GETTING READY FOR CTO, Rangle.io Yuri Takhteyev Some rights reserved - Creative Commons 2.0 by-sa ANGULAR 2

Getting ready for Angular 2

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CTO, Rangle.io

Yuri Takhteyev

Some rights reserved - Creative Commons 2.0 by-sa


What’s Angular 2, Anyway?

• A new front end framework inspired by Angular 1.x

• And by other things also

• Now in “alpha”

What is Angular 2?

Image by mtaphotos

The Context• Angular 1.x and it’s challenges

• Components: Web components, React JS

• Reactive programming: ReactJS, Flux, FRP

• ES6 Classes + annotations

• Strong typing: TypeScript, Flow

• ES6 modules

The View and the Event System

What Angular 1.x Gave Us• A view synchronization system

• Modules with DI

• Utilities

Angular 1’s View Synchronization• Declarative

• Separation between templates and code

• Two-way data binding

• Stateful

• Using nested $scopes

Alternative: Components• ReactJS

• Web components

• Doable with “controller as” and isolated directives

• Business logic goes into services

Alternative: Unidirectional Flow• ReactJS: better performance, procedural, merges HTML and code

• Flux: easier to reason about complex data flow

• Key idea: events instead of state

• Perhaps even better: FRP

What Angular 2 Promises• Still very declarative

• 3 types of directives: components, decorators, templates

• Support for unidirectional data flow

• Three models: stateful, reactive, immutable

• Componentized: no more $digest cycle

• Controllers folded into components

An Angular 2 Template

<foo [bar]=“x+1” (baz)=“doSomething()”> Hello.</foo>

Angular 2 Template

<button [disabled]=“!inputIsValid” (click)=“authenticate()”> Login</foo>

Angular 2 Template

<amazing-chart [series]=“mySeries” (drag)=“handleDrag()”/>

Classes + Annotations

ES6 Classes

class Widget { name; constructor() { name = 'No name'; } setName(newName) { name = newName; } getName() { return name; }}

Classes in Angular 2• Components are classes (a bit like “controller as”)

• Services are classes

Component as a Class

class LoginFormComponent { constructor() { }

validate(field, value) { this[field] = value; this.inputIsValid = (!!this.username && !!this.password); }

authenticate(username, password) { // tbd }}

Component Template

Enter username:<input #username name="username" (keyup)="validate('username', username.value)"><br>

Password:<input #password type="password" name="password" (keyup)="validate('password', password.value)"><br>

<button id="login-button" (click)="authenticate" [disabled]="!!inputIsValid">Login</button>

Annotations in ES5

LoginFormComponent.annotate = [ new Component({ selector: 'acme-login-form' }), new View({ templateUrl: 'authenticate.html', })];

In AtScript / TypeScript / ES7*

@Component({ selector: 'acme-login-form'})@View({ templateUrl: 'authenticate.html',})class LoginFormComponent { ...}



class LoginFormComponent { name: string; inputIsValid: boolean; username: string; password: string; ...

validate(field:string, value:string) { ... }

Types and DI

constructor(someService: SomeService) { ...}


@Injectableclass SomeService { name; constructor() {} setName(newName) { this.name = newName; } getName() { return this.name; }}


Angular 1.x• ES5 has no modules

• Angular 1’s modules do not provide much isolation

• Alternative: CommonJS (easy but synchronous only)

• Alternative: AMD (asynchronous but complicated)

• Neither really solves Angular 1’s module problem

Going Forward• ES6 introduces the concept of module

• Easy

• Asynchronous when you want it to be

• Angular 2 is leveraging it

• Use SystemJS to load ES6 modules today

• TypeScript introduces a few quirks

Using ES6 Modules

import {Injectable} from 'angular2/di';import {Component, View} from ‘angular2/angular2';...export {SomeService, SomeOtherService};

Trying Angular 2

Playground Projects• https://github.com/SekibOmazic/angular2-playground (elaborate, but uses Traceur)

• https://github.com/angular/ts-quickstart (uses TypeScript, but very bare)

Docs• https://angular.io/ (not much there yet)

• https://www.youtube.com/user/ngconfvideos

• http://bit.ly/ngdocs (design docs, go here to deep-dive)

But What Do We Do Now?

Get Started on ES6 or TypeScript• Babel or Traceur are easiest to get started with

• TypeScript is what you’ll probably end up using eventually

• ES5 ⊆ ES6, so your code is already ES6

• Write your controllers and services as ES6 classes

ES5 Controller

angular.module('myapp') .controller(['authService', function(authService) { var vm = this; vm.authenticate = function(username, password) { authService.authenticate(username, password) .then(function() { // do something }); }; }]);

ES6 Controller

angular.module('myapp') .controller(['authService', class LoginFormComponent { constructor(authService) { this.authService = authService; } authenticate(username, password) { this.authService.authenticate(username, password) .then(() => /* do something */); } }]);

Consider Modules Too

export class LoginFormComponent { constructor(authService) { this.authService = authService; } authenticate(username, password) { this.authService.authenticate(username, password) .then(() => /* do something */); }}


import {LoginFormComponent} from 'some/path';

angular.module('myapp') .controller(['authService', LoginFormComponent]);

Organize Your Code as Components• Use isolated directives with “Controller as”

• If your controller is written as an ES6 class, you are getting close to Angular 2 controllers.

ES5 “Controller As” Directive

.directive('acme-user', function () { return { restrict: 'E', scope: { nextName: '@' }, bindToController: true, template: ‘...', controllerAs: ‘vm', controller: function() { var vm = this; vm.name = 'Alice'; vm.change = function() { vm.name = vm.nextName; } } };});

ES5 “Controller As” Directive

controller: function() { var vm = this; vm.name = 'Alice'; vm.change = function() { vm.name = vm.nextName; }},


controller: class AcmeUserComponent { constructor() { this.name = 'Alice'; } change() { this.name = this.nextName; }}

Consider Using the New Router• Angular 1.4 introduces a new router

• It promises to allow use of Angular 1.x and Angular 2 state controllers side by side.

Consider Flux Architecture• Unidirectional data flow can simplify your architecture

• In Angular 2, use of reactive architecture will also speed things up


Yuri Takhteyev



CTO, Rangle.io