A Practical Approach for Generic Bootkit Detection and Prevention Bernhard Grill, Christian Platzer, Jürgen Eckel Vienna University of Technology, IKARUS Security Software GmbH [email protected]

[EuroSec 2014] A Practical Approach for Generic Bootkit Detection and Prevention

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Slides for my talk at EuroSec 2014 in Amsterdam on our paper "A Practical Approach for Generic Bootkit Detection and Prevention". For details on the paper or me checkout http://www.iseclab.org/people/bgrill/

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A Practical Approach for Generic Bootkit Detection and Prevention

Bernhard Grill, Christian Platzer, Jürgen EckelVienna University of Technology, IKARUS Security

Software GmbH

[email protected]

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About This Talk

● Master student at the Secure Systems Lab @ Vienna University of Technology → http://www.iseclab.org/people/bgrill/

● Still ongoing research → preliminary results

● Feedback / improvement ideas / discussion is very welcome! :)

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● Background (Objectives, Boot Process, Bootkits)

● System Overview & Detection Heuristics

● Implementation

● Preliminary Evaluation

● Limitations & Evasion Techniques

● Future Work & Open Questions

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Background- Objectives- Boot Process- Bootkits

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● Develop system to detect and prevent bootkit attacks

● Integrate with existing security measures like DEP, ASLR, AV, IDS,…

● Capable of detecting 0-days

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Boot Process Overview

boot process overview on BIOS / MBR based systems

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● “Bootkit” is a combination of the terms “boot” and “rootkit”

● Bootkits are a very aggressive kind of malware deeply infecting the system

● Bootkits interfere with the boot process to gain control before the kernel starts (and is able to protect itself)

● Target is to infect the kernel and gain kernel-level privileges

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Bootkit Behavior

boot process with infected bootloader (BL)

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System Overview & Used Detection Heuristics

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System Overview

● System consists of two major components (driver, detection engine)

● Driver triggers detection engine on write requests to hard disk areas containing boot code or data

● Engine emulates and monitors the system boot process during normal system operation

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System Overview

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Used Detection Heuristics

1) Disk access heur: bootkits store config & code at the end of the hard disk → we define loading content from the disk's end during boot process as malicious

2) Self-modifying code heur: self-modifying code is prohibited

3) Decryption routine heur: loops with large iteration counts performing certain instructions are prohibited

4) Hook heur: Modifying the interrupt vector table (IVT) during boot process is forbidden. To the best of our knowledge, this step is mandatory for bootkits.

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● Implemented the system for Windows

● Kernel-level driver + user-land detection engine based on a custom system emulator

● Whitelisting for benign boot processes to avoid false-positives

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● System partially implemented

• Driver PoC

• Necessary emulator adoptions finished

• Finished heuristics: decryption loop heur, disk read access heur, hooking heur

• Todo: self modifying code heur, recovery module

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Preliminary Evaluation- Driver Performance Evaluation- Engine Evaluation

- Decryption Loop Filter- Disk Read Request Filter

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Driver Performance Evaluation

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Engine Evaluation

● Leaked Carberp bootkit was used for first evaluation

● Let's check the results of the implemented heuristics

– Decryption loop filter

– Disk read access filter

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decryption loop heuristic output

Engine Evaluation

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disk read request heuristic output

Engine Evaluation

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Limitations & Evasion Techniques

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● No UEFI support -> fundamentally different from BIOS/MBR boot process

● No GPT (GUID Partition Table) support yet -> will be included later

● BIOS- and Hive-based bootkits not detected (but they are very rare)

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Evasion Techniques

● Driver / engine detection by full disk search (before infection)

● Driver / engine removal (assuming sufficient permissions & system restart) → self protection

● Environment detection during emulation (CPU, HDD model,…)

● Instruction counter exhausting (due to limited amount of emulated instructions) → emulate until kernel starts

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Evasion Techniques on Heuristics

● Disk read access heur: store bootkits‘ code and data in unsuspicious areas, e.g. not at hdd‘s end (risky, due to accidential overwrites by OS)

● Self-modifying code & decryption loop heur: refrain from using such code -> prone to pattern-based detection

● Interrupt hook filter: to the best of our knowledge, every bootkit performs interrupt hooking to regain control after executing original code -> conjecture part of future work

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Future Work & Open Questions

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Future Work

● Implement missing parts

● Perform larger evaluation with different malware families

● Check whether every bootkit relies on interrupt hooking

● Check whether benign boot processes trigger false positives -> if not, remove white-listing

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● Developed bootkit detection & prevention engine

● Based on boot process emulation and virtual machine introspection (VMI) to separate benign form malicious boot processes

● Prepared a demo if you're interested

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Open Questions

● How to detect self-modifying code in x86? No, checking w+x on memory is not sufficient :)

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[email protected]