IBM PowerLinux Case Study Agrobusiness Solution IBM Meet The Expert, June 22 nd ,2015 @GlassHouse – New World Makati Hotel, Manila PT INODESAIN JAYAUTAMA MANDIRI TKA IBM PowerLinux Case Study

Inodesain Jayautama Mandiri

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  1. 1. Agrobusiness Solution IBM Meet The Expert, June 22nd,2015 @GlassHouse New World Makati Hotel, Manila PT INODESAIN JAYAUTAMA MANDIRI TKA IBM PowerLinux Case Study
  2. 2. Agrobusiness Information System Solution TKA
  3. 3. http://www.indonusaagromulia.com/index.php
  4. 4. Magic Mobility Solution Thank You Inodesain Jayautama Mandiri Innovative Design Center
  5. 5. Thank You Inodesain Jayautama Mandiri Innovative Design Center