectedExceptionCode {exception code} expects to the test method to throw an exception with a specific code (can be combined with expectedException and expectedExceptionMessage).

5. @expectedExceptionMessage {exception message} expects to the test method to throw an exception with a specific message (can be combined with expectedException and expectedExceptionCode).

6. More annotation you can find on: http://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/appendixes.annotations.html


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A more complex method which include if statement and can throw exceptions

Example – The method which is tested

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Example – @dataProvider and @covers

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Example – @expectedException* and @depends

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Example – Skipping because of @depends

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