websockets elastic load balancer Sergio @ coursebase.co

Ijaws2014 - websockets, elb and security

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websocketselastic load balancer

Sergio @ coursebase.co

New analytics features


After (engine=websocket)

X-Forwarded-For: Ip, Ip, ...

X-Forwarded-For: Ip, Ip, ...

PROXY protocol (30/07/2013)

1) Read ELB doc for enable with ‘aws elb’

PROXY PROTOCOL (TCP4 or TCP6)remoteAddress ( ( (34567)proxyPort (80)\r\n

2) Use a library in your API to retrieve this information

Note: socket.io engine “polling” requires “Sticky Session”

Big picture





@TODO Use SPDY (move SSL into API)

Is your ec2ip:80 visible ?

Proof of concept

$ cat proxy.txt

PROXY TCP4 ijaws2014 ec2ip 80 80\r\nGET /x/ HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: curl/7.35.0\r\nHost: ec2ip\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n\r\n$ cat proxy.txt | nc ec2ip 80

ElasticSearch - @ip spoofed


OWASP Top 10 (2013)

A01 - InjectionA02 - Broken Authentication and Session ManagementA03 - Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)A04 - Insecure Direct Object ReferencesA05 - Security MisconfigurationA06 - Sensitive Data ExposureA07 - Missing Function Level Access ControlA08 - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)A09 - Using Components with Known VulnerabilitiesA10 - Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards

AWS Security rules

(don’t hardcode ips, use security groups)

Questions?Sergio @ coursebase.co