Fix ‘Display driver stopped responding and has recovered’ error in Windows 10/ 8/ 7/ XP/ Vista

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Complaints from reporters

- I keep getting ‘Display driver stopped responding and has recovered’ error when I play games in my Lenovo computer

- The message ‘Display driver Intel HD graphic drivers for Windows 8(R) stopped responding and has successfully recovered’ showing on the task-tab every 3 minutes.

- My Windows 10 screen goes black and then the message ‘display driver stopped responding and has recovered’ appears

- The error of ‘display driver stopped responding and has recovered’ looks like the second page on the attached PDF if the browser is open.

- When I click on a folder, download or upload a file, Windows 7 shows ‘display driver stopped responding and has recovered’ on the right corner of the task-tab

There are four reasons causing this error.

- Your video/ graphic/ display drivers are outdated, broken or corrupted.

- There are many programs or applications running at the same time.

- The GPU takes more time than permitted to display graphics, which also called GPU timeout.

- The GPG gets overheating.

• Solution 1: Update the graphic drivers

• Solution 2: Close some programs Running in the background

• Solution 3: Increase the GPU processing time

Use Driver Talent to check if the graphic driver is the certain reason. Driver Talent is designed to scan, update, backup, restore and reinstall or uninstall the Windows drivers you need to. It is powerful and professional to deal with the various driver problems.

Do not run too many programs or applications or browsers simultaneously, or the computer or laptop performance could slow down. Please try to close some of them.

Sometimes ‘display driver stopped responding and has recovered’ occurs when you are using a specific file, program, or application. End or reinstall it to check if the issue is resolved.

- Click ‘Start’ -> type ‘regedit’ -> double-click on regedit.exe from the results list

- Browse to and click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers

- On the ‘Edit’ menu Click ‘New’ -> select DWORD (32-bit) or DWORD (64-bit) value -> Type TdrDelay as the name and click Enter -> double click on TdrDelay and type 8 fro the Value data and Click OK.