IBAMA Plugins for QGIS Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources COTIG – Coordination of Geotechnology Overview Demand: High use of images satellite for monitoring Solution: Server: Delivery of images by TMS Plugins: Quickly change the visibility of the target image. Get automatic images from interest area Show image in others window. http://www.ibama.gov.br July 2015 Luiz Motta

IBAMA Plugins July/2015

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IBAMA Plugins for QGISBrazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources

COTIG – Coordination of Geotechnology


● Demand: High use of images satellite for monitoring

● Solution:● Server: Delivery of images by TMS● Plugins:

● Quickly change the visibility of the target image.● Get automatic images from interest area● Show image in others window.

http://www.ibama.gov.br July 2015 Luiz Motta

Delivery of images by TMS● Processing of ~57K Rapideye images.Every day are processed Landsat images.

● Use the script(shell and Python) forcreate TMS and GDAL_WMS files [1].

[1] https://github.com/lmotta/scripts-for-gis

Quickly change the visibility of the target image

● Plugin: Toggle Active Layer [1]

● Simple tool for change the visibility of active layer.

● When pressing button mouse in map canvas, change the visibility of active layer.

● It is used for see difference with layers below of active layer

[1] http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/toggleactivelayer_plugin/

Get automatic images from interest area.

● Plugin: Catalog on the fly [1]

● Search for catalog layer in current project● Fields: Date(not mandatory) and address of each image*Address: local image or GDAL_WMS for Internet

● Geometry: Footprint of image (polygon layer)

● Get images where intersect with extent map canvas. Use the features geometry of catalog layer for query.

[1] https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/catalogotf_plugin/ - V. 1.0

It is not mandatory. The field is date type

Local file, or, Internet by address for WMS_GDAL, prefix = http and suffix = .xml

Get automatic images from interest area.

● Check the layer, to search images where intersect with map canvas.

● Create a “group” for add new images (name layer - Catalog)

Reverse order by date or name image

Get automatic images from interest area.

● Buttons for seach features in map canvas:

● Run for all.

● Run for selected.

● Cancel

● Waiting cancel

Get automatic images from interest area.

● Create contex menu for each image in catalog group:● Zoom to● Highlight

WMS_GDAL need have the TAG <TargetWindow>, this TAG is not standard.TargetWindow: Extent of image.

Get automatic images from interest area.

Show image in other window

● Plugin: Auxiliary Window [1]● Open the new window with select layers in main window.

● Auxiliary window is synchronize with main window.● Can show, hide and remove layer● Add new selected layers from main● Select the layer in main window from the auxiliary window.

● Can see the cursor and extent main map.

[1] http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/auxiliarywindow_plugin/

Show image in other window

Toggle with main window:1) Synchronization2) Cursor3) Extent

Actions:4) Highlight extent in main window5) Scale factor from main window6) Set scale this window for main

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 3 4 5

Selected layers:1) Show2) Hide3) Remove

4) Add from main window the selected layers

5) Select current layer in main window from current layer in auxiliary window.

Show image in other window

Show image in other window

Show image in other window

Show image in other window