How Midjournal Use Clojure? Presented by Asep Bagja Priandana Twitter: @bepituLaz

How Midjournal Use Clojure?

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Page 1: How Midjournal Use Clojure?

How Midjournal Use Clojure?Presented by Asep Bagja Priandana

Twitter: @bepituLaz

Page 2: How Midjournal Use Clojure?

What is Midjournal?We are a new form of media company that embrace long form journalism for Indonesia middle-class.Everyone can be a writer, but your writing will be curated by our editor.

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Midjournal A Year Ago

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Midjournal Now(in Production)

Read Only (JSON)

Read and Write

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Midjournal Now (in Development)

Read and Write


Read Only

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Why Clojure?Functional programmingComposable (No need full stack framework)It’s LispOn top of JVMProject automation with LeiningenREPL

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Clojure is Still Not For Geniuses (Like Me)

(function argument argument and-argument whatever-argument)

That syntax above covers a solid 90% Clojure code. A few more things for writingClojure code are:

; a comment



“a string”

[a vector]

{:a map}

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Library in Our Clojure Application

Compojure is a routing libraryEnlive is a selector-based templating libraryMidpress is our open-sourced libraryRing is HTTP server abstraction library

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Let’s tear it down!

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CompojureIt's a small HTTP routing library for Ring that allows web applications to be composed of small, independent parts.

Sample routing:

(GET “/user/:id” [id] (str “<h1>Hello ” id “</h1>”))

Compojure supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, and HEAD.

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EnliveThe magical templating library.

The HTML from front-end developer:

<h2 class="title">The Dummy Title</h2>

The Clojure code to transform the above HTML code:

(deftemplate tpl-home "home.html” [home-data] [:h2.title] (content (:title home-data)))

It will render on the front-end

<h2 class="title">The Title From Database</h2>

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MidpressOur open-sourced library for interacting with WordPress WP-API(https://github.com/Midjournal/midpress)

Sample code:(the-loop {:url "http://yourdomain.com/wp-json"})

It will transform JSON string from WP-API into Clojure's vector and map data structure.

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Ring is a Clojure web applications library inspired by Python's WSGI and Ruby's Rack.

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How Do You Deploy The Application?